Bender and the Seven Noobs Part: 5
*At the poopgeon*
Bender: Hey brown! how are you doing?
brownnoob: Bender! Why are you doing this? I know sometimes you like to annoy people but you wouldn't harm anyone!
B: Is that so? I have always been bent on world domination. Now that Mateusz is gone I can finally become the ruler of pastel land!
brown: You sick bastard! You are going to use the leche to brainwash everyone to serve you, aren't you?
B: Oh brown... You think you are so smart but you are too blinded by your ego to see the truth. The truth was always in the open but you neglected it. You made me do this!
brown: How so?!
B: Oh you will see... YOU WILL SEE! Guards! Lock the cell!
*Bender leaves*
*Meanwhile at 17A*
bluenoob: What the hell is going on?! Why are you locked inside a wardrobe Bender?! If that is really you!
Bender: Trust me I am the real Bender.
blue: Then who is the other guy?
B: I don't know..... some psychopath.... I assume that he is actually Mateusz.
blue: Why him?
B: You know Frank's death and all that.
blue: Oh yeah.. So how do we stop him?
B: I have been working on an Anti-Mateusz ray in case something like this happened. I need to you get a wisdom gem from the storage room while I go get the ray.
blue: Got it! Where is the storage?
B: It is right over there. Meet me outside the main office.
blue: All righty!
*Inside the storage room*
bluenoob: Hmmm let see... "OIV+ mushrooms", "Glittering poop", "Bunny food", "Sublevelium (S-238 Isotope)", "Adult magazines (DO NOT TOUCH)", "Useless floating glowing gems" Hmmm... This must be it.
*blue takes a gem*
bluenoob: Wow these gems look super valuable. I could get all kinds of poop with those...
*blue takes lots of gems*
bluenoob: Oh I almost forgot!
*blue takes an adult magazine*
bluenoob: "Naked Bunnies"? This looks like some hardcore stuff. Hmm. "Including 5 never seen before photos of Sublevel". Oh that's good... "Adventures of Frank the bunny"? Wow! Bender sure loves bunnies.
blue: Damn this guy has some issues...
*Meanwhile at Research and Development*
Engineer Kakama: Sir, what are you doing here?
Bender: I am here to pick up the anti-Mateusz ray. Going to take it to a test drive..
K: But sir it is not yet ready.
B: I don't care.
K: But sir!
B: Do you want to get fired you cyborg.. uhhh.... cyborg garbage eating... uh.. Son of a... uhh Cyborg?!?
K: No sir.. Here it is.
B: Thank you!
*Suddenly Error 3113 comes inside*
Error3113: Sir we have located the other noob!
B: Excellent! Bring him to me!
*Guards bring bluenoob to bender*
bluenoob: Bender I don't understand!
Bender: I don't need the assistance of no noob. I have been hunting you guys for years. Finally I got all of you at the same place!
*Bender takes the wisdom gem from blue*
Bender: Thanks for breaking me out of that closet...
Take him and all the other noobs to the poopgeon!
Error3113: Yes sir!
B: Mwhahahahaha!
B: Now to take on Mateusz!
*To be concluded at the next part*
Sublevel: Hey Ernie look! There are 2 benders now...
Enihcambus: Sublevel! Have been taking my pills again?
S: Yeah...
E: Sublevel for the last time! They are not headache pills! They are for something else...
S: Sorry
E: Just get back to the monitor. I don't want to lose my job because of you..
And I don't want to lose you
E: That is not going to happen Sublevel..
S: Did you hear that?!?!?!
E: All the time!
E: Calm down Sublevel.. You will find someone better than me.
*Sublevel starts to cry*
E: *facepalm*
E: Hey look! You are on the cover of this month's Naked Bunnies! When did that happen!
S: Well I needed some money.
E: Ohh myyyy gooooddd! This is gold! I have to call Vortex!
*beep beep*
Vortex: Hey this is Vortex.
E: Hey Vortex did you get this month's Naked Bunnies? They go Sublevel on the cover! Can you believe that!?!
V: ...
E: ...
V: ...
E: ...
V: You are into that stuff?
E: Umm... Yeah..
V: Goddammit Ernesto I thought you were a descent person!
E: Well we all have weird hobbies...
V: Do not talk to me again you sick bastard!
E: Vortex! Wait I can explain!
*beep beep beep*
I love you...
S: ....
E: ...
S: ...
E: ...
S: What the hell was that?
E: uhh.. Nothing!
S: Haha you are in love with VorteXD! I am telling everyone!
E: If you do that I will tell everyone that you love me!
S: In that case I will tell everyone that you are into bunnies!
E: Is that so? Then I am going to tell everyo.........
- Error
- Error
- Trying to reboot...
- ...
- ...
- Error code: 3113
- Restarting system
- You have a message from Dr. Gilbert
- Opening message....
"Bender what have I told you about the gay stuff? Naked Bunnies??? What kind of a twisted, sick witchcraft is that? You disgust me...*
- End of transmission!