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Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 17:30
by gil2455526

Also, I might be able to help with Development if a certain series of events happen.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 17:35
by Vortex
thanks Gil!

a) - 8
b) - 8
c) - 10
d) - 11
e) - 10
f) - 7
g) - 16

btw, I'm glad you all think I'm doing the right thing. it's hard to know what to do when you've never confronted this as a project leader, but it just seemed the most logical thing to try, after the diversity of opinions :)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 20:42
by Boingo

Anyone else left?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 20:59
by Vortex
a) - 13
b) - 12
c) - 16
d) - 14
e) - 12
f) - 7
g) - 17

I don't know, abacus said he wanted to vote too, but if he or anyone else doesn't answer tomorrow we can finish the voting.

EDIT: we can talk about another aspect of the story if you want, now that this one is more or less solved.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 04 Aug 2013 21:20
by Ancient Crystal
Hey..... Both A, B and E are yours, boingo.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 05:08
by Boingo
No, they are not.
And you said both, but mentioned three. :) (unless you meant '[both this and this'] and this')
E is most definitely Babylon's.
A was suggested by the group/by someone else, I expanded it into f)
B: Ditto, was expanded unto f) as well.
So...I don't think so.

So, this is deciding the conspiracy, right? So when that's sorted, we then know the setting? (I assume we are happy with the weapon being 'mentioned' a lot, and the conspiracy revolving around it in a way, but not actually going into scientific detail?)
And then we can write out the full backstory in all its splendour?
And then the storyboards?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 06:56
by Ancient Crystal
Can we really close the poll before Vortex has made his vote?

Also, unlike politics, scientific detail is easy to convey in a setting like ours. And it adds hardness, which at least I find desireable to an extent.

And yes, unless vortex votes an already written theory to the top, now comes the actual writing. Should we decide a writer, or all write our own and then choose one?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 07:14
by Boingo
Yeah. The latter, methinks.
And we must make sure we don't attempt to deviate (looking at myself)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 07:17
by Ancient Crystal
Then I suppose we'll just have to wait for Vortex.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Aug 2013 08:13
by The Abacus
7 - g
6 - c
5 - b
4 - a
3 - e
2 - f
1 - d