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Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 01:24
OnyxIonVortex wrote:I'm still undecided, if Mateusz named that track "church" he probably had a reason. no?
Mateusz named the track? I thought it was ThumbMonks.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 07:16
by Vortex
but it is Mateusz who describes the location, no?

Perhaps we can ask him.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 13:17
by Anonymous2
Maybe in Submachine, Church has a different meaning than it does in our world. Submachine is host to many things much differently than ours. Floating buildings, portals that can take you long distances.

I liken it to any race or culture whose words and meanings are different than our own.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 17 Apr 2015 23:27
by Jatsko
It just seems weird though, that a mosque would be a church while other things are what you would expect them to be. Sewers are sewers. A lighthouse is a lighthouse.


Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 18 Apr 2015 07:15
by Pulsaris
I insist the name "church".

I do not think the building at Layer 2 has deviated too much from Byzantine architecture. It sure looks like a mosque but there are still two things which are off, namely the floor and the spherical dome. Especially Islamic architecture does not use a spherical dome on the outside (they often make it pointy). It actually looks like Hagia Sophia to me.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 18 Apr 2015 12:51
by Jatsko
Wow, I forgot completely about the Hagia Sophia.

Maybe Layer 2 is simply one of those places that's a direct mix of two different cultures. (Like the 32 Chambers)

The building we see could easily be just a hybrid of a mosque and a basilica that has church-like structures on the outside and mosque-like structures on the inside. The arches and walls are clearly Islamic, but the dome and the floor are clearly those of a church.

EDIT: However, I do not withdraw my statement. :shock: I still think "Cardinal Mosque" is appropriate and give equal representation to both cultures involved.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 14:46
by Jatsko
I noticed that Submachine 8: the Plan has a capital P now. So any theories associated with the lowercase p are gone, I guess.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 16:02
by Sublevel 114
good notice!

and.. I'm confused now :?

it seems there was no meaning.
and Mati just wrote it with small letter...


now it can be location name

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 20:24
by - ak -
Sublevel 104 wrote:good notice!

and.. I'm confused now :?

it seems there was no meaning.
and Mati just wrote it with small letter...


now it can be location name
It's already a location name.

Actually... it is the name for Sector 9 where access to the Temple is located in Layer 5.

You can pretty sure bet that the Exit is the location's name as well.

Re: Submachine 8: the Plan

Posted: 26 Jun 2015 20:43
by Vortex
It's more consistent with the rest of the series that way :)