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Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:33
by Boingo
Implying that you act like a five year old,perhaps?
Or have I seen too many "insults" on this forum that I'm really starting to find ones that don't exist?
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:41
by The Abacus
I don't know
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:42
by Boingo
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:50
by The Abacus
Boingo wrote:Domination!
I can see that – almost the whole first page of General Discussion
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:53
by Boingo
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 14:29
by The Kakama
I think he was making a joke?
No, it was an honest question.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 29 Apr 2013 17:37
by Sublevel 114
And you post spam and offtop in Dreams thread because... (c)
Re: Dreams
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:00
by Boingo
Domination is my dream...
...last night I dreamt that 60 from kakamas story came along and chucked me into a pit. In the bottom of the pit was slytz, and he turned off the lights.
Then they interrogated me about the plot to blow up the president of the united Snarr. (Don't ask. Yes, that's what you read.)
Then along came traskarz and he knocked me out.
Who knew that they could be so violent?
(I was actually laughing about this after I woke up)
Re: Dreams
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 01:51
by zombyrus
Guys a little while ago I had a dream that I'm pretty sure went lucid for just a short period. I was at my former workplace, an amusement park, with my father. He was making me do some paperwork or something--work, not enjoying the park. I kept trying to tell him how I didn't work there anymore, and after a while I pointed out that it was noon or 12:30 on a Wednesday, and I should have been in school at that time anyway.
At that point, I suddenly realized it was obviously a dream. I immediately walked out and went into the park. I wanted to go have dream-sex with the girl I asked out who turned me down on Valentine's Day, which seems like just a wee bit of an odd choice since I'm about 92% over her and I am almost-dating a different girl now. Anyway, I reasoned that since it was my dream, I knew exactly where to find her, which was at the particular ride where I worked when I worked there.
This is, I believe, the point where the dream stopped being lucid. I got to the ride and, naturally, she was right there, but so was the other girl with whom I am now involved. I didn't really know what to do, but apparently it wasn't very awkward, because all I remember from the rest of the dream is groping both girls' breasts.
10/10 would dream again
Re: Dreams
Posted: 30 Apr 2013 06:54
by Rooster5man
Sounds like a Judd Apatow movie....