Posted: 05 Mar 2013 07:20
*Manufactures his own army*
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
Hey! Bender, i see you are always talking about Sublevel, what he does, where he lives.
I always wondered why, and now i know.
In other words if like to much Sublevel, Why do not you marry him?
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--US army central computer--
user:// Cthulhu:// accessing:// comm satellite4
comm satellite4:// access granted
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// hacking...
comm satellite4:// protocol #456 initiated...
comm satellite4:// accessing internet...
comm satellite4:// access granted
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// ban:// user:// The Engineer
comm satellite4:// user:// The Engineer:// banned
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// access:// Pastel Games
comm satellite4:// access failure: unknown detected
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// scanning...
comm satellite4:// unknown:// submachine
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// unknown:// submachine:// hacking...
user:// Cthulhu:// comm satellite4:// unknown:// submachine:// hack attempt failed
user:// Cthulhu says:// What is this submachine? It is stopping progress. The Bringer of Chaos will not be happy...