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Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 23:06
by Redafro
When I was about 12 or 13 years old, a friend of mine convinced me he was receiving visions from a mythical half elf/half dwarf wizard who was calling us to a quest. I was convinced he was just pulling my leg until he showed me a drawing of a room with three doors and a few other objects in it and said we had to open the doors. This drawing stirred something in me. I had the feeling like I was dreaming, living in a story, or at the edge of some great truth. He drew three symbols as well, one for him, one for me, and one for another of our friends. Somehow all this felt right to me and I believed him and started imagining or actually intuiting ways to solve the problem of the three doors. He claimed to be able to be in this room by a kind of meditation and as I relayed to him my thoughts on how to enter the doors, we began to make progress. If things had played out differently, I think I would have believed him for quite a while, but the puzzle of the 3 doors was solved too quickly and simplistically, and what they revealed was trivial. I finally confronted him and he admitted it was just a game he was playing with me. I'll never forget the feeling that I was approaching a great truth, as well as the feeling I was being taken for a ride. The latter sense still serves me often and I actually find myself longing for the former feeling at times.

I bring all that up to ask if perhaps what you are describing as the Truth which you can't describe to us is like a sense, a feeling, an all encompassing experience which "feels" as if you are approaching the Truth. If so, then I can at least relate to what you are saying to that degree.

The sketch is an interesting symbol. It seems like the circle represents completion or infinity, with darkness (perhaps limitation, or emptiness) surrounding it. It's a very good symbol. Would you say the two are at odds with each other, or is it more of a yen and yang relationship between the two, where one needs the other?

And saying there is meaning in each atom of the page... that sounds more like an experience your having rather than a truth you know. That is what it sounds like to me at least.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 23:39
by Rooster5man
I've had the same experience, Red - When I was 10, my friend (who was 9 at the time) told me he had a ring with a stone that would change colors everytime he completed a "quest." I'm sure it's common for kids to make this stuff up at that age.

However, WorldisQuiet5256 refers to other people who believe in "this truth." If it's so simple for them to see it, why can't the rest of us? Everytime we ask you (WorldisQuiet5256), you say that you cannot explain. This seems improbable if you know so much on the subject.

Let's go back to your "The Plan" example: If we questioned Mur enough, I'm sure he would reveal the Plan, even though we may not fully understand it.

Point being: If you have knowledge about the subject, why is it so difficult for you to share this information? Are you indeed being like RedAfro's friend where you're making this up as you go along? If you indeed know this truth, you should be able to easily (or try to) tell us. Don't show us the image again, now is your chance to explain.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 01:31
by WorldisQuiet5256
Rooster5man wrote: Let's go back to your "The Plan" example: If we questioned Mur enough, I'm sure he would reveal the Plan, even though we may not fully understand it.
I meant the drawing with the Dots on it, connecting to the Line.

Your friend have gotten to a fraction of that same truth.

I am able to work with my body in more than one way.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 01:38
by Rooster5man
"Drawing the dots?" Instead of answering in riddles, please say what you're trying to tell us.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 02:45
by WorldisQuiet5256
The paper in Sub 8, where it said, "when I ask him what the plan was, he drew me this."

I'm saying with this truth, I understood that drawing, it gave everything in a nutshell. The complicated things are more simple to me than certain simple things in life.

I long for the Simple things.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 03:03
by Rooster5man
And I long for an answer.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 03:13
by Raxas
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Its more complex than it looks.

With this truth, Complexes things are more simple to me than certain simple things in life. Like the movie the Ring. It made more senses to me like that (snap fingers) than something else that I was dealing with, which was more simpler.

Trust me, Its got more meaning than what your seeing.

From now, I can't try to describe it. All my explanation are depleted.
There's an academic saying that goes "If you can't explain [insert topic here] to the average person, you don't fully understand it."
Not that there's anything wrong with not fully understanding it. You learn something new every day. I'm just saying that by exploring this truth, you may find that our vocabulary is not as limited as you initially suspected.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 09:46
by Vurn
I am the sole keeper of the most Absolute and Greatest Truth. Disregard that false prophet.
My mind harbors all answers to any questions whatsoever, whether they are about the meaning of life or about the Universe's deepest secrets. Ask away, foolish mortals.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 10:19
by The Kakama
We get it, but it isn't nice to mock people, whether they are wrong or not.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 10:21
by Redafro
Ok, I think I have something. I've not been able to sleep for the past few hours and my mind has been in a half conscious state that has helped me put some things together. So, WorldisQuiet, here is my suggestion: I think perhaps what you are experiencing is not knowledge per se, but a way of seeing. I don't think you are knowing the Truth, perhaps not even a part of it, but you are getting into that mind set by which the mind can see things more clearly. Since you aren't actually knowing what you are seeing, you can't explain it to us. But it seems to me that you are experiencing something like a wider view.

Let me try to build that idea up.

The unconscious mind is an extremely powerful processor of data, able to calculate in seconds things our aware mind cannot even begin to grasp. When I was in college for a painting and sculpture degree, the only way I was really successful at anything was when I stopped trying to plan and just let my unconscious mind do the work. Unfortunately I then had to convince my teachers I knew what I was doing. XP What my unconscious mind was doing in those moments was pushing my conscious mind towards solutions on at least two levels: the visual level, that things look good, and the symbolic level, that content was suggestive. To clarify, my unconscious mind didn't necessarily have knowledge, it had a way of perceiving solutions which it suggested to my conscious mind; it used my knowledge as a database from which it processed solutions, but it itself is not a "know-er"... in my opinion. This also happens the other way around when I'm reading/watching/playing the best stories (books/movies/games/etc.). My unconscious mind tends to signal me about deeper themes or "codes" as you put it in the stories that move me the deepest. These themes add up towards a Greater Story, a Truth if you will, though to know the Truth is impossible as it is too large, but sometimes I can get glimpses of its parts; sometimes I can be in the right mindset to perceive some part of it. Imagine every person's experience, every story, song, art work, etc is like a multicolored thread stretching through space. On the one hand, the entire spread of threads is the Truth, or part of it at least, but on another level, there are patches on some threads, or across many threads, which represent the larger whole though they are not the Truth itself. By the Truth, I mean reality, and the patterns of reality: all of it, and whatever purpose it might have or is making. Many stories (be they movies, books, music, or someone's life) completely miss any mention of the larger Truth, as in to comment on its nature or the larger pattern of it, but they are a part of the Truth itself. Others catch a glimpse of the pattern of the Truth, or some large aspect of it. And still others attempt to define the pattern of Truth itself, though none can encompass the whole thing except the whole itself. The Truth is the Truth and nothing else, though I think there are patterns in the Truth which we can symbolically point to and come to some understanding of, thus understanding something of the larger Truth without actually knowing the Truth. And there is also the perceiving of the patterns with the unconscious mind.

My problem with you, WorldisQuiet, is that your perceptions of the Truth and your reactions to them and us here on the forums is... well... naive... or perhaps undisciplined is the word. I'm willing to believe you have come across this way of perceiving, but you mistake the perception for knowledge, and worse, you get so enamored and addicted to your capacity to perceive that you completely miss other portions of the Truth, like the need to communicate clearly to other humans. ;) The capacity to perceive ought to inform our life, not become our life. If it becomes your life, you could easily loose your life. My suggestion is what it has been and what many others have said: improve yourself. You lack emotional and mental discipline. If you gather these THEN you can wield your capacity to perceive like a Jedi Knight, or a Samurai Master.

Does that make sense? Does it resonate with you?