The Abacus wrote:
WiQ wrote:Its just their 7 main layer counterparts.
Mateusz said that there is (was?) only one Murtaugh, Elizabeth and most likely every other human being (and living thing?). The seven layers are not strictly parallel dimensions: they do unite at the knot, but are separate otherwise.
Yes there is only One Elizabeth and Murtuagh.
And again, you misunderstood what I mean by "Counterparts".
There is only one Murtuagh and Elizabeth, but the Power Murtaugh obtained.
There are actually 7 or 8 Murtuaghs.
Cause how Murtuagh was given his powers was Shiva made duplicates of him. One in each layer.
The same applies to any of us having a counterpart version of ourselves in a parallel universe.
The Miracle wrote:
When Murtaugh put his arm into the waterfall, he noticed that he no longer had an arm, but seven of them. That was not something unexpectable.
What is a miracle, though, is that after he removed his arm from the waterfall - he still could see all seven layers of his left arm.
Not longer after that he understood, that focusing them all in one place created a portal. That was because all of his arms from all of the layers met at one place and caused he interdimensional karma flow at his fingertips.
I highlighted my point. Also, the last word Fingertips, I notice a point of logic in that word. Particularly the "s". Which meant more than one. How could Murtaugh "Feel" the karma flow at his invisible fingertips? My point is that his counterpart in layer 1-7, not counting layer 3, merge with him after he took his left Arm out of the Waterfall.
Cause the way I see it, the Murtaugh from Layer 3 was born without a left arm. He had more of a stub without a hand instead. But his Counterparts in layer 1-7 were born with a left arm with a hand and at some point in their lives they put their left hand in the same waterfall as the Murtaugh from Layer 3.
Impossible wrote:
- But that's impossible! He can't be in different dimensions at the same time!
- Impossible? What does that even mean?...
Again, two different people in the same location.
Vanishing act wrote:
- Where are you?
- I'm standing right beside you. Can't you see me?
- No.
- Let's compare our geotags once more.
- Something's off. We are at the same location. But...
- Where are you?
The only thing that separates Murtaugh, Elizabeth, and Sir Henry O'Toole from the rest of the average Joes who live in the Submachine is that they don't have a counterpart in another layer.
Only Murtaugh, Elizabeth, and Sir Henry O'Toole had counterparts in all of the other 7 main layers of reality.
A comparison would be where the infinite number of parallel universes to Earth, in which some of them, our counterparts in another layer either was not born, or simple died at some point in the future or past.
But...when we play Submachine 10, the Exit. I think, or at least I assume we will be taking several steps backwards before we take our final step forward. Like my Submachine End Story, the only reason I think this is cause of how we went back to the Mover in Submachine 9.
Also because of this fact about layer 8:
Layers wrote:
- There are seven main layers of reality.
- Yes, that's common knowledge.
- But there is another layer. The one often misinterpreted as the layer of time.
- If it's not time, what is it then?
- That's the layer of Light. You see, when you move through the field of atoms frozen in time, the friction causes them to emit visible light. It's everywhere you move. It's not a guiding light. You're the one who's guiding that light. Where you will go is entirely up to you.
History wrote:
- How is it possible, that people are still coming through the loop and trying to turn off the defense systems? After all these years...
- What would you have me do. Destroy his creation? Destroy the whole section?
- I don't know... Maybe...
- You're talking about destroying our history. What next, book burning?
- No, of course not. But maybe... A sign? That it's no longer necessary to shut down the defenses?
- And what about those in the eighth layer?
- I stand corrected...
But we will still have the navigator with us. But...and this is just an assumption, part of our trip start with us finding a journal with some of the pages from the past Submachine games. I don't know which ones, but that journal will also have a pencil in it, to which we can't use.
But the pencil will write some changes or corrections on some of the notes. The correction will be made by either Murtuagh, Elizabeth, or Sir Henry O'Toole. Like the note pad system from submachine 5. To which everything will be made clear.
But the Exit, I find to be some sort of an exit, there has to be a portal, or a doorway at the end of the game. I have one in mind, and I will post it later. But I can't right now.