Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 26 Mar 2014 16:01
Please wait for my computer to work.
It has some damage and it needs to repair.
It has some damage and it needs to repair.
Sublevel 102 wrote:BTW, when I look at that picture, I again wonder about mystery of MAP symbol.
Sublevel 102 wrote:Another two stupid questions:
1) We so much talked about plan. About boundaries. About that screen in Church (Layer 2) that shows part of room in every layer...
Someone thought that that strange capsule in right part of Layer 1 is Liz's escape pod....
But look again at screen when it shows Layer 1:
Why the hell it shows capsule? Is it part of Plan?
If no... So, in this case, it shows something, placed behind the capsule?
2)When we appears on the Bay (layer 1) at the beginning, we can already see two activated devices. Beamers? And if so, does anyone know, why we can't go to Layer 2 (If we don't activate beamer at th bottom of location)?
Edit: Also, I have just noticed that monitor doesn't show energy coil if we look at screen before picking up the coil...