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Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 19:37
by dVanDaHorns
When the time arrives when I'm in the final stages of coding this thing, if no one else has translated this into French, then I'll add that in. Just don't expect any translations from me, for now! :P

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 19:44
by Vortex
Portuguese translation:
Added to the file. Thanks Gil! :)
When the time arrives when I'm in the final stages of coding this thing, if no one else has translated this into French, then I'll add that in. Just don't expect any translations from me, for now!
Okay :D

wait... are you already coding the menu? :shock:
if so, I can give you the background images.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 19:58
by dVanDaHorns

wait... are you already coding the menu?
if so, I can give you the background images.
Nope, I'm not coding anything right now. xD (Thanks to a very malicious threat by the name of finals that I'm currently in the process of dealing with. :P)
And I still plan on sticking to my idea of "the menu will be coded second-to-last, last being the pre-loader." Just, once the game is done, if no one has added French text yet, then I shall. :P

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:06
by Vortex
Oh, alright XD.

Then what should we do first? The starting rooms or some generic ones for testing?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:24
by dVanDaHorns
OnyxIonVortex wrote:Oh, alright XD.

Then what should we do first? The starting rooms or some generic ones for testing?
Generic ones for testing. I have the side-to-side movement and the forward-back movement fleshed out and finalized already, but I need to still create the pseudo-rotation, so thus it would be nice to have 2-4 rotations of the same room, depending on whether you want 90 or 180 degree rotations.

Once movement's done and I move onto inventory, then that's when you guys can start making the actual rooms, items, etc. (For the most part, I use my own simple test items for the inventory. :P)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:33
by azareus
Danish mode engage:

First row, left image
Chapter 1 - Kapitel 1
Play - Spil
Extras - Ekstra
Instructions – Instruktioner
Achievements – Præstationer
Choose language - Vælg sprog

Middle row, left image
Extras - Ekstra
Early sketches – Tidlige skitser
Sarah’s story – Sarahs historie
Oranges minigame - Appelsinminispil
Full credits – Medhjælpere
<Back - <Tilbage

Bottom row, left
Achievements - Præstationer

Submachine Fan – Submachine-tilhænger
Find the hidden Wisdom Gem. – Find den skjulte Visdomskrystal.

Spelling Nazi – Stavekontrol
Find and click on five spelling errors throughout the game. – Find og tryk på fem stavefejl i spillet.
Not yet unlocked – Ikke opnået
<Previous - <Tidligere
Next> - Næste>

First row, right
Instructions – Instruktioner
Dette er et "peg og tryk" spil. Brug musen til at indsamle og senere bruge forskellige genstande spillet igennem.


Q – skift grafikkvalitet
S – sluk/tænd for lyden
P – skift spiller (kun nær udluftningsgitter)
O – åben indstillingsmenuen
Pause/Break – Sæt spillet på pause/start spillet igen
Esc – Tilbage til hovedmenuen

Tak fordi du spiller!
<Tilbage Spil>

Middle row, right side
Choose language – Vælg sprog
(From left to right, and necessarily with a small first letter)

engelsk, japansk, spansk, russisk, polsk, tysk , portugisisk, kinesisk, fransk, italiensk, finsk, dansk

(Shouldn't the languages be in their native names so people can find them?)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:36
by Vurn
Polish translation:

First row, left image
Chapter 1 - Rozdział 1
Play - Graj
Extras - Extras
Instructions – Instrukcje
Achievements – Osiągnięcia
Choose language - Wybierz język

Middle row, left image
Extras - Extras
Early sketches – Wczesne szkice
Sarah’s story – Historia Sary
Oranges minigame - Minigra w pomarańcze
Full credits – Créditos completos
<Back - < Z powrotem

Bottom row, left
Achievements - Osiągnięcia
Submachine Fan – Fan Submachine
Find the hidden Wisdom Gem. – Znajdź ukryty Klejnot Mądrości.

Spelling Nazi – Nazista ortograficzny
Find and click on five spelling errors throughout the game. – Znajdź i kliknij na 5 błędów w pisowni w grze.
Not yet unlocked – Zablokowane.
<Previous - < Poprzednie
Next> - Następne >

First row, right
Instructions – Instrukcje
PCG to gra point'n'click. Użyj myszki, by znajdować przedmioty i używać ich później w grze.
Skróty klawiaturowe:
Q – Zmień jakość grafiki
S – Włącz/wyłącz dźwięk
P – Zmień gracza (tylko obok otworu wentylacyjnego)
O – Opcje
Pause/Break – Zatrzymaj/wznów grę
Esc - powrót do menu
Dziękujemy za zagranie!
<Z powrotem Graj>

Middle row, right side
Choose language – Wybierz język
(From left to right)

Angielski, japoński, hiszpański, rosyjski, polski, niemiecki, portugalski, chiński, francuski, włoski, fiński, duński
<Z powrotem
azareus wrote: polsk, (not sure what language this is? shouldn't the languages be in their native names so people can find them?) , portugisisk
Omg, don't you see that's a German flag?!
But yeah, the languages should be in their native names.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:38
by azareus
Vurn wrote:
azareus wrote: polsk, (not sure what language this is? shouldn't the languages be in their native names so people can find them?) , portugisisk
Omg, don't you see that's a German flag?!
But yeah, the languages should be in their native names.
No I just copied Antti's post :P

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:40
by Vortex
Generic ones for testing. I have the side-to-side movement and the forward-back movement fleshed out and finalized already, but I need to still create the pseudo-rotation, so thus it would be nice to have 2-4 rotations of the same room, depending on whether you want 90 or 180 degree rotations.

Once movement's done and I move onto inventory, then that's when you guys can start making the actual rooms, items, etc. (For the most part, I use my own simple test items for the inventory. )
Okay then :)

@Vurn and Az: translations added, thanks!

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 13 Dec 2012 20:41
by dVanDaHorns
OnyxIonVortex wrote:
Generic ones for testing. I have the side-to-side movement and the forward-back movement fleshed out and finalized already, but I need to still create the pseudo-rotation, so thus it would be nice to have 2-4 rotations of the same room, depending on whether you want 90 or 180 degree rotations.

Once movement's done and I move onto inventory, then that's when you guys can start making the actual rooms, items, etc. (For the most part, I use my own simple test items for the inventory. )
Okay then :)

@Vurn and Az: translations added, thanks!
And just to check, what DOES the story require, rotation-wise? 90 degree turns?