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Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 23 Feb 2014 01:08
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, redoing the whole thing. The Cassopolis Outpost.
The location stays the same. But the infected and several other aspects are going to change.

For those of you who are interested, I find to rewrite it a bit so its more like Stephen Kings "The Stand". I'm not saying I'm going to steal any of his ideas, I'm just saying I going to work more on originality.

Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 07 Mar 2014 22:01
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, I need some more help with a certain subject.
What I looking for is a 2 type of a real virus.

Virus #1: When it infects someone, despite the symptom it takes the energy of a person and uses it to spread.
When I talk about a person energy, I mean it takes the fat or the protein acquired from food a person eats, and uses it to continue infecting stages.

Virus #2: it has to have some two things. One is that it hard to detect, and it lays "Dormant." inside a person who doesn't even know he/she is infected, until the symptom show. plus it has to be hard to detect, and even harder to test without the proper equipment.

Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 08 Mar 2014 00:31
by The Abacus
Does it have to be a virus? I don't know any viruses with those traits. For first one your probably looking more for some sort of parasite, and for the second something like a prion would be suitable.

Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 08 Mar 2014 01:57
by WorldisQuiet5256
Well, what I am looking for is some germs, bacteria, or something of that kind that would be combined with Rabies to produce a infection that lies dormant inside a person bloodstream without any clear symptoms visible unless you test their blood in a specific way.

This virus would remain dormant until something triggers the virus to come out of its dormant state; To where the victim has the symptoms of Rabies. But the different from the usually kind. The difference being is that in order for the virus to keep the infective people alive, it speed up the process to of the energy consumption.

Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 09 Mar 2014 14:06
by The Abacus
Now that's a massive improvement, especially with that beginning: a hook like that is what will grab the reader's attention. I advise rereading it as there were a few grammatical errors. Try (again) adding some figurative language because while you have good descriptions, you can really enhance it by adding a few metaphors, similes and whatnot. You're getting there. :D

@virus types: unfortunately I can't really help you much here, sorry :(

Re: The Cassopolis Outpost Review

Posted: 09 Mar 2014 18:17
by WorldisQuiet5256
That's okay.
My great mother just help me solve all my problems in a instances.