Guardians Of The Submarine, Chapter 2: Aircraft Rampage
Layer 6
Serrus: Brother! We have news that the TopBall have got NaviOfficer's submarine!
Raxas: WHAT! How is posible? Boingo doesn't has much experience than me, yet he's got his treasures. I'm going to tell a him lesson and take that submarine! I'm going to take my War Zepeline and catch him up!
*Raxas and Serrus go to the hangar and take the War Zepeline*
Raxas: To Layer 3!
*The War Zepeline changes to Layer 3*
Raxas: Now we have to find this guy and take that submarine with us!
Serrus: HAHAHAHA!!!
Layer 3
Subprogram 32: So whats the deal?
NaviOfficer: The TopBall Clan have stolen my submarine, I request your help to retrieve it for me!
Submachine AL: What are you going to give us in Exchange?
Subbot Smasher: Remember we're mercenaries.
NaviOfficer: I'll give you some of the treasures I found under the sea!
Submachine AL: Sounds interesting, I wonder what Submachine relics you have there.
Subprogram 32: OK lets go!
The Subs approach a rocket
Subprogram 32: Okay guys, we are going to take this rocket to get inside TopBall's Aircraft
Subbot Smasher: Will it work?
Subprogram 32: I hope, the fact is that I don't know where we are going to end...
Subhunter: Well, lets do it!
Subprogram 32: Yeah!
The Subs take the rocket, instead of penetrating into the aircraft, they end in the external area
Subprogram 32: Crap!
*The team is surrounded by TopBall assaulters*
TopBall Commando: Intruders! Lets wack them!
Subprogram 32: You're kiding me!
*Subprogram 32 takes his large plasma gun and anihilates the assualters, alarm activates, other TopBall mobs are getting into the area*
Subprogram 32: Sublevel, Subkone, quick!
*Subkone uses his chill breath to freeze the TopBall mobs and Sublevel explodes upon them*
Subprogram 32: Proced!
Meanwhile in the prison cells of the aircraft
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Bender, I don't understand, these are simple iron bar gratings, can't you bend them?
Bender: Of course I can, but...
Benogidni: But what?
Bender: Poop...
Benogidni: *Facepalm*
Bender: Okay...
*Bedner start to bend the gratings*
Benogidni: We are out! Now take the navigator so we can get the hell out of here!
Bender: Yeah!
*Bender and Benogidni take the 2-person navigator and go to Layer 2*
Layer 2
*Bender and Benogidni appear in the middle of the sky*
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
*Bender and Benogidni keep repeating these words as they fall, the suddenly crashes in a huge rose that cushions their fail*
Benogidni: Wow, that was a close one!
Bender: Yeah!
*Darkrose merges from below the broken rose*
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
*Darkrose grabs Bender and benogidni with one of hers arm vines and throws them far away*
Bender: Poop!
Benogidni: Crap!
Back to the aircraft in Layer 3, the Subs are approaching the vault area.
Subprogram 32: Subbot #100, how far are we from the vault area?
Subbot #100: 4 corridors more.
Subprogram 32: Excelent!
Subhunter: The next corridor is blocked with much guards!
Subprupp: Wow, much guards, so problems!
Sublevel: Don't worry! >:D
*Sublevel explodes the guards*
Subhunter: Good move Subby!
*More Guards come from the next corridors*
Subkone: More Guards! *Subkone uses his chill breath again to frezee the TopBall guards*
Subbot Smasher: Now its my turn! *Subbot Smasher smashs the guards*
At the command section
Boingo: Whats going on!? I keep checking at the cameras and it seems that they're guys who invaded my Aircraft!
TopBall Commander: They want to take the vault, as it seems they're approaching it.
Boingo: Okay, if you guys can't stop them, I'm going to do so!
Aircraft's vault
Subprogram 32: Sublevel, explode the armored door!
*Sublevel explodes said door*
Subprupp: YES! YES! YES! The submarine is here!
Submachine AL: They're also some other interesting relics here
Subprogram 32: And they are all stolen! So there won't be any broken moral in doing so!
Subbot Smasher: Okay, lets take some treasure and put it inside the submarine, open the hatch and get the hell out of here!
Subprupp: Yeah!
*Submachine AL takes a single relic, and a sensor is triggered, which awakes ognioB, an species of sentinel robot created by TopBall*
ognioB: Enemy detected, initializing neutralization program...
Subbot Smasher: This sentence is FALSE!
*ognioB crashes and explodes upon Subbot Smasher's... Statement?*
Subprogram 32: Good work Subbot!
*The Subs proced to do what Subbot Smasher said before and then Subprogram 32 uses his strenght to grab the Submarine, Subprupp hacks into the hatch and opens it, and before they could jump, Boingo comes*
Boingo: So you thought you could stole my founds, you're going to taste my wrath!
*Suddenly a TopBall commando appears*
TopBall commando: Boss, you have to go back to the command section!
Boingo: Wait what!?
*The Subs jumped from the aircraft, during the fall the saw Raxas war zepeline in front of TopBall Aircraft, a large tractor beam is shot from the war zepeline and lefts the subs suspended with the submarine*
Subprogram 32: WTF is going on!
Raxas (Through speaker): HAHAHAHAHAHA! I catched you in the right time!
Boingo (Through speaker): NO! How its posible!
Raxas: C'mon, you're pretty a novice on this, sorry but this submarine is mine now!
Raxas sucks the Submarine and the Subs into they submarine, the Subs are imprisoned, Raxas attacks boingo with a barrage of missiles destroying the aircraft, leaving Boingo out of combat, Raxas goes back to Layer 6
*Subprogram 32 contacts NaviOfficer*
Subprogram 32: Listen Officer, we were very close! But Raxas catched us and now we are trapped in a prison in Layer 6, whats worst, we are imprisoned in such ways that its almost imposible to escape, for example, Sublevel was enclosed in a bomb-prof cell. There is no way we could get out of here, we failed...
*NaviOfficer doesn't responds*
Subprogram 32: Officer?
???: This is not officer...
Subprogram 32: Then who's there?