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Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 17:57
by Redafro
The Kakama wrote:Last resort though.
Blunt words cut people the most, notwithstanding what they're called.
Nice. That deserves to be in the meditations thread. XD

Back to my dream. by the pool, as the photo shows, there's a water tower(The circle building next to the pool). Very old. In one of the windows, I can see someone looking down. just a silhouette. But not in a threatening way, it kind of felt more like he was watching over me. Protecting me. I also feel like it's a male presence.
It was a nice dream. It reminded me of a place from my childhood, and for a while I felt safe and protected.
Wow, very cool dream by the way. Water always feels sacred in my dreams. Always so crystal clear I can see through it as if I'm in air, and always giving me a sense of awe.

A long time ago (in high school I think, so back in the mid 90's) I had this amazing dream of being in these ancient yet sophisticated ruins. It was like a botanical garden among hills, with lots of architectural elements. Me and some people I was exploring the place with go into a large square room with an extremely high ceiling and a strange stair like structure filling the room. It was made of squares, some of stone, some full of dirt, and some full of water with glass sides. The stairs where 1 to 3 feet high, depending on the location. We are climbing around and I fall into one of the water filled squares and this suddenly causes a mechanical change in the room. The whole room feels as if it is falling deeper into the ground although the natural lighting from high windows does not change, and the various squares begin to rise, fall, and shift sideways until I finally crawl out of the water. That is all of it I remember, but it has been very influential on me.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 18:18
by Oleander
I had the weirdest dream last night and I am maybe glad that I don't remember it all. The things I do remember was that in one part I was sitting on the couch with my cousins, and they made me show them some music I listen to. I gave them something that was really hard to spell, but I can't remember which song it was.
Then there was a completely different part where I was walking home at night, and I was in a big city. After walking over some roads and stuff, I finally got up to my house, and as I was going up the walkway to the door some guys came up behind me and mugged me. I woke up as soon as I got grabbed.

Does anyone else always have really disjointed dreams where there are lots of completely different 'scenes' that happen one after another? My dreams are always made up this way, and all of the 'scenes' only last a couple minutes.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 21:30
by Vurn
Yeah, I had some like that.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 22:33
by Anteroinen
I realised that I was sleeping in my sleep yesterday. I had a hilarious reaction: "Am I lucid dreaming? Can I fly? Let's fly! *tries and fails* Aww...".

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 22:41
by Redafro
Ha! Yeah, I've done that. Sucks. ;)

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 22:58
by Oleander
Apparently a lot of people have a hard time lucid dreaming because the excitement of finally doing it wakes them up.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 03 Mar 2013 23:01
Boingo wrote:Interesting dream enihcambus...
What did I look like?
Just an orange bouncing ball.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 09:22
by The Kakama
Apparently a lot of people have a hard time lucid dreaming because the excitement of finally doing it wakes them up.
I think one of two things happens:
1. You become conscious enough that your subconscious shuts off, awakening you.
2. You aren't conscious enough, so you forget that, and the dream stops being lucid.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 09:51
by The Abacus
I had a dream last night. The ending was quite interesting (this is just the ending, I remembered the most of the dream when I awoke, but now it is mostly snippets, I still remember this though:):

I was on top of some cliffs. It was night, I presume, but it was relatively easy to see. At the top quarter, or so, of the cliffs were large (supposedly VERY large) stone steps. I wanted to get closer to where the steps ended. For some reason, as I did so, I fell on the steps, went over the edge and plummeted into the water. It was supposedly a long fall, but it felt very short. As I entered the water, I felt nothing. And I kept on falling. I tried to control my breathing so that I might float back up. It worked, I resurfaced. Then I went down again. I tried to control my breathing again, this time failing. I kept on falling...
and falling...
and falling...

Then I thought something along the lines of, "This seems hopeless, I don't want to continue falling. I'll wake up now."

The odd thing is, I wasn't fully conscious when I thought that. I think it was a subconscious thought. XD
When I woke up I still had the feeling that I was surrounded by nothingness. I stayed like that for a while, knowing that if I moved, actual feeling would return. I moved and it turns out I was right.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 04 Mar 2013 09:55
by The Kakama
The odd thing is, I wasn't fully conscious when I thought that. I think it was a subconscious thought. XD
Ha, you were conscious, but in something resembling a drunken state.
That happens to me a lot.