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Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 10:03
by Sublevel 114
lame question:
what does "singularity" mean?

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 10:08
by Anonymous1
Singularity is an event that takes place when Artificial Intelligence surpasses that of us. Humans. That is what Shiva is, its a Singularity. Its a singular entity that possesses all knowledge that humans had, and has since surpassed said knowledge, having far more knowledge than we would ever dream to achieve.

You can read more about it here

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 10:54
by Sublevel 114

(btw, I think this post deserves a place in Forum Posts)

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 10:55
by Vortex
Anteroinen already added it ;)

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 14:45
by ThunderDasher
Finally came back

Finally finished Sub10

/error 404/

--> mind not found
--> possibly blown

Tell me I wasn't the only one who high-fived the screen when Mur lifted his karma arm and opened his hand

I don't quite yet know what to think of all this. I mean, it's the ENDING, man. I simply don't know how I'm feeling exactly.

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 15:42
by Sublevel 114
ThunderDasher wrote:Tell me I wasn't the only one who high-fived the screen when Mur lifted his karma arm and opened his hand
I was crying and paralized at that moment

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 17:31
by Vortex
I just lifted my hand a little from the mouse, as a greeting XD

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 20:58
by Babylon
Just finished my second playthrough after finishing it on Monday. Wow - what an ending huh?

My personal favourite part was the Basement Exit - seeing that the outside from all those years ago was just a backdrop sent shivers down my spine. It explained so much about the story without needing a single word, it was brilliant.

I avoided the forum from release until I was able to play it, but looking back it seems I didn't need to. You're all so good with the spoiler tags I wouldn't have had anything ruined.

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 21:20
by Vortex
I loved that part too. And when we used the elevator to go back to Submachine 1, I was trembling of emotion. I thought the ending was very close.

Re: Submachine 10: the Exit

Posted: 30 Dec 2015 21:30
I thought the game was supposed to end there in the Basement, but the game keep getting larger and larger then. :D