DEVELOPMENT OF CHAPTER 2 - of yawning void
We all know what happened to Daniel and found out that we're stuck in the weird void. After the tense intro with Daniel being all twisty and bendy, it certainly left some impression. The chapter is puzzle-heavy throughout, although there are some plot expositions. That's where Elouf, Quall, and Doctor Dodd come into play. Maddox said that Kelen and Wooli are unfriendly and Daniel reinforce that idea. So I need to include some animal friends to lighten up the atmosphere
and have them killed off by Doctor Dodd to raise the stake completely, leaving the rest of story up in the air.
What other dangers could lurk just around the corner?
I learned a lot from 2nd chapter about puzzles. Apparently, a lot of people missed one important item, even when I gave a lot of hints. Perhaps the problem is that it blended bit too much into background. At least I improvised the situation, blaming on the characters instead XD It a good thing that I always planned on having the second chapter to be puzzle-heavy with little of plot (except for the end). You can expect more puzzles in the next several chapters, but they will be somewhat easier and well integrated into the plot so they shouldn't be difficult and well hidden.
and here my sketches of second chapter
and the two awful digital sketches of Ener when he first wake up in the locker. Those are the very first digital drawing I did of any characters in the story.
The first one was attempted with a MOUSE. You can see how crappy it was XD no consistent anatomy and he looks far more shaggy and un-cute than I wanted. Being overly realistic ironically made it less realistic xD
I had to admit that the way I drew him with a mouse turned me away from ever developing the story, so I kinda abandoned it somewhere back then. There was no way I can do the story justice without character that you can connect to not just to his behaviors and attitudes, but also his appearance. If he's ugly, then the story will fall apart just because he looks "bad."
Then my fortune came after Christmas when I didn't want certain gifts. I exchanged them for the new Wacom Tablet that I have now. After just a few stroke of practice, the digital drawing suddenly became natural and free to my soul. I knew that I had to return and attempt Ener in the locker again to see if I can draw just as well in digital form just like I can do with pen and paper. This is the result, the second sketch you can see below. It a vast improvement over the first sketch, but the anatomy is still off, especially with the lower body. The lower half, joints, hinds, and tail all seems really off. Also, the mouth didn't seems right with the type of head that Ener have, making him looks bit more like a rabbit than a canine being.
I liked the general structure of the body, so I took it and polish up the flaws. That's when I made a better anatomy system, giving Ener his well-deserved curves and joints, making him more of living creature than a bad drawing. Also, the mouth fits much better with the snout, making him more of canine being than a rabbit.
I finally settled on the improved version as seen from Chapter 1.
That's all for second chapter development sketches