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Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 09:30
by Death Road
The whole drawing thing? Or did I miss a paper and also just not realize it because I didn't need the one where it says "when I asked for an explanation he drew me this"?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 09:37
by Bloodhit
There picture on back of blast door, on layer 6.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 16:58
You mean the drawing found in Layer 6 with the caption "When I asked for explanation"?
I think it represents the knot and how Karma portals inside Karma portals (The 8 circles) switchs the conections between layers (I.E. player end beck in Layer 1 instead of going directly yo Layer 5)
However, I think WIQ already purchased all the rights of that drawing.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 27 Nov 2013 17:15
by WorldisQuiet5256
However, I think WIQ already purchased all the rights of that drawing.
To figure out your problem, you need the drawing that looks like a Musical Scale.
At the bottom of that same drawing, shows one ofthose poles, with 3 lines across it, each with an individual symbol.
On the lines that look like a musical scale, there are 3 line, each mark with the same symbol.
Across the Muscial Scale, there are 7 dots, each on top of a particalar line.
You just have to match the postion of the Pole with what symbol on the Muscial Scale.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 01 Dec 2013 15:57
by Babylon
Hey, does anyone know what these things were, or what the purpose of them was?
They look like beamers, but don't seem to open any layers?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 01 Dec 2013 16:31
by Sublevel 114
and it is time to reask unanswered question:
2)When we appears on the Bay (layer 1) at the beginning, we can already see two activated devices. Beamers? And if so, does anyone know, why we can't go to Layer 2 (If we don't activate beamer at th bottom of location)?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 01 Dec 2013 17:28
by Vortex
I think it's because beamers can do more things than just open a layer (as Mateusz said).
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 01 Dec 2013 17:28
by bender
Maybe they are recievers. They look more wavy the the vertical beam. Maybe they come from long way and become unstable.
Really bad grammar.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 01 Dec 2013 17:35
by WorldisQuiet5256
It probable just plain Submachine scaffolding built in order to fully access the other Layers.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Dec 2013 10:17
by The Abacus
I always had the impression that they were receivers of some sort.
Gemini wrote:She had to of used a more primitive method of getting to Layer 5, and perhaps those beamers we see, are how she reached Layer 5. The beamers do open layers and other locations. She could have activated those during her transit.