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Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 05:31
by Boingo
(I'll have a go while we're at it XD )

Sooner or later, I might put up a list of all the things that need to be clarified regarding the plot, and we could all just post our opinions of them in one big post...would that work?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 06 Jul 2013 04:44
by Boingo
I had a go at one of my earlier sketches...I hurried it a bit.

Colour with tiny bits of layering:Image

Lighting layers:Image

And with more: Image

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 07 Jul 2013 20:08
by Babylon
They look good, but the perspective seems a little off.
Also, the very last one looks odd, it seems to red?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 01:09
by Ancient Crystal
Regarding the "dark forces" discussion a few posts back, I think he was referring to my version of the mind energy, which did have some focus on realism, and was referred to as dark forces at one point.

As for the setting, I say if there's to be a large conspiracy, then that's all we need to have more technologies, no futures or other timelines should be necceccary.

Finally we're getting somewhere!

Sorru for the lack of quoting, technical issues.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 21:30
by Babylon
I'm not so sure, personally. It would seem a little odd if the government has super advanced technology secretly, compared to everyone else.
(I'm assuming the conspiracy is enacted by the government?)

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 05:17
by Boingo
Makes sense...

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 10:50
by Ancient Crystal
Well, I suppose I was thinking more along the lines of a conspiracy run by outside interests. So it wouldn't be the gouvernments that had this superior tech, but rather the people that controlled them. Or at least, that's how I saw it.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 15:47
by Babylon
Oh I see. So like aliens or God or something?

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 22:21
by Boingo
No, i think he means the agency told the government this was going to help them, but it must be kept secret form the world.
Then the government hushed it up, but behind the government's back, the agency was doing things even worse.
The agency knew that if the thing came out, the government would get all the blame, and as because none in the government knew what was going on, there is a schism and the government falls into scandal and ruin, while the agency just...disappears in the chaos.

Re: Pastel Community Game project and discussion

Posted: 12 Jul 2013 22:36
by Ancient Crystal
You both got one half each right. Basically what babylon said, but rather like a large corporation or other greedy organisation, not aliens. (You've probably noticed my version of this conpiracy is the same as in my backstory.)