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Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 05 Nov 2021 12:06
by Sublevel 114
Hey, World! Long time no see.
Yeah, seems that Matti removed it.
Thx for new link, Users!
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 12 Dec 2021 04:19
by Sublevel 114
*connection established*
130 locations explored
My notes:
000 - Lab dorm.
000 -> 051 - Uroboros cave.
051 -> 051k1 - Pony room...
051 -> 523 - Spikes room. machine with three pressure screens and two cut wires.
523 -> 523k1 - Rusty antennas and coils room.
523k1 -> 523k2 - Shardy cliff. Rusty antenna 7.
523 -> 523k3 - Musician room. Possible place for something. Some device with many levers. J.7.58 - A.21.16.
523k3 -> 523k4 - Secondary security gate control area.
523 -> 277 - Radio locator. rusty antenna 1
051 -> 917 - Random round loop.
917 -> 011 - Four rooms and narrow hall
011 -> 128 - Edge interior room
128->128k1 - Rabbit hole.
128 -> 987 - Broken clock. THIS - QI
987 -> 355 - Mur's computer room. Rusty antenna 10. Root portal 9.
355 -> 355k1 - Primary security gate control area.
011 -> 317 - Movers dock.
317 -> 806 -Edge exterior. weight machine 1, bottom square xx6
806 -> 806k1 - Gold and resin.
806k1 -> 806k2 - Broken Edge.
317 -> 461 - Lighthouse sewers. bottom square 9xx, bottom circle xx8
461 -> 461k1 - Telescopes and computer with message.
000 -> 076 - Picture of road. Root portal 1. tile to break?
076 -> 304 - Lighthouse basement. FI = 342
076 -> 875 - Prison.
875 -> 232 - Kent Falls monitor.
232 -> 232k1 - Core's tree section. tree symbol
232 -> 550 - Lighthouse's arcade machine section.
550 -> 672 - System basement. top circle xx7, rusty antenna 2, weight machine 2, "donut thingy"
672 -> 555 - Two-rooms Loop.
232 -> 731 - Arcade machines rooms. place for coin?
731 -> 731k1 - Pyramid trap room.
731 -> 731k2 - Temple trap room.
875 -> 580 - Sub2 ending movie room. THIS + TI.
580 -> 411 - Escher area. Unreadable text 1.
411 -> 411k1 - Concrete wall.
441k1 -> 888 - Hypercube area.
411 -> 553 - Root trap room. Root portal 2. top circle 8xx
553 -> 992 - Dragon statue room. KI = DI - GI
580 -> 902 - Edge Top.
902 -> 241 - Projectors area. NI - THIS
241 -> 601 - Ancient dungeon section. Sawing machine monitor: 4xx Top circle x3x Root portal 6
000 -> 541 - Alternate observation room.
541 -> 218 - Church. Root portal 3. Four-secrets mechanism.
218 -> 006 - Dim Loop.
006 -> 404 - Bells room.
404 -> 404k1 - Watchers tower.
404 -> 010 - Wisdom Gems device room. bottom square x6x
218 -> 666 - Hell.
218 -> 616 - Hell Loop.
541 -> 757 - Another Edge interior room. Locked doors?
757 -> 185 - Ballons room. rusty antenna 3. TI = 322
000 -> 551 - Lighthouse digouts brick room.
551 -> 462 - Lighthouse digouts. Unreadable text 2.
462 -> 462k1 - Light bridge among stone shards.
462 -> 104 - Ancient Section.
104 -> 104k1 - 32 chambers area. Locked gates and passage.
104 -> 104k2 - Lamp photos room.
104 -> 800 - Ship. wx =23, wy = 688
104 -> 002 - Pit. THIS + WY
002 -> 690 - Looping traps. right rectangle xx6
551 -> 747 - Corridor.
747 ->728 - Secret location.
728 -> 728k1 - Above the spikes room.
728 -> 552 - Root exterior. THIS - WX
552 -> 552k1 - Edge room with portal.
552k1 -> 552p1 - Karma plant room. Sink with no water.
552p1 -> 950 - One-digit portal room. Rusty antenna 4. SEMOTUS bell.
552 -> 552k2 - Hot sewers area.
552 -> 529 - Basement section. right rectangle x9x
529 -> 840 - Different Basement. Rusty antenna 5. SEMOTUS screen. Broken clock?
840 -> 513 - Halloweeen area. WHERE'S SPIDER???
747 -> 452 - Ancient Statue area
452 -> 452k1 - Hindu statue area
452k1 -> 452k2 - Doors with triangle above area. Some screen, and possiby a locked cache?
452 -> 770 - Tomb trap
770 -> 043 - Tomb trap second area. right rectangle 5xx
043 -> 043k1 - 32 chambers second area
000 -> 628 - Small dharma wheel room. bottom circle x7x
628 -> 628l1 - Big dharma wheel room.
828l1 -> 628k1 - Alternate lighthouse digouts.
628 -> 399 - Stalact(gm?)ites area. sawing machine monitor: x3x
399 -> 399k1 - Small arch room.
399 -> 712 - Radio room.
712 -> 258 - Wall writings room. sawing machine monitor: xx8
258 -> 258k1 - Gratings room.
258 -> 947 - Violet Basement.
947 -> 777- Barracks. RI = 352
947 -> 923 - Asylum loop. bottom circle 3xx
628l1 -> 245 - Chairs loop. Rusty antenna 6
000 -> 642 - Mechanism.
642 -> 100 - Ship alternate area. THIS + FI
100-> 100k1 - Karmic vessel room. Root portal 4.
100 -> 442 - Burried cube.
442 -> 442k1 - Saw walls area.
442 -> 103 - Ancient dungeon exterior. DI = 34
103 -> 103k1 - Broken pillars area.
103 -> 103k2 - Security gate area
103k1 -> 614 - Right side of the rift. Root portal 5.
614 -> 614k1 - Observatory.
103k2 -> 103k3 - Long corridor. "do not lose faith"
bottom square 966 - Statue balcony. a1 = 8. a2 = 4. NI = 842
966 -> 966k1 - Insanity area. Rusty antenna 8.
966k1 -> 966k2 -> Alternate temple area. Place for four tiles.
966k2 -> 966k3 - Karma container room.
bottom circle 378 - Zicqurath. b1 = 5. b2 = 7. Root portal 7
378 -> 378k1 - Green cliff.
378k1 -> 378k2 - South Garen island.
378k1 -> 378k3 - Tile B container.
top circle 837 - UVB-76 station. c1 = 9. c2 = 2. Root portal 8
sawing machine monitor 438 - Data recovery monitors
438 -> 438k1 - Pole in the void
438k1 -> 438k2 - Red resin trap chamber
438k2 -> 438k3 - Two islands in the void
right rectangle 596 - White room.
596 -> 001 - Lab. Rusty antenna 9.
001 -> 001k1 - Tubes room.
001 -> 001k2 - Christmas tree room.
001 -> 613 - Left side of the rift.
613 -> 157 - Energy projectors area. QI = 632
001k1 -> 192 - Triumph room
192 -> 192k1 - Chairs room
001k2 -> 316 - Winter room.
abc1 859 - Submachine museum. Rusty antenna 11. Sub8's layer 2 circle device. Possibly there's some other objec to use some item on?
abc2 472 - Listening room. RI + KI
355/472 -> 291 - Sanctuary. Rusty antenna 12.
291 -> 291k1 - Karma infuser room. Karma infuser device.
291 -> 291k2 - Mountain cliff.
314 - Pi number area
815 - Plane loop
FI = 342
TI = 322
RI = 352
DI = 34
NI = 842
QI = 632
GI = 95
KI = -61
WX =23
WY = 688
after so many years... :')
And I got companion cube with me!!!
But did I found all rooms and secrets?..
I need to go back.
Back to Submachine Network...
(at least make a second run, but with full screen this time)
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:30
by WorldisQuiet5256
I always wonder if the character in SNEE is someone similar to the guy going into the Submachine as seen in the Usher and disciple note in Sub 10.
Usher and Disciple wrote:- I think you're ready to enter the Submachine. You know more than enough and will probably find out more on your journey. Remember, this can destroy or transform you. But you will not return the same man. May the wisdom of Thoth guide you.
- Thank you, holy usher. I will not fail you.
- Don't fail yourself, my young disciple.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 Apr 2023 13:40
by Sublevel 114
Without an announcement, Submachine Universe got updated recently. :O
Edit: Actually, all Sub HD games were updated. Mainly it's sound quality update,