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Re: Meditations

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 18:32
by WorldisQuiet5256
The Kakama wrote:Ever since he brought up his "boarderless world" he has been patronizing us.
He does think he's superior to us in some way.
No I do not, That is one of the thing that allows me to know THE truth. I see everyone has better aspect into certain subjects, but we are all equal anyway.

Trust me, I avoid that kind of thinking. It what lead the people of Germany to cause the Holocaust, simply cause they see them self better. I respect everyone on this Forum. You talking or reading this Forum shows to me that you take intelligent very seriously. I respect someone who uses every aspect their mind can achieve. It show that you don't waste your potential. If I see myself more superior to all of you, I would storm out of this Forum on a more daily basis if someone did not see my point in a matter.

You open to your opinion, I respect that, I won't see you any more less than what you are because of that.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 23:21
by Redafro
So World, you seem to be at least saying your humble about absolute certainty: that you know you are too limited to know or at least confirm anything absolutely, and that is one of the ways you've removed the boarders? However, surely you understand that you can believe things probabilistically and even practically. I believe you cannot enter a black hole and live because it would go against our understanding of what a black hole is. However, I also realize we may learn something eventually that makes it possible to enter a black hole and live, as improbable as that may now seem.

Now, you almost seem to be saying that sense we cannot confirm anything absolutely, than anything is possible. But that is ridiculous. Just because we can't confirm something doesn't make it true or not true, it simply means we can't confirm it. Sure you can imagine a way, but that doesn't make it true either. Are you just saying you can imagine anything? Because so what! Anyone can. That doesn't make your imagination true or false, good or bad. It just means your making things up which may have nothing to do with the reality we all experience and can corroborate to each other. This recognition of a possible but not probable reality is quite different than saying "there are no limitations, therefor I can dream anything I want, including how to enter a black hole and live."

So, if your just saying you can make things up, fine, but know that it will have nothing to do with the reality the rest of us are talking about. If you want to have a clear conversation with us, however, I'd put up at least some temporary boarders, such as grammar, language, and scientific norms just so you can have conversations with others. After all, if you really don't have any boarders, how can you be communicating with us at all??? You'd have to accept the limit of a language. Granted you don't accept much of a language limit. And if you just say "I make that part of the floor," it doesn't matter. That is just a slight of hand trick. It IS a boarder friend, whether you admit it or not.

Or do you mean that the floor is those things which are probable and corroborated? If so, then stop spouting non-sense about surviving black holes because you've just imagined a way to do it. Your imagining it doesn't make it possible or even probable. Your imagination means nothing to reality unless it is informed by reality. So once again, accept boundaries or die in a black hole.

If I'm too blunt, I apologize. I'm trying to be clear, not a jerk.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 03 Feb 2013 23:28
by WorldisQuiet5256
O Ye of Little Vision.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 00:43
by Redafro
O ye of little response. XD

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 00:58
by Raxas
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:O Ye of Little Vision.
Whether or not you try not to be patronizing matters not, because this sort of response does come across that way.
If you wish to show us that you do indeed respect us and our world views, it would be in your benefit to openly debate the points he made. After all, if your understanding of this truth is as solid and infallible as you appear to believe, it should come across as no challenge to refute his points. Instead, you simply state that he is "of little vision", as if he is too small and pitiable to be worth the effort, and I can assure you that 9 times out of 10 ad hominem arguments will turn popular opinion against you and harm the credibility of your arguments (the other 1 time being your average day in politics).
So, come on then. Explain to us. Tell us why his counterargument shows so little vision to you. Win us over with reason, logic, and facts. If you keep acting demeaning, we will see you as a demeaning person, even if you are really not.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 01:12
by WorldisQuiet5256
I tried. I failed.
Can't help you now.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 01:13
by Redafro
Seriously dude, I dismiss very few people, only those who seem to demand it of me. Your approaching that, and I don't like that. I think that you, in all likelihood, have some interesting thoughts, but so far you've demonstrated a tendency to avoid thinking with vague statements rather than to think critically about your beliefs and statements. A person who demonstrates a refusal to think critically about their own beliefs is a person I cannot take seriously. I hope you don't choose that path, because I'm not the only one who will have to dismiss you. But ultimately, it is your choice.
I tried. I failed.
Can't help you now.
Try again. Don't help me, help yourself.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 02:19
by Oleander
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:I tried. I failed.
Can't help you now.
There was never any chance of you helping anyone with anything because you never had any real advice in the first place.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 03:21
by Raxas
It is probably best that we abandon this line of discussion, as it would appear that we have arrived at the conclusion that World is too busy living in his own little world (hah), and isn't willing to come down to Earth and be level with us little plebeians. The only place this conversation can really go from here is "you're dumb" and "no you're dumb".

Any ideas? I got nothing.

Re: Meditations

Posted: 04 Feb 2013 03:56
by WorldisQuiet5256
It is probably best that we abandon this line of discussion, as it would appear that we have arrived at the conclusion that World is too busy living in his own little world (hah), and isn't willing to come down to Earth and be level with us little plebeians. The only place this conversation can really go from here is "you're dumb" and "no you're dumb".

Any ideas? I got nothing.
How bout a "F***" and a "You".

Asshole. That what you looking for, Asshole?