Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions
Posted: 20 Sep 2013 16:54
Lol, what New 2014 Year forgot in Submachine? O_ogil2455526 wrote:But then... we would find human presence in the submachine :O
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
Lol, what New 2014 Year forgot in Submachine? O_ogil2455526 wrote:But then... we would find human presence in the submachine :O
"Submachine: where is 2014?"He also stated that a game is from Submachine World when its name start with "Submachine", or "Subnet".
So much for that.Mateusz stated that he won't make any "Where is ####?" series with Submachine style.
He said that it may cause confusion.
That's true...Sublevel 102 wrote:Ok...
*tries to start new good discussion*
What is so important in layer 5?..
What will we see in temple? In what form it would appear? Does it contain that important thing?
You know - it is kind of hard to guess what Mateusz will show us in Submachine 9. Because he always make things we didn't expect. Do you remember Sub7, and the Core? I read old discussions about the Core before Sub7 release. Someone thought it is similar to the Edge. Someone thought it is quite opposite of Edge. But I don't know if someone REALLY expected to see the Core in form we know right now: Palace, Garden with live plants; and place that includes information we found more than we found in all previous games together: Outer Rim, Core's scientists, Liz, collapse, Layers of reality...
what do you think, guys?
Well, we have seen part of the Temple from it's exterior so should expect some similar architecture inside. As to what the Temple holds for us, I would suppose it would contain as much information as Sub7, since the Winter Palace was inhabited by Elizabeth and she left us a large amount of information there. Specifically, however, I don't know what the Temple could contain as Mateusz always finds a way of surprising us.Sublevel 102 wrote:Ok...
*tries to start new good discussion*
What is so important in layer 5?..
What will we see in temple? In what form it would appear? Does it contain that important thing?
You know - it is kind of hard to guess what Mateusz will show us in Submachine 9. Because he always make things we didn't expect. Do you remember Sub7, and the Core? I read old discussions about the Core before Sub7 release. Someone thought it is similar to the Edge. Someone thought it is quite opposite of Edge. But I don't know if someone REALLY expected to see the Core in form we know right now: Palace, Garden with live plants; and place that includes information we found more than we found in all previous games together: Outer Rim, Core's scientists, Liz, collapse, Layers of reality...
what do you think, guys?
I like the dolmen idea, but I have my doubts on the last part (with the teleporting to Earth etc.)...Bloodhit wrote:I bet there will be Dolmens! We just enter the temple and in there is dolmen, we go into it, look at the ceiling and there is a stargate/sub32 like teleporting system where we rotate multiple rings, teleport to other dolmens, etc. And in the end find way to teleport to the earth, and what we will see will be in sub10.And the death is only exit from submachine.
Well, in every (closed) story the mystery breaks at the end, since all questions are being solved, not?(I feel it would break the whole atmosphere of mystery)
It's depends on with theory you believe You will not know THIS is the Earth.The Abacus wrote: I like the dolmen idea, but I have my doubts on the last part (with the teleporting to Earth etc.)...
(I feel it would break the whole atmosphere of mystery)