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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 22 May 2014 02:52
by WorldisQuiet5256
The Player of the Main series, he/she is technical not there. At least in physical Human Form. Its the work of the Submachine itself. Along with the help of "Shiva" who ever that is. Now...The player in the Submachine series, I could go as far as to say he/she is an Egg, or a Sperm for that matter.
I didn't pick the word Egg and Sperm as random Words.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 May 2014 01:59
by WorldisQuiet5256
Oh look, my proof arises again. The Submachine is the 1st Atom.
And here is my proof.

I know this seems rather pointless, but its from Submachine HD.
Mateusz, you action speak louder than your postes. Its not what you change, it more about what is not there.

I've look at this map a hundered times, and I can't find the original anymore (Cause the image on the wiki has been switch with the top one) and the free version is also been change.

But its the letter "i". It used to be the letter "l" or L. This I recall cause a capital i is I, and a lower case L is l.

Do tell me...its not the point of what he change, but as to Why he change it. I recall the original map was about "infestation" of a sort. It was hinted to be "Humans". but that is not the case.

Have anyone seen that episode of Futuama, it was in the 7th season where the professor invent a time machine that could only go "Forward" not "Backwards" in time? Despite the whole episode, to which they kept moving forward in time in hopes to reach a point to where someone invented a backward time machine.

Towards the end, they when they ended up at the end of the universe, they decided to just keep going forward. They ended up in the point where the universe died, but then the big bang happened again? They ended up in the Past to which the universe went through a cycle, so they could simple return back to the point where they left. They made a mistake and went past that point and had to go the "Long" way around.

When they got "Back" they were position in an earth were the ground was actually 5 feet lower than the earth they were from. To which a paradox was resolved when they landed on "Themselves" and killed them.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 23 May 2014 02:28
by WorldisQuiet5256
Again...I know it was rather pointless to bring that episode up, but its to better explain my theory. Its not the point of "When" in the Submachine, but simple "Where". Each Layer of reality is the same location, but simple after a "Restart" and life continued.

The Submachine is the 3rd Dimension. Or the Universe "Before" the actual big bang. Its the first "Atom" that created the chained event to the point where the Big bang will happen.

And again, Murtaugh was "Given" this power by Shiva. All "Parts" or "Versions" of him. The Murtaugh from the 3rd layer didn't "Gain" his powers until he put his non existing left arm in the Kent waterfalls. It not the point of "When" but "Where".

This note:

Its not the point of "When" but "Where".
Has anyone ever seen the movie Time Cop? If you havn't and are planning to do so, then don't watch this spoiler.

Occupying the same "Space" at the same "Time".

This is what would have happen to Murtaugh by the majority point of perception. That he could be in all layers at once. Its not the point of him being in "All of them at once" but rather the point he put his left arm in the exact same waterfall as his counterparts in the other layers did at one point in their lifetime in their own layer.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 02:00
by Influence
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:This is what going to happen at the end of the Submachine 10 the exit, The player is born in the 4th layer. All of what went on with Murtuagh, Elizabeth, and Sir Henry O'toole. Will repeat 3 more times reaching the 7th layer. Then...when this cycle ends in the 7th Layer, the Big Bang will occur in the 8th Layer, and the universe we are in now will exist.
This is the most profound theory I've ever read on this forum. I applaud you for that.

It seems as if you're reading Matuesz's mind. Maybe but maybe not. He's unpredictable. :P Amazing theory with great detail however. I would never expect that the Submachine is simply before the creation of the universe/cause of the big bang but it makes perfect sense.

However, the computer that answered "why are we?" is still a mystery. Maybe it is a physical/technological manifestation of Shiva?

And as for Shiva, I believe he is the master of not only the subnet, but all of existence as we know it. He is God.

And as for why he's called Shiva, I don't think he's named after the deity Shiva, but because I just realized that Shiva literally means this:

Shiva: the seven days of mourning just after the funeral of a close relative in Judaism

Notice the word seven?

Now connecting to your theory, perhaps the plan is Shiva's grand master scheme; the events that will create the big bang.

A note from Sub 8:

The plan

- But why the boundaries. Why this particular shape?

- The idea is to give you the glimpse of the plan. Just a glimpse. Seeing it in all it's glory would blind your mind.

Maybe it would "blind your mind" because the plan is the work of God? The human mind perhaps can not comprehend it.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 02:13
by WorldisQuiet5256
Influence welcome to the Pastel Forum.
And thank you for you help.
I knew that Shiva was a Jewish God, [img]At%20least%20what%20my%20mother%20said[/img] and I never went much research on that. Simple cause I don't fully trust the internet and I don't know how to navigate the contents of the Koran copy at the library I work at.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 02:19
by Influence
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Influence welcome to the Pastel Forum.
And thank you for you help.
I knew that Shiva was a Jewish God, [img]At%20least%20what%20my%20mother%20said[/img] and I never went much research on that. Simple cause I don't fully trust the internet and I don't know how to navigate the contents of the Koran copy at the library I work at.
Hi there, and thanks! :D

Yeah same here, I didn't really research it till a google search just now.

The word "Shiva" in hebrew what I found literally means "seven". Before I thought that it was named after the deity Shiva, but now after finding this maybe it is because it has more relevance to the submachine. Perhaps he is not only the ruler of the seven main layers but he is actually God.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 02:22
by WorldisQuiet5256
However, the computer that answered "why are we?" is still a mystery. Maybe it is a physical/technological manifestation of Shiva?
Do tell me, who was it that ask that question to the computer? We know a group of "They" ask the question...but who is They?

They were the remaining living failed child of the Submachine before the Player came in.
Here is a perfect example that follows that logic. I never read the original Author C. Clark Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. But I have seen the movies. The recent new ones, and the British Adaption that came before the movie.

And I do work at the library So I found a copy of "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe". To which the ultimate question did match the one from the British adaptation of the book series.

The Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything was "42" to which deep thought said it was the answer, but you never ask me the question. To which she then said she created a computer to calculate the the ultimate Question, Which was actually Earth.

Now...the ultimate Question was "What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?".
I figure out the joke behind Arthur C. Clark Logic.

7x7 = 49
7x6 = 42
6x9 = 54.

If life was perfect, the answer would have been 49, not 42.

They ask "Why are we?"
It vague but it match who "They" are. They were the failed Children of the Submachine who still happened to live, so they got to together to figure out why "They" were even conceive in the first place.

And the computer did answer the question, we just don't know what the answer was. Probable cause they either didn't fully understand it, or they debated about the answer for the rest of their lives.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 02:32
by Influence
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
However, the computer that answered "why are we?" is still a mystery. Maybe it is a physical/technological manifestation of Shiva?
Do tell me, who was it that ask that question to the computer? We know a group of "They" ask the question...but who is They?

They were the remaining living failed child of the Submachine before the Player came in.
Here is a perfect example that follows that logic. I never read the original Author C. Clark Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. But I have seen the movies. The recent new ones, and the British Adaption that came before the movie.

And I do work at the library So I found a copy of "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe". To which the ultimate question did match the one from the British adaptation of the book series.

The Ultimate Answer to Life, the Universe and Everything was "42" to which deep thought said it was the answer, but you never ask me the question. To which she then said she created a computer to calculate the the ultimate Question, Which was actually Earth.

Now...the ultimate Question was "What do you get when you multiply 6 by 9?".
I figure out the joke behind Arthur C. Clark Logic.

7x7 = 49
7x6 = 42
6x9 = 54.

If life was perfect, the answer would have been 49, not 42.
Very good question regarding who "they" are. Based on the notes we've found throughout the series there are many "theys" such as the exploration team.

However, what if "they" is really the player, that just repeated through the submachine history like your theory states?

What if the people trapped in the 8th layer, is just copies of the player that were reborn and repeated through the submachine?

What if it is the player that left all those notes behind all along, but does not know it because he was reborn each time?

In this case, the ONLY inhabitants that ever walked the submachine were Henry O'toole, the player, Liz, and Murtaugh.

Or maybe just the player? Were we alone this whole time and it's the player vs Shiva/God?

And in the end, before the big bang occurs, we will ask Shiva "why are we" like our previous reincarnations did and we will learn the secret behind the universe. Then the series ends.

Maybe the submachine is all Shiva just creating and testing space and time, and once the player finishes this test in Sub 10, the big bang occurs and a fully functional universe is created.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 06:32
by WorldisQuiet5256
Close, but not what I meant. The They mention in the note about the computer, those are the failed children after many years after both Murtaugh and Elizabeth Death. I mean for example, say One of the fail ones left the basement, but forgot to take a wisdom Gem with them, after getting to the bottom of the lighthouse, or somewhere near, they are not killed, they just simple cannout move forward cause they made a simple small mistake.

How Murtuagh was able to conceive his power was not simple. Like I said, each version of himself in their own layers put their left arm in the exact same waterfall.

But "When" did they do it? My point being is that Murtaugh existed in the other layers as well, but they each were a different age, grown a different life. But they all put their left arm in the same waterfall. The "They" or The "others" as we come to know as on Elizabeth side, they were just average people who thought they "Knew Better".

My point being is that each layer is a copy of the other, but the history following each cycle restart. But the history in each layer are not the same. They are, like a alter universe, but the timeline actually run parallel to each other.

When the Murtaugh from the 3rd layer put his left arm in the Kent waterfalls, the other murtaugh in their own layer were a different age at the point, and have either already put their left arm in the Kent waterfall, or were going to at some point in their own layer future.

Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Posted: 24 May 2014 06:41
by Influence
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Close, but not what I meant. The They mention in the note about the computer, those are the failed children after many years after both Murtaugh and Elizabeth Death. I mean for example, say One of the fail ones left the basement, but forgot to take a wisdom Gem with them, after getting to the bottom of the lighthouse, or somewhere near, they are not killed, they just simple cannout move forward cause they made a simple small mistake.

How Murtuagh was able to conceive his power was not simple. Like I said, each version of himself in their own layers put their left arm in the exact same waterfall.

But "When" did they do it? My point being is that Murtaugh existed in the other layers as well, but they each were a different age, grown a different life. But they all put their left arm in the same waterfall. The "They" or The "others" as we come to know as on Elizabeth side, they were just average people who thought they "Knew Better".

My point being is that each layer is a copy of the other, but the history following each cycle restart. But the history in each layer are not the same. They are, like a alter universe, but the timeline actually run parallel to each other.

When the Murtaugh from the 3rd layer put his left arm in the Kent waterfalls, the other murtaugh in their own layer were a different age at the point, and have either already put their left arm in the Kent waterfall, or were going to at some point in their own layer future.
Ahh, I see. Thanks for clearing it up.

So then do you think that perhaps the "exploration team" and those stuck in the 8th layer are just the Murtaughs from a different layer? We did learn that Murtaugh died in Sub 9, but maybe his other copies weren't dead YET.

I'm still convinced that only the Player, Murtaugh, and Elizabeth have inhabited the submachine. Everything else is some sort of illusion or there's something going on to make it seem like there are others.

EDIT: Nevermind, forgot about the failed children theory xD