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Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 26 Oct 2017 17:52
by Jatsko
Petition Should be in the memes thread because it’s a joke, right?
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 26 Oct 2017 18:41
by Augustus
Apocrypha wrote:Petition Should be in the memes thread because it’s a joke, right?
Who knows?
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 26 Oct 2017 21:05
by Jatsko
I was thinking YOU would know, of all people.
Sort of strange seeing it next to petitions for, you know, things related to flooding and people losing their homes, people who want laws to be changed, actual issues, etc.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 27 Oct 2017 07:25
by Augustus
I doubt change dot org ever realy changed anything...
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:17
by Vortex
yeah, and also joke petitions don't necessarily act in detriment of more serious ones, people will still just sign what they are concerned about

Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 27 Oct 2017 08:39
by Sublevel 114
More subbots where killed
and I read it as "many subbots were exploded"
Like what I an going to do with Bendy and Ony!
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 27 Oct 2017 18:05
by WorldisQuiet5256
Apocrypha wrote:I was thinking YOU would know, of all people.
Sort of strange seeing it next to petitions for, you know, things related to flooding and people losing their homes, people who want laws to be changed, actual issues, etc.
Plus, despite the many fans of Mateus Skutnik. The Game is still his private property. We can have 100 people sign this petition, and he would not change it.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 06 Nov 2017 17:20
by Vortex
I found
at least twelve antennaes spread through old locations in the new update. No new locs found so far.
4/5 locations found.
update2: Just finished playing it.
I'm scared
EDIT: my thoughts on the update.
I don't even know if I finished everything. But yeah, I'm scared. And not just because of the Halloween location (which is amazing by the way, I didn't expect it to fit so well), but because... well, why are there suddenly so many identical antennae spread among the locations? What are their purpose? And why do they all glow when I activated that machine? I feel like I just did something forbidden... 
And what's with the two tiles, where are the other two? Where is the karma water to dip the chalk in? Where's the banjo goddess? Overall I loved this update, but we're once again left with more questions than answers XD
I think I can safely assume it's not the end of Submachine Universe updates, so I'm eager to see where the next one leads us.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 06 Nov 2017 19:20
by reed
The tiles: I guess it's the same thing as with the sigils. He wrapped up one puzzle and started to make another.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 06 Nov 2017 19:32
by WorldisQuiet5256
This is Different:
Edit V2.
The new one has a different image over the stand. And there is a round indentation on top of it that makes me think we should put something there.
Edit V3. After reading Jaktso post after mine. I can see the clear purpose of the stand change.