Submachine 10 and beyond Theories and Suggestions

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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

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And he never posted again...
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Or...he/she has not much to say right now.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

The Player is the child of Murtaugh and Liz.
To which he/she will be born in the 4th layer of reality, while at the same time of his/her birth will repair all the damage done in the 3rd Layer.

Now...I keep ranting "The Player is the child of Murtaugh and Elizabeth", and I do have the most simple proof to why I know this is true. It was in the Temple.

The Temple Map

First of All, the pyramid Section. That section is made up of 1/4th of the same material that makes up a single Wisdom Gem. We know its a four sided triangle. Or a pyramid in 3rd Dimensional terminology. But...we have to remember, we only saw half of the whole layout of the Temple itself. Cause we were only looking in one direction the whole time. Cause, the way I see the purpose of the Temple, is the same reason we have Museums or Library. But...the information hides within the structure of the Temple. Both in the solid and non solid matter.

Now...I know that the Player is the Child of Murtaugh and Elizabeth. Because, in order to enter the foundation of the Temple, we had to go one of two ways, the hatch under Murtaugh statue, or the Hatch under Elizabeth Statue. There is a hatch under Mur Statue, we simple can't access it because the red soil seals not only the door, but also hides the lock mechanism.

Now...Elizabeth was "Born" first. Then Murtaugh was "Born" sometime after Elizabeth was born. But...they never met face to face until they were at layer 5 before the entrance to the Temple.

I know this thanks to the side games of the Submachine series. Murtaugh lived at the lighthouse when it was still inside the Core. And he was communicating to Elizabeth when she was a bit "Older" to a certain point.

Then...Murtaugh is Buried alive and the Lighthouse Drifts into the Outer Rim. To which he then escapes through his man made portal and arrives at the Loop. But...while he was there, his other layered counterparts were doing something else.

One was entering the Temple in Submachine 0, and one of the other went insane and was thrown into the asylum in the Future Loop Foundation. And another layer of him was exploring the 32 Chambers. While his second Layer self was exploring the Root. Then...when the Murtaugh from the 3rd Layer was nearing the end of the Loop, he realize he needed to "Take a Step Back".

And he instead search around the loop and found the leaf, and also the statue. To which he then left the note behind for anyone who was also trap in the loop because of him. When he escape, he also figure out the Puzzle in the Temple in Sub 0 to find his "Second" wisdom Gem. as well as restore, or "prolonged" the existences of the Submachine by Resting or "Correcting" the Mayan calendar. And at the same time he also Woke up in the Future Loop foundation, and remember who he was. That is when he knew he wanted to "Go Home". Or to simple returned to the Core.

After which he found some inhabitants in one or more layer attempting to "Explore" the Submachine. the time of his arrival, he was actually in the past before he was even born. To which was approximately 32 years before the year 2012.

Now...there were many scientist, explorers, and other staff workers. One of whom was Elizabeth, but at a younger age when she too was Curious. And had yet to entered the Core. That is the player in Submachine Universe. And...when she found the coordinates to the Sanctuary, she also found then note "She" left herself. That is when she understood Murtaugh intention to go home and simple left the lab team, along with the coordinates to the Sanctuary. Then after sometime she is accepted into the Core lab team. And is given her ship to and her team. Sometime later after she outlives many of her colleague she receives a letter from the younger murtaugh.

Now...murtaugh, the one with the lab team, he still trying to break into the edge of the Submachine, which is the border of the Submachine universe as well as the defense system of the Core of the Submachine world. Most of his lab staff are dead, and the one he has left, he ask them to go the edge. But...he did remember where two of the 3 wisdom gems were, and knew they could obtained again through the Root. He also knew where 2 of the 3 Wisdom gems are when himself map out the Root. He also had a list of coordinates to where several of the movers where dock and forgotten at outside of the edge.

Now...many die where some never got all 3 wisdom gems, or at the edge, until one of his lab team did. And they shut down the defense system.

After which he simply could not bring this person back, because the mover they used was confiscated by the defense system.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 20 May 2014 06:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

The people in the Core knew he could simple take the short cut at the sanctuary (Which I know location somewhere close to the defense system, cause it house the only portal that could travel an even more sort distances between two point than the edge of the outer rim, and the edge of the Core) So...they set up multiple defenses all across the whole actual sanctuary location in all of the layers. They were the one who breach the wall, and at that same time Elizabeth left the note for herself hidden somewhere near that wall in one of the layers.

Now...the equipment at the sanctuary in Submachine 7 the core, it was not from Murtaugh team, they were all dead by that time. They were left behind by the Core Team. Cause...the shields, you simply could not bypass the second one. It may have been a puzzle for us to get pass, but they left it like that so murtaugh could not get to the core.

He arrived at the sanctuary in all seven layers at the same time. And he could get through the first shield, but not the second. Simply cause the equipment were in all of the 7 layers. But...they did it in a rush and left many of the spare machinery behind. As well as the 3rd wisdom gem from root at from coordinates 1, 2.

I know it came from the root because it was called an Energy Gem. And that tells me it been around for while in the possesion of those in charge of the Core. Cause, the fact it was called an Engery Gem, not a Wisdom Gem makes it sound like it was an old battery that still work. We have to remember, there were only 3 wisdom gem in the entire Submachien universe. The ones in SNEE don't count cause you can take them all, but you can only do so much with them if they are not needed to solve another puzzle.

That was their downfall, murtaugh was able to take one of the poles and smash the light bulb of the second shield and was able to fix the arch portal and return to the winter palace and the core.

Now...Elizabeth left her greeting card at the other end, then evacuated with the rest of her team to the Knot. Cause, we know there are other people besides murtaugh and Elizabeth, but I see her superiors the equivalence of the today scientific community. thought they could kill murtaugh at the entrance to the temple in layer 5.

They set of the firing squad in layer 6, while Elizabeth was opening the gates to the temple behind their backs in both space and time while in each layer. Also understand this, murtaugh was getting hit from the bullets. But the guns where fired in their own layer. So they could only kill one of himself. Which when he arrived finally in Layer 5 though the karma portal he first set at the left side of the purple pyramid. Which the guns in layer 6 destroy. the same time he set another karma portal within the first one he put and arrived at the platform in layer 1. And then open the makes his way to layer 5 on foot by using the navigator Elizabeth left him. Slowly making his way through layer 1, 2, 3, and 4 until making it to layer 5. Right there he then realize his other selves in the other layer were dead. Simple cause they were shot.

Now...he fall down in pain in realization and he was almost killed by the firing squad in layer 6, until Elizabeth simple walk up to him and they don't fire cause they were afraid to kill her as well. When they talk, they figure out everything. Murtaugh only knew what he knew, and Elizabeth knew only what she knew. But, in the process to save Murtaugh she killed her other layer selves as well to activate the light door in layer 5 while staying in layer 5, 6, and 7.

Now...murtaugh was able to fix every layer with Elizabeth help. But he was unable to fix the 3rd one cause his original self was also dead. like the note mentioning about the important of either original or flawed copy. He dies, then Elizabeth dies. And they are both buried, and everyone else dies after many eons living the Submachine.

The submachine, left with itself while trying to fix the 3rd layer needed someone to do it, but the only people who could where murtaugh and Elizabeth. So it decides to create a child of them both. But only through the memory of what murtaugh and Elizabeth Experience. Also understand it tried and failed many time to give "Birth" to this child. because they still had free will, but they made one mistake and died from it. That is the whole point of the main game series.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 20 May 2014 06:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

Now...I know the player of the main submachine series is the child of murtaugh and Elizabeth. Cause, the foundation of the temple, which can only be entered through either the hatch under Murtuagh or Elizabeth Statue. Because, the only path available is under Elizabeth Statues, (That why when we climb down the rope we see only the right half of the stature of what I presumed to be Shiva)and the last light in the vast darkness of the game is located directly under the the top of the pyramid. T

This I know, cause, the whole temple is the original wisdom Gem.It been around since the begining of the existense of the Submachine Universe. It also known as Sector 9. And the actual structure of the statue room is squeeze between the space occupied between Murtaugh and Elizabeth Statue. The proof is at the very top of the temple, where we get the rope. Did anyone notice the statue in the middle of that room? Or the fact its the same statue used to houses the light key to the temple entrances in layer 5 back in Submachine 8, the plan.

My proof to this was the drawing from Submachine 8, the plan.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 20 May 2014 06:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »


Elizabeth was the one leaving the drawing behind for Murtaugh to find so he could reach layer 5 from layer 1. And this one does tell you how to unlock the lock holding the key to the entrance to the temple. also hides the whole blue print to the temple.

Has anyone ever trace a 3 equal sided triangle on a sheet of paper, then fold the paper in half and cut along those lines? That will give you a diamond.

If we trace the all of the dot in order from left to right, you will have the lower blue prints to the Temple. But...if you trace the line and skip 5th dot from the left and kept drawing a straight line at that angle, and did the same thing with the last two dots closes to the right side of the paper. the lines will intercept and you will have the upper blueprints to the Temple, or the Pyramid if you will.

Now...again...the Submachine is trying to create a child of Murtaugh and Elizabeth so it can fix the 3rd layer. But many of it past fails were due to this simple fact. They didn't read all of the notes. Cause...its trying to import the wisdom from the experience that both Elizabeth and Murtaugh learned in their lifetime.

And the Player of the Main Submachine Games is going to be the child of Murtaugh and Elizabeth. And I know this cause...he/she read all of the notes to survive. And in the Exit, he/she will be born within all of the 7 layers, as well as the 3rd layer some time after it been fully fix and life grew back into the Submachine. They would not have been able to exit the loop, or get out of the lighthouse to begin with.

But...the player will be born in the 4th layer and he/she will be born without a right arm. And will then put his/her hand in the Kent waterfalls which himself/herself already was there before or after that one moment another point in time in other layer 1-7 not counting the 4th.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 20 May 2014 06:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

And the Submachine is the 3rd Dimension, Cause....we saw the answer. The basement, the one in Submachine 1, it use to be connected to the lighthouse. Cause...the elevator use in the end, it would connect to the space between the original dungeon, and the Lighthouse. If we play Submachine 2, the lighthouse, and look to the left of at the top of the first ladder, which is also the same location where the radio is to the right. The platform, it goes nowhere, and its seems pointless. use to be where the elevator would stop.

Shiva...who ever that may be, has this master plan to make the perfect world; or at least something of the sort in layer 8. involves a big trial and error plan.

Cause...he needed to build 8 layers, have the first 7 inhabited by humans. Then...have some one born in layer one and do what murtaugh did and damage the whole plan. Then have it fix but leave the first layer broken for the next person born in layer 2 to do the same thing again and damage the whole plan only to fix all of it except the 2nd layer, while having the 1st completely repaired.

Then murtaugh comes in and does his part, but unfortunately, it takes too long and everyone who lived within the submachine in all layers died off in the end. So...needing to fix this part, he has the player go through locations that either Murtaugh or Elizabeth been through to learn a massive history lesson of the sort. That is what going to come from Submachien 10, the Exit.

Cause...Elizabeth was the second person, and her father was sir Henry O'Toole or the first person born in layer 1. Cause...he was the one who knew what was going on with murtaugh, but died before he could fully explain it.
Last edited by WorldisQuiet5256 on 20 May 2014 06:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

This is what going to happen at the end of the Submachine 10 the exit, The player is born in the 4th layer. All of what went on with Murtuagh, Elizabeth, and Sir Henry O'toole. Will repeat 3 more times reaching the 7th layer. Then...when this cycle ends in the 7th Layer, the Big Bang will occur in the 8th Layer, and the universe we are in now will exist.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by WorldisQuiet5256 »

The plot hidden within the history of the Submachine Series, happened 2 time before.
We the player only exist after the mistaken ending of the 3rd time.
[i]-Ecclesiastes 1:9 - 18[/i] wrote:What Has Happened Before Will Happen Again.
After the ending Submachine 10, The Exit: The Player will be born in physical human form in the world of Layer 4. And Layer 3 will be fix.
Then what has happen before will happen again 3 more times.
After the completion of the 7th time, the Submachine Universe will be no more. And the cycle will end as well as begin in Layer 8, the layer of light, and the Big bang will happen. The Submachine universe after that you ask? It will be gone. Not destroyed, but simple transformed. The whole history pertaining from the Submachine, will simply be scattered.
Where you ask? Simple, to every atom that makes up not just our universe, but Multivers as well.
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Re: Submachine 10 Theories and Suggestions

Post by ThunderDasher »

*Still trying to absorb the two first posts from this explanation*
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