VIB: Vortex In Black. Operation: The Recruit
One nice sunset in the Layer 5
Vortex: Hello Pulsaris!
Pulsaris: Hello Vortex, what a nice day we have here in Layer 5, all peacefull with all the spiritualistic atmosphere. Bad that I have to leave...
Vortex: Why?
Pulsaris: I have to go to New Horizon City Central Bank to borrow some money...
Vortex: Hmmm... Yeah, I think I should do that too, can I come with you?
Pulsaris: Sure!
New Horizon City, Layer 7
Pulsaris: The bank is some squares to the right from here, why're near!
Vortex: Good!
Vortex and Pulsaris reached the bank and borrowed some money
Pulsaris: Thanks for coming with me Vorty!
Vortex: Thanks I...
*Suddenly a mob cat in a car steals Vortex money*
Zombieshooter: Thanks for the money! Hahahaha!
Pulsaris: OH NO! Thats why I hate this place!
Vortex: Take the navigator and go back to Layer 5, keep your money safe. I'm not going back withouth my money!
Pulsaris: Okay! *Pulsaris goes back to Layer 5*
Vortex: Its time for action!
*As Vortex starts to run for his money, a super technologic advanced cars stops by him*
Babylon (In the car): Vortex! Did that mob steal your money?
Vortex: Yes!
Babylon: Well, come with me!
*Vortex enters the car*
Vortex: Whats going on?
Babylon: I'm one of the agents in order the protect the New Horizon City, our agency, Co-Leadered by Azareus and TheVoid is named the "Black Oranges". I was sent to capture Zombieshooter, a proud mob leader. He was making a series of robs trough the whole city.
Vortex: Can I help you? I would like to defeat that guy and get back my money!
Babylon: Surely! Your Vortex powers would be very good to have in my back!
Vortex: Wow, you look so serious right now!
Babylon: He stole my money too!
Vortex: :p
Babylon finds Zombieshooter and a car chasse starts!
Zombieshooter: Eat lead bitches! *Zombieshooter shoots Babylon's car with a machine gun*
Babylon: That's all you have! *Babylon unleashes a secret plasma gun*
Zombieshooter: Sorry! *Zombieshooter accelerates, and evades the plasma beam*
Babylon: Damnit!
The chasse end as Zombieshooter enters his hideout
Vortex and Babylon outside they car and enter it...
Babylon: Stay quiet everyone, I have a mega laser gun and I Don't bother using it!
*A large number of mob cats start to shoot the laser gun, breaking it apart*
Babylon: No! My invention!
Vortex: Don't worry Baby! *Vortex creates a large vortex and sucks all the mob cats in the area*
Mob Cats (Getting sucked by the vortex): MEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!!
Babylon: Wow Vortex, that was great... But don't call me "Baby" please!!!
Vortex: Okay! XD
Vortex and Babylon run to Zombieshooter's office while going trough the hideout and defeating more mob cats!
At Zombieshooter's office.
"Knock Knock"
Zombieshooter: Meow?
Babylon: Its me, Babylon!
Zombieshooter: Oh no the "Black Orange"
*Babylon opens the door with an universal key*
Babylon: You're under arrest!
Zombieshooter: Ha! Do you think? Joe!
Vortex: Who's Joe?
Joe (Behind Vortex): Murder is Fun!
Babylon: Oh no! Its Joe, Zombieshooter's personal hitman!
Vortex: Don't worry! I will take care of him!
*Vortex opens another vortex and sucks joe with it*
Joe (Getting sucked by the vortex): Death is Fun!
Babylon: Well Shooter, what you have to say now!
Zombieshooter: Okay... I surrender now!
*Waves a white flag*
Vortex (Fluffiliy): YAY!
Babylon: Vortex, such languaje, to fluffy!
Vortex: A gugu tata!
Vortex and Babylon get back the money from the hideout
Babylon: Thank you Vortex!
Vortex: No, thank you, I get back my money.
Babylon: Vortex... Do you mind joining the "Black Oranges"?
Vortex: Really? Wow, will Azareus and TheVoid let me by on?
Babylon: I doubt they will care whoever joins, the reception is made by AK.
Vortex: Oh, I see!
Vortex and Babylon get back to the vehiclue and go to the Black Orange's building
Babylon: Welcome to the secret Black Orange Base Vortex!
Vortex: WOW! Its so advanced!
Babylon: Yeah! I helped by adding in some of my creations!
*Vortex and Babylon go to reception*
AK: Hello! Babylon, Vortex!
Vortex: Hello, I want to join the "Black Oranges"!
Babylon: Vortex helped me with catching Zombieshooter and get back to money of the city!
AK: Oh, so the mision is accomplished! Well done, and yeah! Vortex can join the agency!
Vortex: Where I do the inscriptcions!
AK: Inscriptcions? LOL no, Your actions as saving the New Horizon City from Zombieshooter are enough the join the agency!
Vortex (Fluffily): YAY!
AK: Wow, that really sounded fluffy inded!
Vortex: More a gugu tata!
The Hall
Babylon: Vortex! I'm going to present you the other members!
Babylon: First you have Ancient Crystal, our favorite sentient Wisdom Gem, then there's Gil, our computer expert, there's Diamonds, whose diamond skin cuts everything! There's Jomarcenter, at lead of the accountment of the agency. There's Anteroinen, our friendly snail. Theta, cute as always! There's Post, who helps us predicting enemy moviments! Rulocore and Lucas, part time agent, part time musicians! Sundayfever, who will chasse our targets until the end of the world! Mr. Officer, Who will gives us signals in much different forms! And finally... Sublevel, our explosives expert!
Vortex: Sublevel, you're in here too! :'D
Sublevel: Vortex! don't tell me you joined the agency! :'D
Vortex: Yes! :'D
Sublevel: YAY! :'D
Vortex: :'D
Sublevel: :'D
Bender: Vorty and Subby gay love!
Gil: What are you doing here, you're not part of the agency!
Bender: I come for saying "Vorty and Subby gay love!" Gil...
Gil: Don't dare saying that!
*Gil deletes Bender from the scene*
Vortex: A now what?
Sublevel: Wait for another mission! And also, we have a gift your you!
Vortex: Wow, really?
Sublevel: I always waited for the day you to come here, so here it is!
Vortex: Wow, its a black suit and some sunglasses!
Sublevel: Put them now!
*Vortex where his new suit and sunglasses*
Sublevel: So Vortex, wait do you think!?
Like black suits me!