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Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:10
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:Sorry, Mateusz, but I can't fully understand your thoughts. (because I am some kind of stupid with these things...)
instead of downscaling the HD version, upscale the normal one, and THEN compare
Do you mean I should to increase size of
SD version?
Or to launch HD in normal size at the start? (because it launchs in fullscreen mode at the start).
If I do first, it will be... distorted?
changed it, however higher quality = larger lag on slower computers. it's a thin line that I'm walking here
I know about quality/lags connection. But what to do?
I think that he meant increasing the size of SD, so you can see what's the usual advantage of HDs compared to the normal vesions
And about quality/lags, maybe a change quality button will help? (just an idea, I don't really know how that works)
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:13
by Sublevel 114
I think that he meant increasing the size of SD, so you can see what's the usual advantage of HDs compared to the normal vesions
I think Submachine should be perfect.
Especially in HD versions.
And about quality/lags, maybe a change quality button will help? (just an idea, I don't really know how that works)
And where is this "button" in PC FlashPlayer that launches HD version?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:17
by Vortex
Sublevel 102 wrote:I think that he meant increasing the size of SD, so you can see what's the usual advantage of HDs compared to the normal vesions
I think Submachine should be perfect.
Especially in HD versions.
Well, you have to think that if a user with a slow computer buys Submachine HD, and it has perfect graphics but is laggy as hell and unplayable, he wouldn't be very happy with his/her purchase. As Mateusz says, it isn't so easy to balance quality vs. computer use.
Sublevel 102 wrote:
And about quality/lags, maybe a change quality button will help? (just an idea, I don't really know how that works)
And where is this "button" in PC FlashPlayer that launches HD version?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:21
by MateuszSkutnik
Sublevel 102 wrote:
And about quality/lags, maybe a change quality button will help? (just an idea, I don't really know how that works)
And where is this "button" in PC FlashPlayer that launches HD version?
this is not given, however it could be programmed into the game (in the footer for example, next to music options).
but it's kind of pointless to buy a HD version to play it on low quality. :/
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:23
by Sublevel 114
Well, you have to think that if a user with a slow computer buys Submachine HD, and it has perfect graphics but is laggy as hell and unplayable, he wouldn't be very happy with his/her purchase.
I will post Keymaster's post to answer on this:
but it's kind of pointless to buy a HD version to play it on low quality. :/
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:25
by Vortex
Yeah, but it could solve the lags some users were experiencing. That way users who want perfect graphics would have the option, and people who just want to play the game in a bigger screen without worrying too much about quality also have the option, and everybody's happy.
Anyways as I said, you don't have to take my idea seriously, I don't know if it would really work.
I don't really care either, since I have a good comp
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 02 Jun 2013 20:29
by Sublevel 114
Then next HDs should include quality button!!! Or something like that.
(just for a note)
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 08 Jun 2013 22:24
by WorldisQuiet5256
I have a question for Mateusz.
The game symbol you put in, now that we know that the AP is for Alexander Polynomial, what does the M on the top of the symbol mean.
It is for Murtaugh or your name?
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 08 Jun 2013 22:29
by Vortex
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:now that we know that the AP is for Alexander Poloynormus Alexander Polynomial
Do we know that? I think it never went beyond a suggestion.
Re: Submachine 8: the Plan
Posted: 09 Jun 2013 00:18
by The Abacus
I don't think we know a single thing about that symbol for sure