Sublevel 105 wrote:
you have a lot of free time I see
Haha. It only took me, like, three or so hours to program, and another three-ish hours to throw in the coordinate data.
I need to acutally
use it at some point..
Here's the conclusion, which explains each coordinate prefix. I'd like to make it clear that
these are just for "fun", as confirmed by Mateusz back in the 4.0 update. So this list is just for fun too
00: The only encrypted location code that starts with 00 is 000.
ar: Not sure what this stands for, but it contains a lot of old ruins. Ancient Ruins?
ba: BAsement.
ch: CHambers.
co: COre.
ed: EDge.
en: ..Not sure. It only contains the two "clockwork" rooms. ENgine, maybe?
ja: JAtsko, of course.
la: LAb, most likely, but it contains a lot of locations that aren't strictly connected to the lab. I imagine LA is referring to the game (Sub4) here, not the place.
ld: Lighthouse Dungeon is the only room it contains, so I imagine that's it. By the way, who named that location? If not Mat, then the real world's decisions is leaking into the subnet even more

(..though I guess it always has been, since theories existed..)
li: LIghthouse.
lo: LOoping locations. Not all of them are from Sub3, or even resemble Sub3 very much, but they're all loops of some kind.
mr: MuRtaugh

nl: So this one's interesting. I have
no idea what it stands for. And I don't know what the locations have to do with each other (it's a mix of karma portal and normal portal locations).
pi: The pi room! In fact its full encrypted location is also fun.
pl: Locations from the PLan, i.e. Sub8.
ro: Locations from the ROot (Sub5). Interestingly, this includes the Lighthouse Digouts.. and the Church, too. As well as the Observation Center, but that's not too surprising.
sh: SHip. Includes the Ship (800), of course, but also the Sub-bot Research Room.
te: the TEmple, I think.
tv: Not sure about this one. It's worth looking at more. Each location seems to be somewhat shattered (usually by a karma portal), except for 317 and 378, which seem kind of out of place. They all remind me of the cliffs (especially the transition between Sub5 and Sub6).
Anyways, I repeat, these are all the developer having fun and should NOT be taken seriously at all!
except I'm totally still going to be trying to figure these out anyways
EDIT 2: This is the filter you'd apply to figure this out: