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Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 08 Dec 2012 02:07
by Rooster5man
What if he is lying about his own existence and everything is just a TV show???
By the way, love the meme you posted above
Anyway... what was your favorite episode?
I really like the Tennant years, no offense to Matt Smith, and one of the episodes I really liked was
Midnight because it has more of the "Whodunnit?" vibe, which strangely fits the Doctor, and he didn't even need Donna, and he was facing a danger that wasn't even a Dalek - It's like he has more power against
Daleks than regular human beings.
Although I would say I somewhat liked
The Doctor's Wife, just because it's Neil Gaiman, probably as a Top Five Doctor Who Episode.
How about you?
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 08 Dec 2012 07:57
by Into The Void
Rooster5man wrote:As the doctor said some times: He can't interfere with his own timeline, so, if someone he likes dies/disappears, he needs to let it happen...
Even though he broke that rule some times...
....See what I'm saying? He did in Season 6 - pretty much the basis of Season 6 - and they even had a special where Tennant met, I believe it was, the Seventh Doctor. And you're telling me he can't interfere with his own timeline XD
This is very true. In any case this is not allowed even in the old series. But as time went on these rules loosened up quite a bit. RTD tried to re-enforce the rules with the Reapers from "Father's Day" but in the end this was retconned like everything else. As soon as Moff entered the HW seat things started to make less sense. The first Christmas episode he worked on was a total clusterf*ck of timeline rule breaking. From going into someone's personal timeline and to actively MANIPULATE his upbringing to change his outlook on life as he is now and STILL not being able to solve the issue at hand. The issue being that Amy and Rory's vacation ship got trapped within its stormy atmosphere and this modern day scrooge was the key to freeing them since he can somehow manipulate the atmosphere. Mind when I mentioned before that The Doctor has used his TARDIS once to pull a ship OUT OF THE GRAVITATIONAL PULL OF A BLOODY BLACK HOLE. Everything else should be small peanuts compared. He should not have any issue saving this ship but instead he goes through this whole pointless act to change someone with no really good outcome at the end. But again this episode was nothing but Paradoxes left and right, the universe should have been torn asunder within 15 minutes of the episode if not over and over again right up until near the end where it was straight up "Meeting up and touching your younger self Paradox" AKA THE ONE THING YOU DO NOT DO IN TIME TRAVEL PERIOD.
This was the point where I started to hate Moff, if he cannot even seem to follow the basic rules of time travel that are universal to any story. It all starts to fall apart.
Also now that I remember what actually happened in the end of S6 again because my mind actually blocked out the questionably stupid way of doing it. I really did not like how they came up with the way as to how The Doctor Dies, Seriously the spaceship from Lets Kill Hitler? Not a flesh clone or something interesting? BUT THE SPACESHIP? THAT SOMEHOW COULD REPLICATE HOW THE DOCTOR COULD REGENERATE AS WELL?! Plot holes, I do not like them. I must bring down my nerd rage meter..
Also In the "Time Crash" Special with the 10th Doctor he met up with Peter Davison's 5th Doctor. The Doctor that Tennant was inspired by, and enjoyed as a kid.
P.S. if you want to wrap your mind around this, David Tennant is married to the same woman who played "The Doctor's Daughter" in the episode of the very same name. That woman also being the real life daughter of Peter Davison, The 5th Doctor.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 08 Dec 2012 21:26
by Rooster5man
The issue being that Amy and Rory's vacation ship got trapped within its stormy atmosphere and this modern day scrooge was the key to freeing them since he can somehow manipulate the atmosphere. Mind when I mentioned before that The Doctor has used his TARDIS once to pull a ship OUT OF THE GRAVITATIONAL PULL OF A BLOODY BLACK HOLE. Everything else should be small peanuts compared. He should not have any issue saving this ship but instead he goes through this whole pointless act to change someone with no really good outcome at the end. But again this episode was nothing but Paradoxes left and right, the universe should have been torn asunder within 15 minutes of the episode if not over and over again right up until near the end where it was straight up "Meeting up and touching your younger self Paradox" AKA THE ONE THING YOU DO NOT DO IN TIME TRAVEL PERIOD.
Don't even get me started on that...I mean, it was nice for like 5 year olds who don't understand the Doctor Who Universe and want a
A Christmas Carol-type episode (even though 5 year olds probably won't understand the full episode, so the episode catered to nobody), but it was fun watching him break every single rule of the Time-Space continuum...
And the Reapers! Geez, it's like them, the Judoon, the Atraxi - You'd think all this rule-breaking, they'd be seen in
every episode, but no. I don't get it....
Ha, and the end of Season 6! I think we've complained enough, but such a random plotpoint there...
Also In the "Time Crash" Special with the 10th Doctor he met up with Peter Davison's 5th Doctor. The Doctor that Tennant was inspired by, and enjoyed as a kid.
That's the one! Yes, I heard that, but have a special around it and break rules? XD
P.S. if you want to wrap your mind around this, David Tennant is married to the same woman who played "The Doctor's Daughter" in the episode of the very same name. That woman also being the real life daughter of Peter Davison, The 5th Doctor.
Indeed...I've been wondering if their son will be in the Who Universe anytime soon
Moffett (her name) and Moffat, confusing
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 25 Dec 2012 07:16
by Into The Void
It begins..
Let us pray that this year, it will be finally a decently written special.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 25 Dec 2012 18:56
by Babylon
I just walked out of the christmas special while it's still going, it was that crap. Am I allowed to say that?
it's airing right now here, but I'm watching one of roger moores Bond films instead. It's 1000 times better.
seriously, if you haven't seen it yet don't bother.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 25 Dec 2012 19:43
by Berty
I just walked out of the christmas special while it's still going, it was that crap. Am I allowed to say that?
Oh yes you are. I've not read what's been going on in this thread so I don't know what the general consensus is regarding Doctor Who, but I'll just throw my opinion out there;
I want Steven Moffat and his team of writers do go and die in a burning pit of acid and shark bears.
Since 'Blink' he has produced NOTHING of any entertainment value.
I agree that Russell T Davies did reuse the "OMFG end of the world all the time" scenario a lot, but at least he managed to keep you entertained. He did it in a way that was classical, and could at least tell a decent story.
Moffat is figuratively just pouring out absolute nonsensical crap in every episode. Can't convey story without narrating it in most cases and any character development we get usually turns out to be pointless. Plus the fact that it's a huge faux pas to actually say the phrase "Doctor who?" in an episode, and was never done before Moffat.
I'll always remember one thing he said in an interview about one episode he wrote... He said "In this episode I really wanted to make the audience know that the Doctor is alone." ... Well fucking duh. I'd say to him; You didn't do that. The past 50 years of writers, directors and actors did that. That was one of the major points they were trying to make. That no matter how many companions he has, no matter how many supporters he has, worlds he's saved and friends he's made; he will always feel alone because of what he did to Gallifrey and the other Timelords in order to stop the time war from annihilating the universe. So, Mr. Moffat, you've done fuck-all.
I could go on, but I'm going to go stand in a corner and calm down.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 25 Dec 2012 20:13
by Babylon
Thank you! The writing is nigh on unbearable nowadays, I couldn't sit through the whole of a single episode last season.
It's become overly camp, and that's not the character that was set out in the last however many seasons there's been.
Seriously there needs to be a big change in the writing and the actors or I'm going to stop watching forever. I miss episodes like the impossible planet, it's really the only one that's been any good in my opinion recently.
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 02:17
by Into The Void
Watching it right now, at the Sherlock Holmes part.
...Not liking it. I think I will make a drinking game based on this as to how many times someone will say "Doctor" or "Doctor Who?" it could possibly invite alcohol poisoning..
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 03:05
by Into The Void
So I finished watching it.
Aside from the New TARDIS interior, and a prospect of a darker second half series, not to mention actually not hiding the fact from her appearence in S7's opener, this episode was absolutely bland, boring, convoluted, and just terrible. Not to mention predictable reason of defeat ending as well.
Still though, I might make that drinking game I mentioned before, One of my friends has not seen this yet and this could prove more productive and entertaining time worth watching than going it alone. Now to find the perfect drink to punish us with this game..
Re: Doctor Who Discussion
Posted: 26 Dec 2012 21:01
by Rooster5man
I feel highly disappointed...I really expected it to be a normal episode and a fluke that *SPOILER* Clara is really "Clara Oswin Oswald," i.e. Oswin Oswald i.e. THE MOST USELESS PLOTLINE ANYONE CAN THINK OF.
Is Moffat fucking up DW on purpose? I can't tell...
I mean I laughed somewhat at the fact that "Pond" is/was the one word response that makes the Doctor help Clara ("Pond" i.e. Amy and Rory - no explanation necessary), but other than that - "I have a sudden urge to make souffles." Lolwut? Where the hell did that come from? WHY is it necessary to link a Companion to the strange Dalek episode just 4 episodes prior?
...I guess I'll watch the rest of the Season and eventually punish my eyes and brain, but I'm not happy with it in the slightest. I had hope with Sherlock Holmes, but no. Just no.