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Re: Science thread

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 06:41
by Vortex
Oh, I heard about that experiment :D

Re: Science thread

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 06:58
by Boingo
Still waiting...hang on, why am I still here?

Re: Science thread

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 09:41
by The Abacus
You'll be waiting for quite some time :D

Re: Science thread

Posted: 29 Apr 2013 10:38
by Boingo
It looks like its cracking on the edge of the drop...then again, it could just be the video def.

Re: Science thread

Posted: 12 May 2014 21:43
by bender

Re: Science thread

Posted: 13 May 2014 04:25
Dude, I really like science. :D

Re: Science thread

Posted: 13 May 2014 07:41
by Vortex
The biggest result this year for me is the discovery of primordial B-modes. I'd been waiting for Planck to release them since last year, but BICEP2 beat them to it :P

Re: Science thread

Posted: 16 May 2014 16:31
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay...this is a simple theory.
Granted yes...This idea would not be accepted by the scientific Community, But...I might as well post it somewhere. Before I begin, let it be known I have read the original book. And this Theory has note been Persuasive d by modern interpretations or copy of the story.

But...its about the possibility that the location depicted in Jules Vern Journey to the Center of the Earth Possible existences. I can't start now, but I did think abut this back in high school.

Re: Science thread

Posted: 16 May 2014 16:48
by WorldisQuiet5256
I am going to need help though.
Does anyone know a thing about how scientist can calculate how much gravity a planet has?
What I am looking for under that particular subject is the amount of gravitation pull of the Earth Moon, and the Planet Venus. As well as for the Dwarf Planet Pluto.

All I know is it has something to do with either the circumference of a planet or the Diameter. As well as how much mass the planet takes up.

Re: Science thread

Posted: 16 May 2014 17:20
by Vortex
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:Does anyone know a thing about how scientist can calculate how much gravity a planet has?
What I am looking for under that particular subject is the amount of gravitation pull of the Earth Moon, and the Planet Venus. As well as for the Dwarf Planet Pluto.

All I know is it has something to do with either the circumference of a planet or the Diameter. As well as how much mass the planet takes up.
If you know the masses it's easy to calculate.

The gravity intensity of any spherically symmetrical body in a point outside it is just G*M/R^2, G = 6.67*10^-11, M is the mass of the body and R is the distance between the point and the center of the body (if you want to calculate the gravity on the surface, then R would be the radius of the body).