^Going on the Forum while not at home should be an achievement *coughs* Vortex and myself *coughs*
1) Welcome to Pastel Lands: Join the forum.
2) Pastel forumer: Make your first post.
3) First steps: Make 10 posts.
4) Inside Pastel: Make 100 posts.
5) Dialy poster: Make 1000 posts.
7) Regret back: Delete a post.
8) I know the rules: Read the rules.
9) Submachine forumer: Make a post in Submachine forum.
11) Gaming forumer: Make a post in other games forum.
12) Scientific forumer: Make a post in T&S forum.
13) Friendly forumer: Mske a post in general forum.
14) Maneger: Manege something in your account.
15) Globed: Show your location.
16) Pastel lander: Invent a location for you.
18) Avatar: Use an avatar.
19) Self-Avatar: Use an avatar created by yourself.
20) Edit, edit: Edit account settings or board preferences.
21) Private Message: Recieve a private message.
22) On private: Create a private message and send it to someone.
26) Member ship: Check members list.
27) My profile: Find your profile in the list.
28) Smiley: Use a smile in a post.
30) Quoter: Use a quote.
32) Use the sacred number "32" in a post.
34) Lister: Use a list. (aren't I right now? XD)
35) I like images: Post an image.
36) I like web: Post an URL.
37) Attacher: Post an attachment.
41) Changed mind: Cancel a post.
42) Meaning of the life: Use the sacred number "42" in a post.
43) Speedy replier: Make a quick reply.
44) Happy parties: Say happy birthday to someone.
45) Spambot hunter: Detect a spambot.
48) At fanfics: Read some fanfiction.
49) At the polls: Vote in a poll.
50) Know your mates: Check someone's profile.
52) I had a dream: Tell some dream.
53) At the wiki: Check some pastel wiki.
54) On the wiki: Join some pastel wiki.
55) Wiki editor: Edit a page in some wiki.
56) Wiki images: Post an image in some wiki.
57) Wiki page creator: Create a page in some wiki.
58) Wiki comentalist: Use some wiki talk page.
60) Great imagination: Create a fanfic.
61) Submachine theorist: Make a theory about Submachine.
62) Commander: Play a command forum game.
63) ALL of Us are part of a KINd: Play, watch or read A'LLUKIN; by AK.
64) Fell rant: By rant.
65) Fell happy: By happy.
66) By funny: Post a funny image.
67) By awesome: Post an awesomr image.
68) Music fan: Post about good music, or whatever music you have stuck in your head.
69) In pastel land...: Post something in Pastel Lands main topic.
70) Submachine addict: Express your addiction.
75) Off topic: Off topic.
76) Joker: Make a joke.
77) Joke victim: By the victim of a joke.
78) Absolut joker: Make 10 jokes. - Not sure
79) Absolut victim: Get joked 10 times. - Not sure
80) Ironic: Suffer the irony.
81) Sarcasm: By sarcastic.
82) Not personal: Say what are you doing.
83) Harmony: Meditate.
85) Reader: Read a book and post about it.
91) LOL: Use LOL smile, or just say LOL.
92) WTF: Say WTF or o_0.
93) Skutnisist: Join Skutnisism cred. - ...What
94) Call of the Subgod: Say Subgod or OMS.
95) Hardcore skutnisist: Call Subgod 20 times.
96) Hardcore submachine fan: Play any Submachine game over 30 times. - Sublevel >.>
97) Metting Subgod: Talk with Mateusz Skutnik.
100) Subgodpalm: Make that Mateusz Skutnik do a *Facepalm* - Sublevel again...
101) Biggest WTF: Make that Mateusz Skutnik say WTF. - And Sublevel again...
102) I'm volatile: Explode your self. - SUB. LEVEL.
106) Blue explotion: Make Vortex explode. - WHO CAN DIVIDE BY ZERO?!
107) Big Mike reader: Read 10 books.
108) Hand riser: Rise your hands. - ...What
109) Curly core music: Listen Rulocore's music.
113) QuietTube: Watch a video posted by WIQ.
116) Rusted: Get rusted.
118) Up, up and away: Make boingo bounce of the Pastel Lands.
125) Elements: Know your elements.
131) Cone talker: Talk to the Cone.
(after 131 and before 140 - HOW CAN I DO ANY OF THAT)
140) Veteran: Fight in a war.
142) Bunny killer: Kill a bunny, or make Matuesz Skutnik do that.
159) The 2nd Vortex: Discover 2nd Vortex account. - >.>
161) Pastel info: Watch news in Pastel Stories.
165) Pastelface: Like MS, PS or PG in Facebook.
167) Videopastel: Watch some video made by Mateusz Skutnik.
169) The progress: Check game develog.
170) Know your Subgod: Check Mateusz Skutnik Biography.
171) Pastel Games: Discover PG site.
173) Dropped Soap: Cause a mindfuck.
175) Aured: Win 2 Aurora games.
176) American detective: Win 2 R&I games.
177) Kaiser: Win Owl's nest game.
178) Pixel art halo: Win H&P game.
179) Sneak Thief: Complete all 5 Sneak thief series.
180) Wizard: Win 1 Mandrake game.
182) Spaced out: Win 2 Space Oddity games.
183) Pandemic: Win 2 Morbid games
186) Pirate captain: Win 3 Tortuga games.
187) The triangle: Win Bermuda Escape game.
188) Escape is pink colored: Win Charger Escape and Escape Artist.
189) Great Escape: Complete all 7 Great Escape series.
190) Nuclear hazard: Win 4 Fog Fall games.
191) Nuclear test: Enter nuclear testing grounds.
192) Nuclear computer: Discover Fog Fall homepage.
193) MI-6 spy: Complete all 4 Covert Front series.
194) Other lands: Play 10 misc MS games.
202) New year: Win 5 where is games.
213) Welcome to the Submachine: Discover Submachine homepage.
214) Tile hunter: Win Sub1.
217) The Gem: Find the hidden Ancient crystal of Wisdom in Sub1. - If you haven't been Sub1, then what's the point...
218) Archeologist: Win Sub0.
219) Lighthouse keeper: Win Sub2.
220) Red hunter: Find all Sub2 secret items.
223) Submachine scientist: Win Sub4.
225) Rusty Root: Win Sub5.
227) Submachine hacker: Win Sub6.
229) Karma portal traveler: Win Sub7.
230) Super Secret Bonus Section: Discover The Super Secret Bonus Section in Sub7.
232) Its not another loop: Win SubFLF.
233) Apocalypse Submachine: Win Sub32.
234) Layer traveler: Win Sub8.
235) Green hunter: Find all Sub8 secrets.
237) Lighthouse Sketch: Play Sub2 Sketch.
238) Into the Subnet: Play SNEE for first time.
239) The Sanctuary: Find the Sanctuary in SNEE.
240) The cake is a lie: Find PTL in SNEE.
Plus my notes, that's about it...