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Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 01:27
by Anonymous1
There's a lot they need to do, they need to make another Trader of Stories. Alas, Pastel Games is a two man team... perhaps that's the reason for the delay? :P

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 13:55
by WorldisQuiet5256

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 18:06
by Anonymous1
Crap game, not like the original, but it does make sense.

See, years ago Pastel Games was a tad larger, several beginner developers teamed with Mateusz and Karol, but now Pastel Games is just a 2 man team. There were other games like Tortuga that were developed under the Pastel Games banner, but one game called Tortuga 3 was developed under 3DPI which was a development group formed by former Pastel Games team members.

So the people who developed Trader of Stories 2, pretty much the same thing... The same goes for Fog Fall. It was a game developed by another person, Mateusz did the art, animation, scenes, coloring, etc. But someone else wrote the story, and since its their story, its not property of Pastel Games. Therefore, a FF5 is.... troublesome...

Its why its taken so long to make a Covert Front 5. Its Karol's story, not Mateusz's. So its ultimately Karol's decision to make a CF5.

Go to the games and see who wrote the story. If any story isn't written by Mateusz or Karol, its a long shot to see a sequel. Space Oddity, Morbid as well.

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 00:01
by - ak -
Yeah, which is a shame.

I would really like to see some conclusion to those series that Mateusz was involved with, even if those stories aren't really his.

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 08:40
by Sublevel 114
each story should has its conclusion :geek:
(series abandonment doesn't count as conclusion)

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 03:00
by ShiningDawn
The link won't work for me. What should I do.

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 03:48
by Jatsko
Try playing on another site; the link is discontinued.

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:04
by Sublevel 114
ShiningDawn wrote:The link won't work for me. What should I do.
flashgames are type games that you can play on billions sites.
just type it in google search

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 23 Jan 2016 09:23
by Vortex
It's a shame there isn't a hub site to find them all anymore though :(

Re: the Fog Fall

Posted: 25 Jan 2016 13:00
by MateuszSkutnik