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Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 00:43
by green8751
I tried to sineup before on the last forms but the email went to junck on that emal account and was deleated before I figured out whair it went but I was reading during the sub 6 virson of this

aso have had some good thearys that I forgot.

I was exspanding my theary that the submachine is whair everything that never happened gose but then ie sed the webpage had isu so I will refresh then it was gone

my theary that the submachine is whair everything that never happened gose would make sence because some of the stuff in the submachine could be alian or pre human life tecnolagy, or rome a futcher with little or no organic life but plenty of mackikal life from post appocolipses that never happend

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 01:11
by The Abacus
green8751 wrote:I tried to sign up before on the last forms, but the email went to junk on that account and was deleted before I figured out where it went – I was reading it during the sub 6 version of this.

I also have had some good theories that I forgot.

I was expanding my theory that the submachine is where everything that never happened goes, but then IE said the webpage had an issue so I refreshed it and then it was gone.

My theory that the submachine is where everything that never happened goes would make sense because some of the stuff in the submachine could be alien or pre-human life technology, or some future with little or no organic life but plenty of mechanical life from a post-apocalyptic era that never happened
You mean like some sort of database?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 01:46
by green8751
I was thinking more like if something could have happened but didn't it would be placed into the submachine (or forced into it do to a paradox like timetravle) but a databace would make more sence, maby location groops are a methid of storing them that we cant reed

or maby that makes less sence

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 02:17
by WorldisQuiet5256
Then what of the Kent Waterfall?
If Mur said he was there, why would it be in the Submachine if it is where things that were not suppose to exsit are?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 20:52
by Boingo
Speaking of the waterfall, where's the solid text that says he visited it in the submachine (for that's what you're implying, i think.)

Hey, welcome Green. :D
(You mind if i call you green?)

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 12 May 2013 23:02
by Rooster5man
@Boingo: Mr. Green XD

@Green: I would suggest reading Theories on the Submachine Wiki ( There's a theory similar to "databases" as you're proposing. However:
my theary that the submachine is whair everything that never happened gose would make sence because some of the stuff in the submachine could be alian or pre human life tecnolagy, or rome a futcher with little or no organic life but plenty of mackikal life from post appocolipses that never happend
1) "Forum Posts," posts by Mateusz: There is no alien involvement in the Submachine series.

2) "Little or no organic life" - Explain The Core then.

And could you tell us the native language you speak in? It's hard to decipher your English, perhaps I would be better suited using Google Translator in your native language?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 13 May 2013 04:54
Its that intentional?

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 14 May 2013 01:59
by WorldisQuiet5256
I just thought of a theory as to what the structure or Plan is, the greater picture we are yet to see.
This is the theory:
My theory is that before the universe began, there was nothing. Then the big bang happen, and the universe was created. But there was one layer, then it died out. But then the universe was created again in a completely different manner. But it had on thing in common with the first, and it would appear again in the whole seven layers.

Like the Land of Kent, Reason why, because our "Layer" has a Kent Waterfall state park, but not a Lighthouse. But in another Layer, there would be a Land of Kent with a Kent Waterfall, and a Kent Lighthouse. The Land of Kent would reappear in every 7 layers in the set.

Now the theory about alternate universe, that every choice we make, one of them might have a huge impact and create an alternate universe. Now, this would happen in one of the Layers, an then this would start a whole new "set" of seven Layers, the alternate universe would be like a mirror universe to the Layer it came from, but then it would then die out. And again, a new layer would be created that is completely different. But it would have one main thing that it connect it and create a set.

The image I posted above, the idea is that 7 of those dots are the seven main Layers, but the eight dot would be the original set that created an alternate Universe that would be Layer 1. All of the other lines that extended beyond the seven layers would be a possible point in which the Layer would then create an alternate universe.

The Exit would be in Layer 5, because, the alternate universe was created from that Layer. The concept of time is all the same with each layer. When Layer one was created, so was the rest of the layers as well. As we can perceives, because when we (the Player) cross between layers, it was a different layer, with its location being completely different from the other layer. But time is still the same. Like if it was in the period of ancient Rome in one layer, and if we were to cross into another layer, it would be the exact same amount of time since the beginning of the seven layers, and the same location in that layer own universe. But each layer would have a completely different universe with only one thing in common. Where an alternate universe is a point when one of the layers in a set create a mirror world of one of the layers, and it would then create 7 layers, where the first layer is the alternate universe of the layer from another set.

That would end up being the difference between the concept of a alternate universe, and a layer relation. Now the idea, or point of this is a natural point. Our universe, all the stars, space, and occupied space will eventually die. But it would then at some point be reborn where at some point in time the Layer would have something that is the exact same name, in the exact same location, it would then reappear over, and over again in each layer until it reaches the 7th layer. When the 7th layer dies, the universe will not be reborn. But during this 7 layer period, one of the layers will end up creating a mirror or alternate universe of itself, that then will create a new "set" of 7 layers.

The idea is to keep creation going, keep it alive. Seven layers would create a higher chance that one of them will create an alternate universe, and thus a new set of layers. This keeping creation going.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 14 May 2013 03:39
by Rooster5man
I may be wrong, but you're looking too much into it...It's where the Layers intersect with each other (the circles), the lines are the seven Layers as they are.

Re: Submachine 9 theories and suggestions

Posted: 14 May 2013 13:53
by WorldisQuiet5256

The Circle are the seven Layers, but there are eight circles. The lines that connect the circles are the connection between the layers.
But my theory is still plausible.
For example, Liz ship, it structure build is that similar to the structure of Layer 4 in sub 8.
And this quote
I know it is kind of ironic to dock my laboratory out here in the ruins of the winter palace.
The king always wanted this palace to become safe haven for people of science.

Here I am, my king.

It could be possible her ship was constructed in the same location in Layer 4 as the winter palace in layer 1. That is one idea that would make it ironic. It being home, yet not home where it was constructed.