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Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 11 Oct 2016 16:46
When Mateusz started doing extra Submachine artwork, I dreamed with one day seeing them in Subnet.

Now it might be posible. I knew Mateusz couldn't just abandon a project which he old dear and spent lot of time working on.

:D :D :D :D :D

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 16:59
by towerofnix
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:When Mateusz started doing extra Submachine artwork, I dreamed with one day seeing them in Subnet.

Now it might be posible. I knew Mateusz couldn't just abandon a project which he old dear and spent lot of time working on.

:D :D :D :D :D

Relevant Jatsko video with even more amazing news!

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 18:16
I already watched it yesterday. :P

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 19:04
Hey Sublevel, I downloaded the set of SubVerse ambiences you posted. I have a program that identifies the creator and album sets that music and sounds belong to (It does this automatically), and it says that location 712 ambient is made by one Janet Jackson. It also lists it as track 27 of 26 of her album. o_O

I suspect is one of these mysterious things that Mateusz likes to add into Subnet, like UB-76, but still an interesting find.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 19:10
by Sublevel 114
interesting to know. :D

Can you post all results of your program?

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 20:47
That's the only one so far.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 12 Oct 2016 20:55
by Augustus
Keep us updated! #subnethype.

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 16 Oct 2016 19:15
by Vortex
Only $53 left for SubExpanding Universe to become true! :D

Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 16 Oct 2016 19:28
by Sublevel 114
To the hell Subnet!
We want Covert Front and Farm!!!!


Hey, guys, what about

1000$ - I will tell you one revelation about Submachine plot every week


Re: Submachine Universe

Posted: 16 Oct 2016 19:41
by Vortex
Sublevel 105 wrote: Hey, guys, what about

1000$ - I will tell you one revelation about Submachine plot every week
that's kinda the point of the $2000 goal already, not? :P except for "every week".