ENIHCAMBUS: I ran out of ideas!
Vortex: Then what you have to do is something random.
ENIHCAMBUS: I'm not good at that, I usually wait for something random to happen.
Vortex: But random only happens where there's random in the factor! ^^
ENIHCAMBUS: Was that randomness?
Vortex: No, Random.
ENIHCAMBUS: Hmmm... Random...
Boingo: To be random or not to be random...
Vortex: Hmmm...
ENIHCAMBUS: I tough narrator should said when a new member appears in the story.
Vortex: Not necesary, its randomness!
Bender: Wassup!
Sublevel: Hello Bender!
Bender: Sublevel Explodes!
Sublevel: *Explodes*
Kakama: Abacus Crashes
Abacus: *Crashes*
AK: Yeah, thats how things are supposed to be!
Paranormal: I got an entire house made of diamond in minicraft
Bloodhit: Share with me!
Bender: I'm going to vurn that house!
Vurn: Lol, whut?
Sublevel: Because he's troll
Boingo: Oh, har har, I get it.
Babylon: I'm got a new haircut!
Bender: But its imposible, you're bald!
Babylon: Its a quantic haircut, part of my new project
Borys: Interesting, I want to be part of it!
Redafro: What an interesting dream I had, it changed my mind, do you want to hear it?
Bender: No!
Submachine AL: I got the map of where YamiX hide the 3rd fragment of the map of the Pastel Lands, does domeone want to go with me.
Azareus: Sure!
Bender: Sorry, I'm to lazy
Sublevel: Sorry, I'm to Busy
ENIHCAMBUS: I'm Buzy too!
Bender: ENIHCAMBUS, why you always say buzy with "z"?
ENIHCAMBUS: Because when I'm busy, I'm buzzy!
Bender, Sublevel and Thunderdasher: What a bastard!
redneB: I'm back
xetroV: here I am!
Bender: It was time for the 2 gays to come.
Sublevel: Oh, Common you dudes aren't scary, alike SCP, or Sub2.
redneB: Okay!
ENIHCAMBUS: *Knock Knock*
Kakama: Who is there?
Kakama: Kanga Roo?
ENIHCAMBUS: No, Kangarooster!
Roosterman: How you dare to call me like that! *Sends ENIHCAMBUS to the past*
xetroV: I'm tired of all this lame jokes, I will kill you all, starting with anteroinen!
Anteroinen: How dare, you didn't capitalized my name, this means WAR!
xetroV: Okay lets have a battle outsaid!
Anteroinen: Okay!
redneB: Well, now that xetroV is gone now its me who is going to kill you all.
Bender: Sorry, but I have a blender. *Bender blends redneB* Noob juice anyone?
Sundayfever: No thanks, I ratter have orange juice.
Vurn: Why your unique threat in the fan-fics is all about juice?
Sublevel: Because she likes it a lot!
Sundayfever: :3
Prupp: X)
Boingo: Oh, har har!
Sublevel: :'D
Evil Otter: Excelent my evil plan is working!
Sublevel: What plan?
Evil Otter: ...
Sublevel: ...
Kakama: Don't ever tell
Vurn: I'm wasting my time here!
Bender: Then don't throw it to the trash bin.
Sublevel: Please, don't waste time, it makes it move faster... or slower.
Bender: Are you Ener?
Sublevel: No, but I think that creature was trained by ENIHCAMBUS.
Mordikai: Why some sentences lack of full stop dot?
Kakama: No one knows!
Bender: Who knows!
Vurn: Who's Who?
Bender: You!
Vurn: No, I'm not who, I'm vurn.
Bender: I like to call you who as I like to call Gil, Gilbert!
Gil: What did you say!
Bender: Nothing.
Abacus: Dudes, all those jokes are getting old, this is getting monotonous!
Sublevel: Yeah! We need new jokes!
Ancient Crystal: What did I miss?
Bender: cetDestPerm!
Ancient Crystal: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I have fear of that word! *Floats away*
Sublevel: Seriously, we need new jokes!
Bender: To get new jokes you have to try new stuff. Why not starting with drinking some beer or smoking some weed?
Sublevel: NEVER!!!
Bender: You look so cute with that angry faic!
Sublevel: *Explodes on Bender*
Bender: That does nothing to me, I'm immune to everything, explosions, OIV+, Bending my self!
Sublevel: *Lies detected*
Bender: How you detect lies?
Sublevel: I learn it from ENIHCAMBUS!
Bender: Where is that grammar weakling?
Roosterman: I sent him to the past, where can no longer annoy us.
Sublevel: How far in the past did you send him?
Roosterman: I sent him to the Rusty Pit, before it gets a XYZ portal.
Sublevel: LOL
Boingo: Har Har! Goodbye! *Bounces off*
Bender: *Boing Boing Boing*
Lucas Gelati: I found a clue!
Mateusz Skutnik: Thats not a clue, its an error.
Bender: An horror should I say!
Lucas Gelati: Gahhh...! IMDUMB
Rulocore: Lol, funny dafuq.
Boingo: Har Har!
Kakama: Didn't you bounce out?
Boingo: Yeah! But I rebounded back!
Kakama: Oh, I see
Bender: Hey Mateusz! Frank!
Mateusz Skutnik: Frank!!! Where???
Bender: Right there, 1000 km away from here!
Mateusz Skutnik: I'm going to kill that imposter, have a good day! *Runs away*
Abacus: You must have balls to face Mateusz like that!
Post: I have 4 of them!
Bender: You have 4 balls!? :ö_ö:
Post: No, 4 faces, because I'm a tetrahedron. *Shrugs*
Bender: OK!
Sublevel: You talked a lot today.
Bender: I'm the perfect candidate for randomness!
Borys: Bender, president of Random!
Bender: And you champion of WTFs
Sublevel: And me, unofficial owner of room 947!
Bender: Lame!
Anteroinen: Hey dudes! I defeated xetroV!
Bender: Yeah, what an achievement!
Bubbles: Bender, can you place put my name back to normal.
Bender: As my first action as president of random, I will give back to this nut chucking squirrel his original name!
Marbles: Oh thank you!
Bender: Yeah! I'm a tank!
Vortex: A tank full of poopions!
Sublevel: Vortex, you didn't spoken in a lot of time! O_O
Vortex: Yeah, its becuase I'm depressed now, I broke with my girlfriend...
Raxas: Welcome to the club...
Zombieshooter: Yeah, welcome!
Vortex: Oh thanks dudes *goes with the club of broken hearts*
Bender: I should have taken a photo of that, If only I had a camera...
World Is Quiet: Don't worry, I'll make a drawing of that in my black Dossier!
Kakama: No if I make it first in my black paper!
World Is Quiet: You think?
Kakama: Yeah!
World Is Quiet: Well, lets have a race!
TheVoid: Jeez guys, I already finished an sketch of that!
TheVoid: Ninja!
Wraith of 4/22: Where's ENIHCAMBUS, she have's to face his fate with Lady Contrast in 10 hours!
Bender: Rusty the Ruster send him to the past. And who's Lady Contrast?
Sublevel: Julia Tusz?
Wraith of 4/22: No, not that kind of contrast!
Kakama: I just can get whats this guy is talking about.
Bender: Nevermind.
Sublevel: So any new joke?
Bender: Not that I know of.
World Is Quiet: I know everything I know of!
Abacus: That sounds paradoxal! I'm going to *crashes*
Bender: Sublevel, whats 0/0?
Sublevel: Thats nothing origanal, I have to go!
Vurn: Jeez you guys, I also go out!
Boingo: Goodbye!
Bender: No guys, President of Randomness tell you to stay here!
Sublevel: Why? There's nothing to do now. -_-
Bender: I will create new jokes, surely!
Sublevel: If they're dirty jokes then you will not please me, I don't like such jokes.
Kakama: You self said that for new jokes one should try new stuff.
Bender: I said that!? Oh yeah, right! But what can do I do? There's only my and this blender full of redneB juice.
Sublevel: I bet you can drink it!
Bender: ME! No, where's the guinea pig, that guy with what you can test anything you want!
Sublevel: Borys? He's out, come on, drink it!
All who's left in scene: DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK, DRINK!!!!!
Boingo: You can do it dear President of Randomness!
Bender: *Drinks redneB juice*, Hmmm... its spicy... very spicy..... VERY VERY SPICY!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sublevel: Whats happening!
Kakama: Bender will...
Bender: *haves super diarrea, hot as the fire of the hell!* My anus is burning!!! AAAAAHHH!!!
Sublevel: Please, someone call firemans!
Bender: Help! Help! Help! HePL! Kelp!
Isobel: *Cast a water magic to shut Benders anus* Problem solved!
Sublevel: Bender are you ok?
Bender: Not, my anus is vurned, and my rectum is... Fine!
Sublevel: Was necesary to say that?
Bender: Yeah!
Kakama: When this Randomness will end?
Sublevel: I don't know, Enihc and Vortex started it!
Kakama: Oh I see!
Sublevel: Ok dudes, I have to sleep, goodnight.
Kakama: Goodnight Sublevel.
Bender: Goodnight gays!
And as the lights shut in the Subnet, the remaining question is: have this Randomness ended? Will our heroes finally get out of so Random shit? I don't know. do you?