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Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 25 Nov 2014 23:48
by WorldisQuiet5256
Okay, new bug.
The url for our Avatar image thing does not work for me.
I check the faq, and it told me to contact the Admin, but I also thought it should be worth noting.
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 29 Nov 2014 12:48
by Sublevel 114
Hi, admin, AK's evil twin! :D
When I want to compose PM, I select user from "find a member" list, but when I press "Select marked", it doesn't work.
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 11:13
by MateuszSkutnik
So you guys decided not to use the original template and background of the old forum?
well, your decision.

Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 11:29
by Sublevel 114
MateuszSkutnik wrote:So you guys decided not to use the original template and background of the old forum?
well, your decision. :shock:
Soullock is busy right now.
I hope we will see awesome forum design. :D
(welcome back to the forum, btw XD)
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 21:40
by Vortex
Yeah, this is just the default theme template, -ak- will surely change it to something better when he has time.
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 22:37
by WorldisQuiet5256
Well, I don't know if this is any better, I use it as the color background for old documents like the background of my avatar.
Plus the color took forever to get just right, but if you wish to use it...go ahead.
The Microsoft word color setting is:
Color model: RGB
Red: 255
Green: 201
Blue: 147

Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 01 Dec 2014 22:45
by Vortex
That would be a good color, though maybe a little too saturated.
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 04 Dec 2014 23:19
by Sublevel 114
Another small request:
there's no big Attention about new Private InMessages
so it took one day before I accidentally noticed I had one message. XD
Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 05 Dec 2014 02:45
by Jatsko
^True. I was used to seeing the large infobox.
Edit: Also, I notice that the function "Change Font size" doesn't appear to do anything. I don't use it, but I just found it out while playing around with the controls

Re: Bugs & Problems Reporting
Posted: 05 Dec 2014 16:13
by Vortex
same happened to me, i didn't notice a PM yesterday.