Lost chronicle (Chapter 3)
…that is why we should move to the past now.
two months before, in 411 location
Babylon: Finally! My climbing machine is ready for testing! I just used Escher’s component to activate engine that allows user to climb on walls! Great discovers are waiting for us! :D
So, who wants to test it first? Any volunteers?
Borys: Well… I think if I am only one who is here except you, it means I am volunteer, right?
Babylon: yep! XD
Borys: *OK face*
*Borys grabs device*
Babylon: Ok. The easiest way to test device is to access BTN location and start from there. Use device…
Borys (talking to himself): hmm… It sounds familiar…
Babylon: …to get karma portal that leads to testing location with short way, like this:
Babylon: Reach the concrete wall. Investigate far part of that wall, using device to get places without ladder. Return unharmed.
Borys: I have one. Why are you quoting Murtaugh?
Babylon: Because you can never return back, like those Edge explorers. :P
Borys: Oh…
Babylon: Lol, calm down. Just joking. :)
Borys: But what if your device suddenly breaks and I fall down?
Babylon: Then you will make great sacrifice in the name of SCIENCE!!! :D
Borys: -_-
Babylon: Ok ok. You will fall… But you will return! Remember Subby and Death Road? When they decided to repeat Edge Suicide Man’s experience in the name of Submachine? We thought we never see them again, but they both returned and now they are still with us!
Borys: Ok, you assured me. Let’s do it!
*Borys activates device and prepares to step on the wall*
Babylon: and….
*Borys makes his first babystep*
Borys: It works! :D
Babylon: :’D
Borys: Ok, I am entering the unknowing screen!
*Borys disappears from Babylon’s field of vision*
Babylon: So?.. You didn’t enter black screen of death?..
Borys: No, all is OK! I can continue!
Babylon: Well, keep moving then! Don’t fear! I will meet you at karma portal!
*Babylon quickly runs by familiar pathway to the top of location, standing near karma portal*
Babylon: Ok, Borys, I’m here. How are you? :D
Babylon: Hey, Borys, did you hear me? :)
Babylon: …
I think I should wait some time…
*32 minutes of silence*
Babylon: well, time is patience…
*32x2 minutes of silence*
Babylon: what did I say? Time is just seeming value here, in Submachine universe…
10 days later, at the Lab
Selena: So, what did actually happen?
Mateusz Skutnik (via transmission): Bunny got lost and probably died.
I meant Borys.
Selena: Oh,no…
Vortex: That’s impossible! He can’t just get lost forever!
Death Road: But he didn’t meet new holy SNEE’s…
Mateusz Skutnik (via transmission): ahem
Death Road: I mean, holy Subverse’s new updating! He couldn’t miss it.
After myself with Sublevel made our wonderful jumping (you know), we returned immediately, on second subsecond after Rulo threw new false rumor, now about new Outer Rim’s expansion…
Rulo: *blushes*
Death Road: and we returned… What could stop Borys?..
Vortex: Yes, you’re right. He couldn’t miss holy camping to Network…
But… that means…
Mateusz Skutnik (via transmission): He got absorbed by unknown unexplored areas of Subnet:
Dark Places
<end of transmission>
DarkRose: Oh…
Vortex: No…
What to do?..
Abacus: It seems Babylon broke math-and-structure laws with his machine. We can’t fix that...
Babylon: *blushes*
Sublevel: Don’t blame yourself, Babylon. WE instigated you to create this device, so we all are guilty.
Babylon: Thanks, but it is my fault too. I promise noone except me tests my new devices in the future…
Chaos: Hey guys. I have an idea how to save Borys…
ShadowNil: no Cthulhu and his portals, please.
Chaos: :/
Vortex: Shadow, c’mon, let Great Chaos tell us his thought.
Chaos: Thanks.
Actually, I just wanted to…
But young Babylon didn't listen him. He already went to his Inner World of Great Ideas, Plans and Structures.
And after some time, he found that thing what he was looking for…
Babylon (inside his mind): FOURTH WALL!!!!
Babylon backs to reality. But there is already nobody around.
Gil: Finally, you are back!
So what news about my new IMA FIREN MAH LAZOR?..
Babylon didn’t suspect yet what he will discover soon…