I was growing up alone (only child, father abroad, not much time outside due to lack of health) and stuff. When I went to school I didn't care about the others, they were nothing to me. Now I understand a little bit more and I don't think like that any more, but my social skills are still poor.
Well, I guess I could relate to some extent since I've never been much with other children for the first 6 years of my life. I was always around adults, either my parents, family or neighbours, with which I still have an intimate relationship today. They were like my second parents cause I was spending so much time with them. There were never a lot of children where I used to live so I got used to being around fully matured people. Then we moved when I went to school and stayed at the new location for 2 years, those years being the best time of my early childhood. Then we moved to a bigger city and I was simply lost. Peers were mean to me cause I was shy and smart - typical introverted child. I was lonely for a couple of years and then I became a cold bitch so no one would hurt me anymore. My social skills were horrible. Then I came to high school and now I'm completely free - I have few real friends and I am mostly happy.
So yeah, I understand you. And I understand that it's not easy to talk to people, I still have some troubles with that - I just don't know what to talk about sometimes. I bet you have that too, eh? I can't tell you other than this: practice. Even chatting with your family and such helps.
Also growing up alone made me a bit crazy. Literally, talking to myself, all the time, loudly. Talking to things around. Talking to animals(I have four cats).
I also gets very stressed in contacts with other people, even if I know them.
It's not that weird if you were growing up alone and someone will understand that. When you meet that person, that's it. You have a friend.
Also I have many bad points of character, like lazynes, shelfishness, egoism, narcism and recklessnes.
We all have a bit of those in ourselves. Just look around and you'll notice.
all memories are lost in time...
...like tears in the rain