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Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 01:53
by Lyds
Anteroinen wrote:Lyds wrote:What is Knot? Where it is? Is it Plan area or Temple?
This is still kind of confusing me.. I would think the Temple would be the knot, since all the layers really come together there. It's basically the same in every layer. But consensus seems to be that the Plan is the Knot..? If the Plan is the knot, then what does that make the Temple?
Also, hi guys, new member here
You and a few others seem to have this misconception that plan is an area, like you could go out of the plan in some way. Because if our understanding of the plan is even close to accurate that is not possible. At least in the same semantic realm it has here.
The plan is not a place, the plan has places forming it. The plan is the fact that layers intertwine, that they have locations in the same geotags and the there exist places on each layer. It is a type of interdimensional architecture, not a location of its own. The plan might not be perfect in that there might be holes with nothing in them, but that in and off itself doesn't mean places can be outside of the plan per se, just that they don't conform to the plan.
The knot is a much more poorly understood concept, and although my gut feeling says it is the section 9 we explored in Sub8, the temple and the pyramid seem like a more likely answer.
Also, welcome, it is nice to see new blood seep in, so to say.
Ah, okay, I misspoke. I get that the plan isn't a place, it's the interconnection of all the layers. I meant The Plan as in Sub 8, the game. So what I was really asking is, are we in the knot during Sub 8, Sub 9, or both?
To me, it seems like the Knot is where the layers all connect to become one, like in the Temple. It is exactly the same in every layer, except for the few rooms with the navigator puzzles. So I would think we were in the knot during Sub 9. Am I wrong?
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 02:18
by Subbot #499
So what I was really asking is, are we in the knot during Sub 8, Sub 9, or both?
To me, it seems like the Knot is where the layers all connect to become one, like in the Temple. It is exactly the same in every layer, except for the few rooms with the navigator puzzles. So I would think we were in the knot during Sub 9. Am I wrong?
That's what I'm thinking.
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 04:06
by WorldisQuiet5256
That reminds me, Rooster5man owe me some money.
We made a bet, don't know how much, but I made an argument against all of the forumers that their was an eighth layer.
My logic was it had to do with their being an eighth button missing from the navigator, and the were eight circle in that one drawing from Submachine 8.
I was right, and everyone evidences for the argument against me was "Mateusz says there is no eight layer." And my counter argument was "Rely on what is in the games, not what the Author said".
I don't like it when people rube things in my face when their right. But!...only this one time will I allow myself this chance to "Express" human feelings of "Satisfaction".
Edit: that guy freaks me out. But it was the only video in the search results.
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 04:29
by - ak -
The Knot is an intriguing concept as a place that we may or may not have visited. Some of you think that the Temple is the Knot and you could be right. Some of you think that it is a different place we haven't visited yet and you could be right. I don't know personally because there's not enough info from the game to draw any conclusion about it.
Maybe we will find out in either Sub_10 or Sub_Universe.
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 10:06
by Sublevel 114
Anteroinen wrote:You and a few others seem to have this misconception that plan is an area, like you could go out of the plan in some way. Because if our understanding of the plan is even close to accurate that is not possible. At least in the same semantic realm it has here.
The plan is not a place, the plan has places forming it.
Nah, when I said Plan area, I meant Submachine 8, and its locations. :D
Where did people meet Murtaugh. where is this knot. In Layer 5 from Submachine 8, or in Teple itself from Submachne 9?
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 10:12
by Sublevel 114
some of you think that the Temple is the Knot and you could be right
That's what I think. But yeah, it seems we haven't direct confirmation right now.
Or we have, but, how babies, we can't see it, and Mateusz is sad again. XD
Also, this Mateusz's post:
Mateusz Skutnik wrote:you were going to layer 5.
on the way - you fell into the portal within the portal that changed your direction and threw you into the dimensional knot that you had to untie in order to move forward.
now ask me again, how sub8 mirrors sub3. -__-
So, we were doing this during Sub8...
BTW, how can Sub1 mirror to Sub10? I'm very impressed! :D
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 10:24
by MateuszSkutnik
Sublevel 102 wrote:some of you think that the Temple is the Knot and you could be right
That's what I think. But yeah, it seems we haven't direct confirmation right now.
Or we have, but, how babies, we can't see it, and Mateusz is sad again. XD
Yeah, I'm sad.
Of course the temple is the knot. The confirmation?
When you switch layers inside the temple, nothing changes.
(exept for those few spots where the layer lineage is distorted).
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 14:02
by Vortex
*feels ashamed*
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 14:39
MateuszSkutnik wrote:Sublevel 102 wrote:some of you think that the Temple is the Knot and you could be right
That's what I think. But yeah, it seems we haven't direct confirmation right now.
Or we have, but, how babies, we can't see it, and Mateusz is sad again. XD
Yeah, I'm sad.
Of course the temple is the knot. The confirmation?
When you switch layers inside the temple, nothing changes.
(exept for those few spots where the layer lineage is distorted).
It makes that the picture in Sub8 makes sence.
And we have to untie it?
Trough Layer 8, right?
Re: Submachine 9: the Temple
Posted: 17 Mar 2014 15:49
Wait, in Layer 8 the time is still, perpaps is timeless and posibly spaceless, and the fact that knot ties it with the 7 main Layers is causing mass distortion of the whole plan, "corroding" it. And thats why we have to untie it.
Plan was lost because of 3 reasons:
Collapse: Created by the dimensional distortions created by Murtaugh's karma portal. At the end the damage was repaired in all Layers, except Layer 3, but its still posible to repair it.
Corrotion: Effect caused by tying the Layer 8 to the 7 main Layers, which originates space-time distortions in the reality. This problem is still affecting the Subnet.
Expansion of the Outer Rim: Originated by the computer when it betrayed their creators and started to expand out of control. It was fixed when the Edge was created.
So all we have to do is to untie the Knot and save the people in Layer 8 and the whole plan will be restored. But for doing that we have to defeat the Computer. The plan of the whole journey we taken was to make us the most smartest one-dimensional being, we need all the knowledge to defeat it and retrieve the "torch" (A.K.A.: Make the computer know who rules here!).