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Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 03:07
by WorldisQuiet5256
WIQ wrote:Yeah, plus how I see it is that the Karma Portal goes through all 7 Layers at once in a full lap to get to the same location your already at.
Full Lap
Same Location Your already at.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 03:17
by Jatsko
Okay, I'll entertain this idea further. Been a while since I've really discussed anything Submachine-like
(By 'location' I assume you mean the Winter Palace/South Garden.)
I always thought that any type of blue energy meant strictly single-layer travel. That
excludes going through other layers to get back to the same layer.
While it seems awfully enticing to assume that the blue KPs travel through all 7 layers due to the seven rings shown in that diagram, I'm having a hard time assuming that's what the rings mean. Plus we know that Mur's karma portals in the Core were very rudimentary, and it only seems logical that building an int
ra-layer KP is easier than an int
er-layer one. So I think that the blue KPs here exhibit single-layer travel only. I could be wrong though.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 04:08
by WorldisQuiet5256
Do you Sew?
I do.
Think of the Karma Portal in Sub 7 like Sewing. The first Karma Portal we went through, its like a needle & Thread going through 7 layers of cloth, moving forward in some direction, and comes sticking back out.
The resulting path the thread makes is the equivalences of that. And that the Karma Portal goes either the 3rd Dimension, or the 4th Dimension.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 04:09
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 04:14
by Jatsko
Hm...I guess I can kinda accept that. I find it easier to classify the blue KPs as single-layer objects though.
But I get what you're saying.
So, back to the Subnet map. We have one coordinate figured out, now we must get our heads around the other two in order to structure this thing properly.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 14:18
by mentalEngineer
It wouldn't matter very much if you were going through all the layers, since all we did was make a full circle between them and because we didn't really interact with the others, and ended up in the layer where we started.
Even if these rings were to mean layers where is layer 8? I personally think they are the walls of the karma portal tunnel.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 15:11
by Jatsko
I see that this discussion is still going
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 16:02
by WorldisQuiet5256
mentalEngineer wrote:
Even if these rings were to mean layers where is layer 8? I personally think they are the walls of the karma portal tunnel.
mentalEngineer wrote:It wouldn't matter very much if you were going through all the layers, since all we did was make a full circle between them and because we didn't really interact with the others, and ended up in the layer where we started.
But remember it was Murtaugh who made these Karma Portals.
The Miracle wrote:When Murtaugh put his arm into the waterfall, he noticed that he no longer had an arm, but seven of them. That was not something unexpectable.
What is a miracle, though, is that after he removed his arm from the waterfall - he still could see all seven layers of his left arm.
Not longer after that he understood, that focusing them all in one place created a portal. That was because all of his arms from all of the layers met at one place and caused he interdimensional karma flow at his fingertips.
Layers and Focus wrote:Nobody could predict that the enlightenment would cause such destruction. Even Murtaugh himself didn't know what happened. He was already looking at all layers at once. He was already removed from one-dimensionality.
Like Drawings on Paper wrote:- Why does this sociopath talk only to Elizabeth?
- She's the ony person he can see. Remember, we're one-dimensional. We're like a drawing on a piece of paper to him. A drawing that was erased, redrawn and erased again. Seven times over.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 16:39
by Sublevel 114
WorldisQuiet5256 wrote:
I don't think so
and if you take different picture, you can see only six circles.
Re: Submachine Universe
Posted: 04 May 2015 17:06
Yes, in Subnet you can see only 6 circles.