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Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 08 Apr 2014 16:57
by Jance
Who me? :) I see that map of yours at page 24, but, how it tells where or why everything went missing and/or changed? <:D

...random btw, I kinda miss those old times when I too was just exploring the world, for hours and hours, enjoying the views and atmosphere... I now could say that "I used to love this town", cause now my primary goal is just get the hero-dude away from there, since he is so happy (and cuu-uute~) then :'D

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 09 Apr 2014 03:57
by WorldisQuiet5256
It was in the Details.
Filled it in from playing and drawing at the same time.

Wait....where did I put it?
I...had it last week, I drew my final touches on it two weeks ago, then...where did I put it?
Just ignore me I've still retracing my steps for these past few weeks.

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 16 Apr 2014 11:57
by Jance
*is waiting* :S I guess you put it in some Daymare-logic place? Go check behind the painting or chimney in it XD

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 25 Apr 2014 22:56
by Jance
Today I thought the world. The universe. Humankind. Politics.
Everything is so big and confusing and I'm just a one little person being afraid of death.
...I wanna live in Daymare Town.
It's way more logic place~ <3

Just black and white, lol XD

But seriously <w<
Cat is so lucky >w>

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 03:28
by WorldisQuiet5256
Yeah, but....the question remains: would you truly enjoy it?
Cause....Unless you can see past the non-existing fog, your stuck in Daymare town Forever.

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 22:54
by Jance
Why would I ever want to leave that place O,o
Only real question is, which "part" of it I'd like to stay XD It depends... how will DMT5 be like <w< From outside it seems really nice <w< And, The Hero is going there too, so... XD

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 00:56
by WorldisQuiet5256
What was it that girl in the dragon tower said?
"This use to be such a nice town"?

If you want to live in a nice small town, then live in Cassopolis. I'm not trying to be creepy or anything, its just this hometown of mine is so great. The Underground Railroad was started here. this link if it translated for you. If not, sorry.

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 27 Apr 2014 21:49
by Jance
She says "I used to love this town" and I wonder what's wrong with her XD Nah, DMT4 isn't so great place, mainly 'cause it's so... desertish <w< I like trees and grass and flowers and stuff. DMT3 was nice, but that creepy hospital... XD I don't wanna get those flu shots!

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 23:13
by Jance
*bored Jance floods a little*

Last night I saw a dream about rescuing Daymare Dude from haunted house :D Ghosts there were actually really nice, and story's bad guy was a little bug XD But it ended well, I got my prince~ X)
Also calling him just DD nowadays.

Today I ordered a thing which I need to do a stuff 8-) With great optimism I hope to receive that thing till next spring~ But with my luck it's going to be here at November 2015 -.-
Wonder if DMT5 is in progress then~ ^w^

Re: Daymare Town 4

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 21:30
by Jance
Ohai, the Crazy Faun Lady here again, flooding the whole topic... :D But!

Back then in spring, when I was drooling DD's pics and listening Better 123456789 times per day, I got this idea. Why not both at the same time :D But 'cause I'm not a nerd, just dork & awkward, I had to ask my friend to help me. Soooo, it only took this long... and there's things that went bit wrong, like the timing with some beats & pics... and, that "er"-thing. I heard it was "it", so chose pics accordingly that. And I don't even know what "er" stands for..... There? Here? Her? <___< But, my friend didn't agree to change the lyrics, and just posted the video and, well, there it is then.

I mean here:

Uh oh <w<

Ps. I got that thing I ordered. Now I only need a house 8D Then I'll be back, flooding odd things that nobody cares of~