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Re: rant board

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 20:42
by - ak -
That has to be extremely shitty thing to be happening like that...

I can get why you're pissed off like that. I am sorry that it happened...

Re: rant board

Posted: 23 Feb 2016 22:55
by WorldisQuiet5256
I agree with everyone else.
Gemini523 wrote:Anyways ive checked in with family and friends who live near where the shootings took place, no losses and nope no loss of me either.
Forgive me if I sound cynical or heartless as to what I say next.
But OF COURSE Your not Dead. Your Posting here, Right?

Dead Men tell no posts.

Re: rant board

Posted: 26 Feb 2016 16:05
so I couldn't donate blood after all, my blood pressure is below average enough to make the operation risky, becuase otherwise I would feel sick for a week they say. :p

Re: rant board

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 05:32
by Isobel The Sorceress
^ I'm a regular donor, but last time I went my hemoglobin was too low. They said I have donated too often, and should wait for a couple of months before coming again :/

At least I was able to participate in a study, where they are trying to figure out if there are some genetic factors affecting how fast donors' iron supplies can recover after donation.

Re: rant board

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 12:44
by The Kakama
Sorry to hear about Anonymous. Stay safe.
Really, I didn't know.

Re: rant board

Posted: 06 Mar 2016 00:17
by Isobel The Sorceress
I participated in a beer pong tournament with a fellow Finn exchange student today.
We got to the finals, but we were kicked out of the studen apartment before the tournament was finished.
One semifinal match and our final were not completed :/

Maybe we can play this through some other time.

Re: rant board

Posted: 06 Mar 2016 05:43
Surely not the best way for a stalemate indeed...

Re: rant board

Posted: 06 Mar 2016 09:34
by Sublevel 114
don't be sad and prepare yourself for grand final

Re: rant board

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 14:23
by The Kakama
There was a clump of like 10-15 ants floating in a half full closed water bottle.
When I poured out some of the water, the ants started crawling around the sinkhole, very creepy.

Some context: There's some kind of ant party in my computer room and bathroom, tracked it to a bottle that had some Sprite that I forgot to wash.

Seriously ants are the scariest kind of creepy crawlie. Spiders get a bad rep because of a few poisonous apples, but at least most spiders are polite enough not to crawl up your mouth or pants.

Re: rant board

Posted: 31 Mar 2016 14:28
by Sublevel 114
*redirected from randomness thread*

oh, so, you mean, you got room ants in your house?

We had the same problems with insects in my childhood. But with bugs. Not cockroaches, different weird insects. We had to disassemble sofas (assembled them again after finishing with problem) and tear all room wallpapers.

Also, my friend had problem with rusty room ants some years later. (He lived just above me. One floor above.)
They parasited his house.
Guess where they lived?
In VHS tapes!!!
and in Sega cartridges.

And one day I took one cartridge to my room to play...
bad surprise.
they started to run to escape.
But I managed to kill them all. :?
before we get new invaders in our room.