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Re: Dreams

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 10:39
by Redafro
HOOOOOLY CRAP DUDE! Your unconscious mind doesn't seem to want you to be lucid in your dreams!!! That is freaking crazy!

Re: Dreams

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 10:45
by The Kakama
I know, it's almost like a separate entity.
One time when I was dreaming I heard songs, but every time I recognize them,the song would stop and I would be stuck.
If I use World's "boarders", It's like someone is in one of the rooms in my house, and he locked it, so when I'm sleeping on the couch, he would come out and have a party.
I'm playing hide and seek with my subconscious lol.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 22:10
by Rooster5man
Or you're listening to way too much music :P (even though there's no such thing :P)

Re: Dreams

Posted: 06 Feb 2013 23:56
by The Kakama
Or you're listening to way too much music :P (even though there's no such thing :P)
It doesn't have to be music, sometimes it's people talking, or some other random ambience (one time it was the ticking of a stopwatch).

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 00:02
by Rooster5man
New SNEE rooms? :D Lol.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 00:38
Rooster5man wrote:New SNEE rooms? :D Lol.
Often happens. I remember when in a dream i put "512" on the portal and i ended up in the turret chain. Also one day ended in a room called "Time chamber", is simalar to the Chronon of sub6 but with past, present and future. I remember that in past, the portal was the one with the terminal; in present the current portal; and in future, a portal like sub32chm one (rusted and broken).

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 00:46
by Rooster5man
Well, -ak-'s Room (628) already has the past/present (maybe future) aspect :P Would be cool to see that again, I guess.

512 would actually be a cool tribute room to the Turret Chain.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 17:32
by Anteroinen
I actually had a Submachine dream today. I unfortunately forgot most of it, since I fell back into slumber after I woke up by completing a puzzle. It was actually pretty un-puzzle-like but whatever.

I was in a room. The room had loads of pipes in it, but the mid sections had been cut off. There was also a tiny grey box with a button on it. I pressed it, and nothing happened. I pressed harder. One of the missing pipes formed out of thin air! It seemed to coalesce from white steam. I kept doing this for a while and when the pipelines had been finished there was this God-awful sound. Then I woke up. The God awful sound had probably been influenced by my cat, who was puking.

Umm.. the end.

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 17:35
by Rooster5man
Well then....

The white steam creating the pipes - White Karma? :P (White being the presence of all colors, could be something to that accord...)

Reminds me of the Gem Harvester Room though, with a mix of where we started in The Lighthouse (the gray box on the ground by the brick wall.)

Re: Dreams

Posted: 07 Feb 2013 17:44
by Anteroinen
It was really like that though, the pipes were much larger, one could even see the bolts. (They weren't quite as big as the one in the brick room though). The walls actually did have basement wallpaper, although pretty murky yellow for that.