Posted: 23 Apr 2014 23:55
by MateuszSkutnik
actually this looks a lot like the FIRST forum.
Posted: 24 Apr 2014 01:19
by gil2455526
Ohhhh, tales from a time before I joined
Posted: 24 Apr 2014 03:29
MateuszSkutnik wrote:not really.
list of changes:
- background picture
- header image (forum name)
- fixed width to 1000 px
- colors of links
- transparency on content tables.
that's all.
LOL, I thinked it was a bug of IE.
BTW: Some stuff such as ranks are now more harder to notice, I think you could change the font colors so they can be more noticable.
Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:07
by Ancient Crystal
Oh, now I see it. My phone wouldn't accept the dynamic background before... In any case, great!
Posted: 24 Apr 2014 09:34
by The Abacus
The Kakama wrote:Wasn't there an Easter egg before with a drawing similar to the escape pod in sub8?
There was, but art style was that of DMT.
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:LOL, I thinked it was a bug of IE.
Until the background image loaded, I also thought it was bug.
I think it looks great
True, but you can't read them from a quick glance – I think.
Posted: 25 Apr 2014 19:05
by Vurn
The forum all different what hapen
Posted: 25 Apr 2014 19:22
by Vortex
aaand it changed again... o_o
Posted: 26 Apr 2014 03:16
by WorldisQuiet5256
I just finish a course in college about public speaking, and I find it too easy. I feel the need to take some classes on social skills or immerse myself in the main college campus. I had to give a persuasive speech on the topic that free will exist, and this was what I prepared.
Side note, I had an empty shoebox on the podium next to me.
Free Will: Does it Exist?
By: Jacob Brown
I want to point out before we I start that I am not a pastor of the lord. But I am one of his flocks. But I have come to this belief by means of thinking both philosophically and logically. So you can choose to listen to what I have to say, or not.
There has always been a debate about free will. Does it exist? Some argue free will is nothing more than a fabrication, that we are just puppets, that there is always someone, somewhere who just has to pull one string to make your choice for you. If there is such a person, we must remember, he too is human. He must exercise free will when he chooses whether to pull that string or leave it be.
Let’s take a look at the two pieces that make up Free Will: good and Evil.
What is good? Well it’s not bad. So what then is Evil? It’s not good. How do we know every day when we go out into the world to live our lives what the actions we do are good, and what actions are evil? Well, when we help out someone who is less fortunate than us on the streets, this act results in not hurting another, thus it is not a bad thing. When you are driving home from work, and there is a fight going on, if you join the fight, that act will result in hurting both yourself and others, thus the ending result not being good. So good is the opposite of evil, and evil is the opposite of good.
But why do we have good and evil? Because it’s there, or does it serve a purpose? When you wake up to your alarm clock in the morning, you have two choices. One example is where you get out of bed and arrive at work on time. The other is to sleep in and not go to work. These two choices result in either a good outcome or a bad outcome.
This is Free Will. Free Will is simply having all your options laid out on the table in front of you, both good and bad, allowing you to choose one or the other. If there is only good, and no evil, the choice of doing evil is gone, thus free will is non-existing. If you only have the ability to choose evil deeds, again, free will is lost because you don’t have the ability to do good.
The choices we make when exercising our Free Will, are not always black and white choices. The older we grow, the more we experience, and this Grey Area becomes larger and larger. The definition of good and evil is lost or changes with the flow of new times. But the true definition is always the same. Good is the opposite of Evil, Evil is the Opposite of Good. To exercise free will, you have to have good and evil; not just one of the two.
Each individual’s Free Will and thinking is subject to motivation and influence. Think of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and so on - each decade brought their own expressions, in clothing, art, politics, etc. How society changed each decade influenced each individual’s exercise of Free Will in specific ways. Motivation and Influence is what creates the Grey area of life itself. Because of the changing forms of influence in life, that then creates multiple forms of motivation for each of us. This results in the creation of Meaning. Different forms of Influence and Motivation, creates just as many forms of Meaning.
Each person, because of the ability to freely think, allows for the discoveries and teaching of different Meaning; this results in definition. Since each of us are different in our own way, create a definition of who we are, this comes from us as Free thinker creating our own mindset on how we view life.
But because of the multiple forms of both influence and motivation, the definition of us is never set. The only set part of our definition is only from the repeating patterns that occur in our defining of who we are. Because of this, all choices we make in our free will create the unequal differences that define the different types of choices.
Because our definition of ourselves is never set, create the measurement in the difference in the multiple choices we find in our lives, some choices that are simple, where others are more difficult in comparison. It’s because of the differences between the difficultly of the choices then creates or defines who we are as a person.
A man raised by a Rich, Greedy family can still choose between a life of charity, or the life of greed. But the influences resulting from free thinking that defines the spouse of this man still plays a large part in definition of who that man is. The definition of each of us results in the choices we make. That includes both the simple and hard ones that find us in our life.
When bigger choices that come in our life which task us in making decisions, which our definition of ourselves is the main part in which the outcome of the decisions is decide upon. But, we must remember what came first, Free Will. It’s because of Free Will that started all this, is still the thing in which we are not limited to one option, wither it be good or bad. This is what separates the Human Kind, and the other form of life.
If were to think of Greedy politician who care only for themselves and their power, we think of them as parasites. But we must consider that the thing that’s separates us from the animals on this earth is free will. Animals on this earth are life just like us. But what makes them different from us is that even though they too have the ability to choose, A majority of the choices will be the determine point in life or death for them.
Back to the Politician and Parasite, because an animal’s choice will result in life or death for them, the choice of a parasite is limited to either surviving by feeding off others in order to live, or to not eat the way it needs to and die. A Greedy Politician is that of a human, he/she can survive by other means than greed. But the definition of who this politician is creates a difficulty in terms of changing his definition. It might take as much time from the point to where he dies of old ages until he changes his definition of himself, but it is not impossible in the first place.
Now I want to then focus on Fate, the definition that part of your life has already been planned by higher power. Some of you don’t believe in it because of the idea you don’t have a say in your path in life. Not entirely true as I found out; if we were to look at David and Goliath. David was told by God that he would defeat Goliath and save Israel. Think Dave had no choice in the matter? Not true, for you see, his brothers, and family, and all of his friends he knew kept saying to him “Don’t fight him, you’ll die. He is a giant; he will kill you with one step of his foot.”
Now David, he did end up fighting Goliath, but the King wanted David to use his Armor. David decides not to. That act alone shows the presence of free will. Since David still had free will he could have also chosen not to fight Goliath; but to instead listen to his family and friends and step out of the fight before it even began. Thus fate is not being the loss of free will, but of the truth of what you can do, if you choose to do it; nothing more than a possible outcome of what could happen to yourself.
So we can still have free will while having faith for each our own. Like how we can choose to drop out of college. You can still do it even when you have planned for four years for what you wish to do.
All of these factors, all contribute on the base of Choice. Choice is a part of free will which can only be truly accomplished by having both good and evil available to us. But what is that for? If we were to look on the choice made by Gavrilo Princip; He decided to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, on 28 June 1914.
That choice sparked the start of WW1, which when it ended, the Allies drove Germany into the ground; this would then cause them the uproar and rebellion from the Nazi party which would then start WW2. Many things happened during WW2, such as the Holocaust, the invention of the Atomic Bomb as well as Atomic Energy. Then at the end of the war, Great Britain would have suffered from the war and end up losing a majority of its grip on other third world country such as Afghanistan. This would later be part of the cause that led to the 9/11 Terrorist Attack.
Then with the dispute between the leaders of the countries in the Allies over Germany recovery, sparks the Cold War between The United States and the USSR, the Iron Curtain, the Berlin Wall, the Red Scare, the Cuban Missile Crises, and the War in Viet Nam.
All of these historical events all of this happen because Gavrilo Princip decide to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria; and his wife, Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg.
If we are to look at the choices we make each day, do we know what the causes from this effect are? Despite the effect being little or big, all of our choices are part mechanize gears which turns the fabrication of history that is to come on this Earth.
• These effects are the results by the Choices we make.
• These Choices that we make are determine by our Definition of who we are.
• This Definition of who we are is the creation of Influence and Motivation.
• Influence and Motivation are the results of Free Thinking.
• Free Thinking is the results of Free Will.
• Free Will is the result due to the existence of both Good and Evil.
• And Good and Evil creates a special meaning in each of ourselves that is only understood to us and no one else.
Now I have 3 questions for everyone here: You don’t have to raise your hand or anything. Only each and every one of you knows the answer to these 3 questions. You can do what you want with the answer. Talk about it, keep it a secret. But, I ask in return that you don’t ask me for the answer to these 3 questions.
1. How many of you were paying attention to my speech?
2. And how many of you were choosing to ignore what I just discuss because I said “I am not a pastor of the lord. But I am one of his flocks.”?
3. And how many of you have been wondering what I have in this shoe box?
An Austrian physicist named Erwin Schrödinger in 1935 once wrote down a Thought Experiment with the intention to create a paradox. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.
“One can even set up quite ridiculous cases. A cat is penned up in a steel chamber, along with the following device (which must be secured against direct interference by the cat): in a Geiger counter, there is a tiny bit of radioactive substance, so small, that perhaps in the course of the hour one of the atoms decays, but also, with equal probability, perhaps none; if it happens, the counter tube discharges and through a relay releases a hammer that shatters a small flask of hydrocyanic acid. If one has left this entire system to itself for an hour, one would say that the cat still lives if meanwhile no atom has decayed. The psi-function of the entire system would express this by having in it the living and dead cat (pardon the expression) mixed or smeared out in equal parts.”
*Opens Empty Shoe Box*
Does Free Will Exist?
You Tell me.