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Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 05:56
by - ak -
COMMAND: Mad: Ask if Ener can withstand the pain in his right thigh. If not:
COMMAND: Mad/Ener: Look in your INVENTORY for anything that may stop Ener's leg from bleeding (The Sheets would've come in handy right about now...)
COMMAND: MAddox: Help Ener with his wound.
Somehow distract ener from his driply bloods, while thinking of a way to treat them
COMMAND: MADDOX: Use your skills in SHEETOLOGY to use the SHEETS as BANDAGES
Oy, Ener. You might not want to look at your...
I know my leg hurts, you ape!!! Oh... sorry...
None taken. And how come you're not freaking out?
It's my own bloods. Why would I be scared of it? Owww... gnarl-wrapping fec...
Man, that's really deep and clean cut. If only we have Kelen with us... Just look away, you don't want to see how bad that is. Let me patch it up with...
While keeping it nice and tight around Ener's waist and hips with...
There you go. That's the best I can do.
Still hurts, but I will do fine. I think you put it on too tight...
It the only way to restrict the bleeding. Can you move your legs much?
All right, I am not sure how much closer we are to Station B2, but let review our positions here. We still need to get the ORANGE BOX in Section B and return to Section D. I am not so sure about using Rail System again because some other freaks and monsters might pop up and maul us to death.
Hey, are you listening?
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 05:57
by - ak -
Wayward Raxas
- Command: Maddox: Look and point gun.
(We left them there? Never leave useful object laying around!)
It blew away, I thought...?
COMMAND: Mad: Ask Ener what he's looking at. If he doesn't respond, assume he's in a Flashback. And just as a precautionary, spin around WITH STYLES, with your gun pointed towards your right where Ener's looking.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 05:58
by - ak -
COMMAND: Mad: Ask Ener what he's looking at. If he doesn't respond, assume he's in a Flashback. And just as a precautionary, spin around WITH STYLES, with your gun pointed towards your right where Ener's looking.
Ener, what is it!
Gun for what?
Command: Maddox: Look and point gun.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:00
by - ak -
Submachine Allocater
- Ahem...
COMMAND:Maddox: Aim the gun and calmly BLOW THE EYE OFF THAT TENTAGIB.
- Even if it might be ineffective, blast it with the plasma beams, as using the last spak1 wouldn't be a great idea in case Maddox needed if later
Wayward Raxas
- Command: Maddox: Shoot the stream in a circular pattern, severing it's legs temporarily causing it to fall too far behind.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:02
by - ak -
COMMAND:Maddox: Aim the gun and calmly BLOW THE EYE OFF THAT TENTAGIB.
Even if it might be ineffective, blast it with the plasma beams, as using the last spak1 wouldn't be a great idea in case Maddox needed if later
Command: Maddox: Shoot the stream in a circular pattern, severing it's legs temporarily causing it to fall too far behind.
Uh oh, Maddox is conflicted between three different ideas as Tentagib lurch ever closer! Finally he decided on one last ditch option!
RUN, Ener! I am taking it down myself!
Just as Maddox is about to fire his weapon...
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:02
by - ak -
- COMMAND: Ener: Brake window and climb to the RAIL CART top!
Wayward Raxas
- Command: Maddox: Roll as best you can and light that mo-fo up like a lightbulb.
Command: Ener: While he does this, activate attack mode -> ENRAGED BEASTLY VIGOR: Claw and bludgeon the eye thing, preferably separating tissue to force it to regenerate. The more viscous the lacerations the better, it will buy you more time.
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:04
by - ak -
COMMAND: Ener: Brake window and climb to the RAIL CART top!
Rail Cart + Tight Narrow Tunnel = NO Rooms to Climb onto the Top.
Math never lies
Command: Maddox: Roll as best you can and light that mo-fo up like a lightbulb.
Command: Ener: While he does this, activate attack mode -> ENRAGED BEASTLY VIGOR: Claw and bludgeon the eye thing, preferably separating tissue to force it to regenerate. The more viscous the lacerations the better, it will buy you more time.
Ener and Maddox quickly rebounded from Tentagib's subduing attacks as they prepared to fight back!
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:06
by - ak -
( ak + soulllock )
- Oh noes, troubles! What should Ener or Maddox do now?!
- COMMAND: MADDOX: SHOOT, like your life depended on it.
COMMAND: BOTH: Resist the poison. RESIST IT!
- COMMAND: Eye???: Stop the Rail Cart, causing the Tentagib to lurch forward and smash through the window, then start the Rail Cart up again and run over the Tentagib, causing its guts to splatter everywhere.
causing its guts to splatter everywhere.
Lol, thats why we call it tentagib.
- Command: Tentagib: Explode.
- *command tentagib, suddenly die from internal organ failure, due to repeated plasma beams being fired into your body by maddox*
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:10
by - ak -
COMMAND: Eye???: Stop the Rail Cart, causing the Tentagib to lurch forward and smash through the window, then start the Rail Cart up again and run over the Tentagib, causing its guts to splatter everywhere.
Command: Tentagib: Explode.
*command tentagib, suddenly die from internal organ failure, due to repeated plasma beams being fired into your body by maddox*
The RAIL CART isn't stopping! Maddox is sure that the Eye isn't paying attention to this predicaments, so they're on their own! Also, it didn't seems Tentagib is suffering from any internal organs from Maddox's RIFLE and GRENADE despite his best attempt. What kind of creature is this?!
Uh oh, Tentagib shifted to Ener. Maddox noticed its hunger blazing in its eye as it glare intensely at Ener... Maddox begin to quickly piece together a plan in his head...
Oh no, just no. Really very no!
It's so stupid that it has to works...
COMMAND: MADDOX: SHOOT, like your life depended on it.
Fuck! Its still not enough! ENER!!! Are you still alive?!
*squeaks weakly*
Tentagib is smoked and stunned! I need your help and quick!
Re: A' L L U K I N - chapter 4
Posted: 17 Feb 2014 06:12
by - ak -
Wayward Raxas
- Command: Player: Load most recent save and try again.
ak + soulllock
- CUTSCENE, Raxas so loading wouldn't works.
Wayward Raxas
- Command: Ener: Throw crowbar into it's eye.
- COMMAND: Ener: After Raxas's command, BEASTLY VIGOR your way into the Tentagib's heart and come out on the other side a winner.
- COMMAND: Ener: Run and place yourself behind Maddox and "try" to regenerate, perhaps...
Subbot smasher
- Maddox: use lighter/welder to torch out the thing's retina.
- shoot out the front window so it falls under the train
After Raxas's command, BEASTLY VIGOR your way into the Tentagib's heart and come out on the other side a winner.
We nearly killed him doing it the first time, why would you do it again