I actually draw a bit myself. I would post it if I knew how to. Has anyone seen Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Indiana Father Grail Diary, I copy every page from that book into my own copy of the grail diary. Wrote my own words though due to the fact the printouts weren't readable.
But now I use Microsoft word 2007 and 2010 to creates Maps using the shape program. I am actually working on a detail map of the surrounding area of my neighborhood on Microsoft Word. Almost finish.
Another project I'm working on is a File from the Resistances from the Terminator Series. It contain one of the Resistances campaign against a new Invasion vehicle that can move underground. Not tunnel but actually move underground like an air bubble in a bottle of water. Its called the Skynet Tower. It can be totally self dependent, has its own Manufacturing Level, and smaller tunneling vehicles that collect resources to bring back to the Tower.
What Skynet plans to do with it is send the whole thing back in time so it lands in the past underground in 1784. it would remain there for a period of time to when Germany is under Nazi Rule. Skynet built the Tower under a German WW2 Bunker so when Germany builds that Bunker they would find the Tower. Skynet would leave Instruction on how to operate it so the Nazi have the ultimate Super Weapon. With its ability to move underground it helps make the Tower invincible to the Atomic bomb cause it can go deeper than the Crater the A-bomb can make.
When Germany wins WW2 and take over the World, their Raciest ways will wipe out 2/3 of the Population on Earth. Later when Germany has a Internet and Electronic Global System like today Modern World, a copy of Skynet inside the Tower will activate and turn the Tower against the Humans. With the Population on Earth smaller than today, the Resistances will be too small to make a stand against Skynet thus eliminating the Threat of the Resistances all together.
But the Resistances obviously stop Skynet before it could send the Tower back, because we are not under Nazi Rule. But it was I who type the Report. When I help the Resistances stop the Tower I threw a copy of that File into the Portal that was suppost to send the Tower back in time. But instead of it landing in 1784, it went strait to the Floor of that German Bunker. It appear right when my Grandfather was their and the File created a crater in the Floor of that Bunker. Seeing his last name on the file he snatch it before anyone could see when the Dust settle. He then hid it in the back of a picture frame with of the Talos Missle which he help develope.
When my Grandfather pass away my Grandmother gave me that Picture where I hang it in my Bedroom. One day the File fell out of the Frame. Reading the File showed me that Judgentment Day was coming and that I sent this File back in time to warn myself so I would survive Judgement Day.