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Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 18 May 2015 01:39
The last time we eard about Kent was in Sub7. We still never got to see the waterfalls.

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 18 May 2015 18:28
by Sublevel 114
*into the submerged machine*

Several rooms hold as many puzzles and items to find for solving the mystery of the Submachine
solving the mystery of the Submachine


Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 09:34
by Sublevel 114
I sent mail to PastelGames

*waiting mode*

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 20:44
by Vortex
why don't we hear news from Sub10 :cry:

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 21:23
by RoentgenDevice
I sense a heavy game energy accumulation lately...

but how can Sub10 be real if your eyes are not real??

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 22:19
by - ak -
Sub_10 would be bigger than any games Mateusz has ever made, except perhaps Covert Front 3, Sub_4 + 7 + 9, and DayMare Town 3 & 4. Mateusz would want to make sure his last main Submachine story lives up to the series' standard.

Also, he's currently working for Aperture Laboratory.

You know how unrealistically demanding that company is.


Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 22:26
by Sublevel 114
I won't be pleased if Sub10 is smaller than DMT4

Anyway, good luck, Mati...

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 22:32
by - ak -
Sublevel 102 wrote:I won't be pleased if Sub10 is smaller than DMT4

Anyway, good luck, Mati...
DMT3 and 4 are similar in size and length, but DMT3 has more puzzles and items than DMT4. Both games are equally hard, though it is comes down to how one balance puzzles and exploration and logic.

It will be fine as long there's good ratio of rooms per puzzle as well as certain logics being required. Sub_2, 4, 7, 8, and 9 (to some degrees) are the best when its come to that. I have no doubts that Sub_10 would rocks our worlds because as the story is way up in the air regarding to its conclusions, so do our expectations of what the puzzle gameplay would be like.

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 19 May 2015 22:55
by Sublevel 114
would like to see Sub game with DMT puzzles difficulty someday.
Hope it won't spoil gameplay

and jeez, I hope THIS TIME people realize that such games exist and are made for playing and using your brains, not for reading hints and walkthroughs.

Re: Game Energy Vent Thread

Posted: 20 May 2015 01:26
- ak - wrote:DMT3 and 4 are similar in size and length, but DMT3 has more puzzles and items than DMT4. Both games are equally hard, though it is comes down to how one balance puzzles and exploration and logic.
DMT3 is shorter and harder, but completing the game is not that long, the game instead offers to much to explore and interact.

DMT4 is larger and easier than DMT3, but also to much straightforward.