Re: Q&A Request of Mateusz Skutnik 5-1-2018
Posted: 07 Jan 2018 04:09
Sundex wrote:Any maximum amount that you want to specify apart from an overexaggerated 500?
A dedicated forum founded by Mateusz Skutnik, creator of world famous Submachine and several acclaimed point-and-click flash games.
Sundex wrote:Any maximum amount that you want to specify apart from an overexaggerated 500?
If I can amend this, I think I'm wrong.Ko9 wrote: 24. Is Littel Tornato right in his calculations
on how big the root is.
Yeah, I agree, we definitely need a question about the desert. Something like:Apocrypha wrote:Questions 2, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are all part of a larger general question about the Subnet's structure. We should add somewhere how the Desert factors into all this, considering the notion of "escaping" most likely means "outside the subnet" which means that the Lighthouse is by the outer edge, and an outer edge exists. It's extremely clear how inconsistent Mat was in planning everything out spatially. And if the reasoning isn't spatial, we should know exactly how it all works.
I am going to defend my question a bit here: you can't just write in the implication that seven-layer bullets were developed to shoot at people like Murtaugh and Elizabeth and then leave it at that. Okay, maybe ** is okay, but it is definitely not a trivial point!Apocrypha wrote:Not sure why 20 is marked as ***.
I think this one is definitely a good question, I think either ** or ***. There's parts like (to paraphrase) "what made Submachine start" which I think are really important (***), but I kind of suspect the origins of layers might definitely be just a part of the universe, so ** seems more appropriate. Then again, the talk about layer 3 being a copy is suspicious...Apocrypha wrote:Why does the Subnet exist at all? Where did it first come from and what made the first location be created/absorbed? Where is it? Is it inside a universe or its own universe? If the first Subnet location wasn't necessarily built by humans then what's responsible for starting everything? What was the intended purpose of just having a bunch of places in empty space somehow controlled by a computer? Who made up the plan and were the layers involved created by someone/something in particular? If so, how? If not, does that mean it's just something that was "discovered" that's tied to this fictional universe that we just have to accept?
I think we could add "and does SHIVA or some other AI actually control all of the Subnet or just some parts of it? Is this a part of Submachines or has SHIVA just taken over?" Or can't I just remember that being established? Either way, I think this is a ***, but I think the question about "Why are we?" deserves it's own question, maybe **.Apocrypha wrote:What significance does the AI from the note in Sub8 have on anything we see in the Subnet? Is the AI in question SHIVA? Is the AI responsible for first creating the Subnet? What is the answer to "Why are we" and is there a demonstration of this answer anywhere?
I think this is definitely a *** since it really is a question most of us have thought about at one point or another.Apocrypha wrote:How exactly does one decide where to transport to find a new KP or XYZ location? So many of the XYZ locations are completely closed structures, so does that mean that the portals were already inside? But then how were explorers able to access them if they weren't previously reverse-engineered? And how does Mur find new locations to turn into KP locations? Does he just point his arm off in space until a little chime plays so he knows he hit solid material?
I think this deserves to stand on its own, especially if the questions about the layers are combined a bit. It kind of is its own topic. This is ** I think.Apocrypha wrote:(Adding on to 25) how do karma portals interact with the layer "dimension" (assuming that the layer dimension is accurately explained in the first place)? What does it mean to have "interdimensional karma flow"?
I thought layer = dimension was fairly well established by earlier posts by Mateusz? If we're referring to "five-dimensional" then we probably should mention it somehow. Or maybe rephrase the question to:Apocrypha wrote:Differentiation between in-game mentions of layers vs. dimensions would also be appreciated, as many as possible
Yeah, I agree, this one is not important.Apocrypha wrote:8 - This is trivial compared to other things we're dealing with. It doesn't help us at all and I want to kick this one out in the case that Mat decides to only choose a certain number of questions to answer and he decides to just pick this one to escape hard thinking
Fair enough, I have to agree with you here.Apocrypha wrote:9 - Mat's never going to say whether or not an estimate like this is correct. He could easily say no and just bewilder us more. Not worth it.
I think this might be rephrased to: "Are there locations in the Subnet that even Murtaugh with his karma arm cannot visit? If so, why? Are they specific locations, or do they form a group due to some property?"Apocrypha wrote:13 - He can just say yes and be done with it. And percentages aren't useful to anyone here.
I think this is based on my interpretation of one of Ko9's original questions which was particularly poorly worded. It is kind of random, and I don't have attachment to this. We have no reason to think this is true at all, after all.Apocrypha wrote:22 - I don't understand why this is here.
I agree, though my impression is that the player never really time traveled himself, that seems to be Murtaugh and Elizabeth's thing.Apocrypha wrote:23 - Definitely shouldn't be ***. I was under the impression that Mur and Liz resolved their differences, then they lived the rest of their lives trying to fix things by using a combination of karma and time travel, which is why they were revered and built in a temple.
24 - Also shouldn't be *** since it's obvious one of them happens between 9 and 10, and I don't see reason to believe it happens significantly anywhere else (argue that all you want)
Yeah, though I am curious myself a bit. We can cut it for space if we need to, but having some connection to where some of the characters are from would be nice.Apocrypha wrote:33 - Pointless unless you expand the question to asking where ALL of the characters are from.
Yeah, I have no idea about 37 myself and don't really see it being more than a *. 36 is kind of weird too, since people have religions, not regions themselves.Apocrypha wrote:36 - I don't see why the Subnet would "possess" a religion.
37 - probably a * if that, and I believe he's referring to the hole between the lighthouse dungeon and the lighthouse basement and mistook the teal tiles for green padding.
Okay, I'll argue XDApocrypha wrote:24 - Also shouldn't be *** since it's obvious one of them happens between 9 and 10, and I don't see reason to believe it happens significantly anywhere else (argue that all you want)
in response to thismateuszSkutnik wrote:
1. time period could be different in different dimensions;
2.time could run differently in different dimensions (like in Inception;
3. he also could have been transported in time (remember ending of sub2? it says: did I travel too far, or too early). too early could mean that the lighthouse teleports not only to the outer rim but also 32 years into the past. After 32 years of searching murtaugh is finally ready to return to the core. And in the core it's one day before einstein disappears.
there are 3 explanations for you. no need to panic.
question is: did WE also travel 32 years back to the past when we entered the lighthouse portal?...