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Re: One Universe

Posted: 05 Apr 2016 20:47
by - ak -
Jatsko wrote:The Sub's multi layer world doesn't have to fit with any of the others. Evidently, according to AK the multi-layer concept only exists inside the Submachine.

(I would love a recap of that theory by the way, I had a hard time understanding it)
Yes, but I am starting to believe that it is within a pocket universe of some sort as someone here theorized.

It can still works like this way and would not affect the 8 Main Layers found possibly outside of Submachine in the grand scheme of Mateusz's Dimension of the Mind.

EDIT: A bit of clarification here... Anywhere you played in Submachine games (except for the Sub_10's ending) are limited only to the 8 Layers of Reality contained within the pocket universe that is the Submachine Network. If there really are 8 Layers outside in the main world as well, they won't and cannot be linked to Submachine because they will be contained in their own pocket universe/reality.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 03:08
by Jatsko
Two things:

1. Pocket universe is a good term... people have used "pocket dimension" before to describe that, and since the word "dimension" is used to describe something slightly different, that's made things more confusing. Kinda why I'm having a hard time understanding your phrase "Dimension of the Mind". Is this supposed to be a sixth dimension that we add to the X-Y-Z-Time-Layer dimension field? Or is it something different? It's there in bold letters, but I don't know how it fits in relation to other dimensions.

2. Does this mean that the player crossed from the pocket universe into "our" universe simply by using a light sphere? Is that all it took?

Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 04:16
by - ak -
Jatsko wrote:Two things:

1. Pocket universe is a good term... people have used "pocket dimension" before to describe that, and since the word "dimension" is used to describe something slightly different, that's made things more confusing. Kinda why I'm having a hard time understanding your phrase "Dimension of the Mind". Is this supposed to be a sixth dimension that we add to the X-Y-Z-Time-Layer dimension field? Or is it something different? It's there in bold letters, but I don't know how it fits in relation to other dimensions.

2. Does this mean that the player crossed from the pocket universe into "our" universe simply by using a light sphere? Is that all it took?
1) Dimension of the Mind was a phrase taken from Liz's Note in Sub_Universe's version of Sanctuary. It was written before Mateusz's released Sub_7 way back in 2010. I can't find an exact transcript as it was omitted sometime after Sub_7 and is forever lost to time, but I remember it pretty well because I liked how well this was written:

  • Greetings lone traveller.

    I welcome you and congratulate you on getting here, as your virtues that lead you are one of three:

    - luck - if you just got here by accident from unrelated location of the net;

    - patience - if you got here through systematic blind-jumping through subsequent portal combinations;

    - intelligence - as your journey was a long and fruitful with solving the clues that finally led you here.

    You are indeed worthy of getting inside this sanctuary.

    Unfortunately I know that this sacred walls will be soon shattered by murtaugh who is already coming here. You cannot stay. But you should prevail. You should return. Please wait patiently as Submachine 7 slowly floats toward its destination from outer dimension of mind.


Or something like that. That's why I called Mateusz's series Dimension of the Mind because all of his games are literally from surreal dimension of his mind.


2) Not quite. You can simply walk into Sub_Universe via spatial passage or... its difficult to explain. Think of the Land of Kent as one large wormhole or at least some gate in Kent as a wormhole. Just walk it through in a certain direction and VIOLA! You're in Submachine! Walk back through the same direction you came in, you're back in Normal Reality. Since everything got blocked off thanks to Kent Citizens' action, the only way to enter or exit Submachine Network is through the Light Sphere.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 08:41
by Sublevel 114
nice notice about dimension of mind

REDIRECTION ... 470#p76518

Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 14:41
by Jatsko
Yeah, about that.

Mateusz has stated that Submachine is real. Therefore Submachine = not a dream

Unless there's some sort of variable that we're missing here, I think that when he says it's real, it's not a dream or anything else.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 15:50
by - ak -
Jatsko wrote:Yeah, about that.

Mateusz has stated that Submachine is real. Therefore Submachine = not a dream

Unless there's some sort of variable that we're missing here, I think that when he says it's real, it's not a dream or anything else.
And even stated it right in the game (Sub_10).

So no, not a dream.

But you can make claim that DayMare Town is a dream... or in dream-state or dreamscape in conjunction with the state of reality within or outside of Submachine reality.

Perhaps... we should wait until Mateusz releases Mission to Earth. Perhaps there will be some clues to connect all of his games together?


Re: One Universe

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 15:57
by Sublevel 114
Well, we saw message on screen. Signed by author.
What if suicide man just imagines he's author of world where he is wandering
technically he IS author.
but what if he THINKS he's author?

Since Submachine is hell, there could be some serpent who wanders through Sub Net and computer Net, leaving messages and makes you think you control all things here...
(did you play Talos Principle?)



but srsl
don't forget it's just parody to "Pixar theories".
we should wait until Mateusz releases Mission to Earth
never ending mission is neverending
*joins to neverending joke about Mission to.. series*

Re: One Universe

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 12:52
by Jatsko
Sublevel 105 wrote:Well, we saw message on screen. Signed by author.
What if suicide man just imagines he's author of world where he is wandering
technically he IS author.
but what if he THINKS he's author?

Re: One Universe

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 13:15
by Sublevel 114
We saw a message on screen in S3C area. It says "Is Submachine real? Or just a dream? Well, if Submachine is only a dream, I still haven't woken up from it. I mean, as far as I know, it's real, all of it. "
It is message partly by Mur(?), partly by author himself. He thinks he's author of this universe, but in fact he just didn't wake up from dream.

but enough. Let's close discussion of this Pixar theory.

Re: One Universe

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 15:03
by Jatsko
1. I'm pretty sure the Submachine is real. I'm not going to start questioning the truth of secrets that we worked so hard to obtain after a ten year saga.

2. It's not a Pixar theory at all. The Pixar theory is based off of the ungrounded belief that all the movies are connected. The conversation we've been having is based off of the concrete knowledge that the different series are connected.