Revised Version:
A Study of the Relationship Between Navigators, the Layers, and Karmic Energy
This essay will attempt to explain how the three concepts listed above are connected to each other and what their purpose in the Subnet serves.
Part One: The Interlaced Cube Theory
Let us examine the layers. In Submachine 8 there is a room in the Cardinal Church (Layer 2) that shows a screen with the interlaced Layers of Sub8. This gives the Player a hint of the shape of the location, which is made up of ten rooms.
Because this screen is shown, I believe that the layers are not 'stacked' on top of each other, as shown in other diagrams. Submachine is completely made of Karmic Energy, and all Seven Main Layers exist in the same space (if the space is to be called the cube-like structure that our computer screen takes up).
Think of the computer screen where the words "the plan sector 9" are shown: Each frame is interlaced with the others, showing green lines of karmic energy (more on this later). When a Player switches from Layer 1 to Layer 2, particles in space that are 'activated' for Layer 1 become dormant, and particles for Layer 2 become activated. The newly activated particles now visible and take on physical properties.
Only the Player wearing the Navigator perceives this change, and as a result, becomes a temporary resident of 'Layer 2'. If the Player switches to Layer 2, he/she will still occupy the same 'cube' of space as an onlooker ('Player 2'), but the two will not be able to see each other. This is suggested by the note found in Sub8:
Let's compare our geotags once more.
In this instance, Player 1 and Player 2 are in the same location, but their physical beings have been translated to different mental interpretations of that location in the Subnet. (The Navigator works with the brain, which works with Submachine. Submachine is built out of interpretations of human thoughts, goals, ideas, and desires).
When the Player unlocks the eighth Navigator button in Sub9, he/she finds white karmic energy, which causes the Layer to be called the Layer of Light. These light particles are indicators of where the Player and others have been; this is why we see the curls where the Player used a Karma Portal to access Energy Gems.
The Layer of Light shows the 'results' of the Player's progress in all other Layers. However it does not "retain" objects that appear in unique layers (like the karma portal leading to the energy gems in Sub9)
Summary of Section 1: By way of the "Interlaced Cube Theory" on the structure of the Layers, The Player uses the Navigator as a sort of "mental stimulation device" to activate particles that belong to a certain layer. In this way the Player is allowed to, technically, mentally change his or her environment. The Player can literally "be the witness of your thoughts" (Sub7).
Part Two: Stated Properties of Karmic Energy and Examples
Karmic Energy takes on multiple forms, which are categorized by colors: green, blue, and white. Green karmic energy is found in Karma Portals as well as in Karmic Structures (both in Sub9). Blue karmic energy is found in blue Karma Portals (found in Sub7 and SubUniverse). White Karmic Energy is found in Layer 8.
What is the difference between blue Karma energy and green Karma energy?
Blue karma portals seem to act as a means of transportation "intra-layer", or "within one layer". Green karma portals seem to act as a means of transportation, not necessarily "interlayer", but more like "multilayer".
There is not much proof that blue karmic energy is used in only one layer at a time, but there are a few strong pieces of evidence that suggest that green karmic energy is used for multi-layer actions:
1. Green Karmic Structures in Sub9 are easily viewed in all layers; the structures from which they come from may appear/disappear but the Karmic green structures themselves are always visible no matter which layer.
Take for example the “ceiling chain” mechanism in Sub9. The Player needs to activate this karmic structure, which is bisected, each half existing in separate layers. However when the Player is switching layers, the green parts of this structure (and every other karmic structure) are always visible after the karmic water has been poured. This specific structure also offers proof that blue karmic energy is single-layer: the blue bottom part is only visible in one layer.
2. The Temple and the Pyramid contain green karma portals. These two locations are known to exist in multiple layers, so in order to emcompass all of these layers, a green portal is needed.
There is no proof that the blue karma portals or the blue doorways in Sub7 switch layers (because the Player didn't have a Navigator at the time to confirm).
3. The large green karma portal in Sub7 leads to a location where all seven main layers are clearly shown (Sub8). There are also no blue karma portals in this game, save for the blue energy trail, which transports the Player to Sub9 (notice, however, that the Player remains in Layer 5 from the end of Sub8 to the beginning of Sub9)
Going back to the computer screen in the Cardinal Church, notice that the outlines are in green. We can draw the conclusion from here that since the lines are interlaced, green karmic energy is binding all of the layers together.
Other possible extrapolations:
The large white karma portal at the end of Sub9 may be a large green portal, but the green light was absorbed by white light caused by Player(s) moving through that space.
The end of Submachine 3 shows a basic room being wiped clean of its contents, revealing green lines underneath. Combining this with the “layer transition audio” heard while switching layers, and also apparent after each puzzle is solved in Sub3, we can assume that the Loop exists in at least two of the Layers.