Conversation with "Who"? Murtaugh?
No...he was already "Invading" the core. But...he was alone. He did not have an army. Or massive amounts of "Machines" in Submachine 7, the Core. Those machines and Equipment were left behind by the company Elizabeth was keeping within the Core. Cause...the second Sheild, the one were we could not "shut off" cause the "Lever" was on the other side? That was the main puzzle. It took the the people time to "Protect" the Sancutary. But...when Murtaugh was "Coming" he found the weakness, or "mistake" they made.
Murtaugh's Communication Room note (355) wrote:
note to myself
possible entry points failed.
check on 291
good feeling about this one
Please do understand...he was not "Evil", he was just "Focus". one saw "That". He was "Outside" of the "Layers of Reality". once upon a time.
That was when he went to the "Loop". but he was also in Submachine 0, Submachine The Future Loop Foundation, and Submachine 32 CHAMBERS!
The Player in that "Game" is Murtaugh. All of "Him", within each of their own "Layer".
When Murtaugh put his arm into the waterfall, he noticed that he no longer had an arm, but seven of them. That was not something unexpectable.
What is a miracle, though, is that after he removed his arm from the waterfall - he still could see all seven layers of his left arm.
Not longer after that he understood, that focusing them all in one place created a portal. That was because all of his arms from all of the layers met at one place and caused he interdimensional karma flow at his fingertips.