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Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 07 Feb 2013 03:43
by Rooster5man
We don't know that for sure, while the beams are green - such as Karma Energy can be.
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 08 Feb 2013 02:44
by Redafro
I was thinking about this theory today and realized if your simply pointing out that Einstein is probably a layer shifting cat, I think that is a likely theory.
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 08 Feb 2013 09:24
by The Kakama
What if there are 7 separate versions of Einstein?
ie.7 Einsteins?
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 08 Feb 2013 21:14
The Kakama wrote:What if there are 7 separate versions of Einstein?
ie.7 Einsteins?
Author stated that there is only 1 version of every entity on the exitence.
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 08 Feb 2013 21:40
by Anteroinen
ENIHCAMBUS wrote:The Kakama wrote:What if there are 7 separate versions of Einstein?
ie.7 Einsteins?
Author stated that there is only 1 version of every entity on the exitence.
Well, technically just Murtaugh, but it is a logical extrapolation.
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 09 Feb 2013 01:25
by Rooster5man
Then that would mean, as I said previously, Einstein would have some sort of Karma Powers, as Mur seems to believe.
If there's one Mur and one Liz, that must mean there's one of everyone. Otherwise, when the people of Layer 5 traveled to Layer 5, wouldn't they encounter alternate versions of themselves? (unless the only people copied in the Layers are those who originally inhabited the Layers.)
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 21:58
The Loop Theory:
In sub3, the player finded himself in a submachine called the Loop. But what is the Loop?
The Loop is a dimensional mystery, its timeless, spaceless, withouth begining or end, infinite, in a dimension of its own. That makes it the most wildest representation of the subnet.
The Loop is knowed of having an infinite number of rooms displayed in an (X;Y) axis, that Loops constantly. There is always in the (0;0) location (Also known as origin) a passage-machine that once solved the puzzles that surrounds the location, opens and whatever that press the button is launched to the next level of the Loop. The Loop is knowed as a huge trap since is limitless, with an infinite amount of levels, and whatever traped on the Loop will die of deidratation or hunger after solving lot of puzzles that send him to nowhere.
The Loop is located in a dimension of its own, outside of every layer, in other words, outside the reality. Its origins are unknown, but they are two posibilities about it. First, its posible that during the expansion of the Outer Rim, when it reached expand itsefl inside almost every layers, its posible that by some way, it could expanded outside them, by scratch, in the void, that its spaceless, timeless and stuff, like actually the Loop is. The second posibility, as say much of the people traped in the Subnet, its that the Loop its actually the true and original Submachine, that later invaded our reality and created the Subnet itself. The Loop is maybe represented as "IIIIIII" in the navigator, and can by accesed with pressing its eight button, reason as many call it the "Layer 8", however, thats not true, They are only 7 layers and the Loop is just outside them.
Many thinks that the Loop is a huge trap, but some people thinks it as a passage. The Loop has no compatibility with any of the 7 layers because its spaceless, but its posible that every level of the Loop could by placed in every sector of the plan. Entering the Loop will cause that whatever inside lost all its items, but its posible hacking it plasing some items, like coordinate divices, that acts like compass or GPS in the Loop, as well as usefull stuff used for activate the beamer, that will send whatever here directly to the corresponding sector of the current level of the Loop. Is posible that some people use this way to move around in the subnet trough the diferent sectors of the plan tied to the levels of the Loop. Just entering the Loop, solve some puzzles and outside in the sector that one wants. This by some call it a passage, and this probably proves that the Loop its also part of the Plan.
Finally, there is other types of Loops around the Subnet, but those have space, time, and are inside the reality (The 7 layers); those are many times called as "Black holes" in the Subnet.
The actually can work like the Loop, look like the Loop, or both, they are made by the Subnet, just as defense system that try to confuse the mind of the intruders, in other words, the human infestation. They are not real Loops, but still have a good porpuse; attack the minds of the intruders.
EDIT: Hope if one day Mat put it in the Subnet.
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 23:29
by The Abacus
Nice theory!
There are a few spelling mistakes though. Do you want me to fix them?
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 23:30
Re: ENIHCAMBUS Theories.
Posted: 01 Mar 2013 23:42
by bender
I like it!