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Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 06:08
by Anteroinen
Rooster5man wrote:Indeed, although the dream me would probably tend to disagree.
LOL, a better question is why you had that dream in the first place. Watched too many Bionicle movies?
Dreams usally have a maybe it was a "Beware" dream? Did something strange happen that week?
I don't believe I had, since that was before any of the movies came out. For the same reason I really don't remember if anything strange happened.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 08:44
by The Kakama
If only I could find a way to remember my dreams...
I sleep too well.When I wake up,it's like partial amnesia for 20 seconds.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 09:11
by Vurn
Rooster5man wrote:Indeed, although the dream me would probably tend to disagree.
LOL, a better question is why you had that dream in the first place. Watched too many Bionicle movies?
Dreams usally have a maybe it was a "Beware" dream? Did something strange happen that week?
Once I had a dream when all I was doing was driving a toy train through a jungle. What moral does that have?
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 09:22
by The Kakama
So, no, not all dreams have morals.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 12:36
by Redafro
Cool topic. I use to do tons of lucid dreaming when I was in high school, then real life set in and I didn't have time to continue the technique that allowed me to do it. I studied the technique for a school class, which basically is to right down every dream you have, and build a habit of "testing reality" by looking at written text and other things to see if they change. These two build a habitual awareness of dreams that caries over into your dreaming so that it is easier to know when your dreaming and thus control it. Those were good times. I miss flying and shooting lighting from my finger tips. XD
@Anteroinen: cool dream.
I have to wonder about meanings too since I listened to the Jungian Podcast by John Betts. The dream interpretations and fairly tale podcasts are very much worth the time it takes to listen to them while your mowing, doing dishes, driving, etc.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 14:10
by sundayfever
I hate dreaming.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 14:18
by The Kakama
I remember having lucid dreams once(I still do,but they're very rare).It's very bizzare.Sometimes,I'm in the middle of a dream,and then I suddenly realize I'm dreaming,and then I either wait for me to wake up,or I enter another dream.Other times,I feel like I'm literally in my mind,and I walk around in this infinite (or finite) room.For whatever reason,it is that much more harder to wake up if I'm in the finite room.
I would do ANYTHING to remember my dreams!!
Same here,unless their nightmares.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 14:26
by sundayfever
If only I could find a way to remember my dreams...
I sleep too well.When I wake up,it's like partial amnesia for 20 seconds.
Exactly like me. When I was a child (
i had a feeeveeeeer XD) I would fall out of bed almost every night so my mother started to cover the floor with blankets. I'd never wake up from the hit when touching the floor because I'd sleep too soundly. It remained like that till this day - I need lots and lots of good sleep if I want to function properly, like, at least 9-10 hours per night. And on summer, I sleep even more, 12-13 hours aprox.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 14:39
by The Kakama
Sounds like hypersomnia.
Re: Dreams
Posted: 03 Jan 2013 14:48
by borys610
I often have dreams where time passes strangely. And physics aren't working properly in most of them. That's why I hate them so much, they don't make sense, which is one of the most terrible things for me. Don't ask why. I'm just this kind of person.